(Open to non-French citizens and non-French residence)

Research Field: Refractory corrosion


The laboratory Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux:Haute Température et Irradiation (CEMHTI, Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation) has high-level skills in the field of spectroscopy (XRD, Raman, NMR, and IR). Also, It has developed aerodynamic levitation for a long time and applied this technique to spectroscopy. It already performed few viscosity measurements few years ago. The host team (Refractory Material: Design and Corrosion) has a long experience in the field of refractory corrosion and is developing methods for in situ monitoring of phase changes due to corrosion. Corrosion kinetics plays a key role in design of new and optimized refractory material involving raw materials and refractory producers. Industrial applications are then numerous: High-temperature material making, waste incineration and biomass gasification. Today, the group studying refractory corrosion at CEMHTI intends to strengthen its skills and its knowledge of corrosion kinetics or of viscosity by recruiting a top-level scientist in one of these topics.


LE STUDIUM® fellow should be a leader either in heterogeneous kinetics modeling or in the study of molten oxides viscosity. Depending on his/her background and skills, the selected applicant will work on one or both of these two topics which are more detailed below.

1/ Study of the corrosion: reaction kinetics and thermodynamic modelling

The laboratory has developed an in situ experimental method for quantifying product of high-temperature corrosion. In addition, the laboratory plans to perform corrosion tests associated with the Diffabs beamline at the SOLEIL Synchrotron. The recruited person will take part in the high-temperature XRD analyses setting and in modeling of the reactions : thermodynamic and kinetics.

2/ Study of the viscosity of molten oxides:

The CEMHTI has developed various devices based on aerodynamic levitation for more than 15 years. It is currently developing an aerodynamic levitation setup to measure viscosity and surface tension of liquid oxides at very high temperatures.

The viscosity can be also evaluated from the diffusion coefficient using Stoke-Einstein equation. The diffusion coefficient will be measured by studying the liquid dynamics at neutron sources (quasielastic neutron scattering. Experiments will be performed at the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL). The recruited scientist will contribute to the development and setting of the experience and to the modeling of the composition-dependent viscosity and surface energy.

The successful candidate will benefit from the international scientific environment of Region Centre Val de Loire and work under the leadership of the CEMHTI, UPR3079, CNRS, in Orléans, France.


• To perform research in the field of refractory corrosion, in a strong multiphysics approach

• To contribute to the improvement of the experimental method for reaction kinetics identification or thermophysical properties measurement

• To contribute to the modeling

• To publish results obtained from experiments and modeling


The position is intended to attract candidates with at least five years but preferably ten years postdoctoral experience. The candidate will work within a research group dedicated to refractory corrosion, especially kinetics or viscosity. Successful candidate for this position will have a PhD with extensive experience in refractory corrosion and will be an experienced researcher with at least five years but preferably ten years post PhD experience.

Required skills are:

  • Experience in refractory material
  • Able to work independently
  • Strong organizational and time management skills - able to prioritize work, manage time effectively and deliver results on time
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to make clear and concise presentations and prepare compelling grant proposals
  • Team-oriented and capable of working in a highly collaborative, interdisciplinary environment
  • Fluent (both spoken and written) in English – French language could be an advantage


The position is based in Orleans, France and offers a contract of one year. The host laboratory might support later application of the candidate for permanent CNRS position. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience conforming to EU standards.

The position includes a personal salary and accommodation for the applicant and his/her family. The successful applicant would be encouraged to take up the post as from January 2016 but there is some flexibility over starting dates. A scientific committee working according to European Union recommendations will independently assess and select applications.

Entitlements detailed in the contract of employment for the fellowship, include a monthly gross remuneration and the rental costs of a fully furnished apartment. Utilities (water, heating, electricity, tax) have to be paid by the fellow.

LE STUDIUM® offers a social protection scheme for all health costs complementing the French basic protection deductible form the monthly net salary for the research fellow and her/his family.

Working hours, vacation and travelling expenses are bound by the same regulation as those effective for the personnel of the hosting laboratory, allowing the achievement of a balance between private and professional life.

In addition, the work contract describes the way the activity reports have to be provided by the research fellow and specifies the agreement on how intellectual property and confidentiality rights are ensured.

Members of LE STUDIUM® operational team assist with all administrative and logistical matters (visa, residence permit, housing, registration to social agencies, medical coverage, school for children, diverse activities…) to host the selected fellow and her/his family in the respect of the French and European legislations and to make her/his experience in region Centre Val de Loire successful.

Conditions of application

Deadline for application is the 15 January 2016

Your candidacy should contain 3 documents:

- completed LE STUDIUM application form

- resume of no more 2 pages

- and motivation letter

The 3 documentsmust be submitted to LE STUDIUM® General Secretary-

LESTUDIUM® LoireValleyInstituteforAdvancedStudies
1, rue Dupanloup- 45000 Orléans, France

Tél. 33(0)23821 14 82 –e.mail:

LESTUDIUM® LoireValleyInstituteforAdvancedStudies
1, rue Dupanloup- 45000 Orléans, France

Tél. 33(0)23821 14 82 –e.mail:

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