El calendario de tareas

How to fill it out:

  1. Print out a homework calendar from Edlio – it is in the Class Policies & Documents folder.
  2. In Spanish, fill in the current month and the days of the week.
  3. Fill in the numbers for each day (Note: the calendar does not include weekends).
  4. Write down each day’s assignment in the box provided (write it in on the date it was assigned, not the date it is due).
  5. When I check your completed homework, I will stamp the corresponding box – this means you got credit.
  6. Homework calendars will be turned in for a grade approximately once a month.



  1. A stamp = Credit
  2. All homework (unless indicated) is to be hand-written – no typing allowed.
  3. 50% credit is given for late or incomplete assignments.
  4. If you don’t have your calendar in class, it will not be stamped and you will not get credit for the assignment.
  5. Starting on the 2nd mistake, if the calendar it is not filled out properly, it will not be stamped and you will not get credit for the assignment.
  6. If you cannot complete an assignment because of computer issues, a family emergency, etc. you must have a parent note with you on the due date to get an extension.

Getting Credit for Assignments after an Excused Absence:

Option 1:

When I am checking homework, show me the work for credit.

This is the best option for short absences.

Before you show me, make sure you have the date written on the assignment(s) & that your homework calendar is filled out!

Option 2:

Turn in all make-up work with your calendar at the end of the month.

This is the best option for long absences or absences that occur at the end of the month.

When turning in your work using this option, you must:

  1. Write your name, period, and the assignment date on each assignment (Check Edline).
  2. Highlight the date(s) of your absence on your calendar & write in the assignment.
  3. Staple your work to the calendar in order by date.
  4. Students absent at the end of a month, have as long as they were absent to turn in the completed calendar following the above procedures.

Late Homework Calendar:You will lose 5 points for everyday it is late.

Lost Homework Calendar: With a note from a parent or guardian:

  1. First Time: You will get your current homework average less a letter grade.
  2. Second Loss: You will get your current homework average less two letter grades.
  3. Subsequent Losses: You will get a zero for that month’s assignments.