Vejar Elementary School Community Club


Attendance: Melissa Hanson, Kathy Acosta, Laura Saenz, Giselle Cordova, Melissa McDonald, , Ying Wang, Doris Lara, Jodi Yim, Jackie Brown, Olivia Tu, Ashley Ly, Stephanie Esparza, Jonathan Su, Freddie Marmol, Bing Xu, Jennifer Lu, Tammy, Tse, Maria Shin

I.  Meeting called to order at 6:08pm by Melissa Hanson

II.  Introductions of those in attendance and Board

III.  May Minutes submitted by Doris Lara, motion to approve by Laura Saenz with 2nd by Kathy Acosta Y-6 N-0 A-12

IV.  Principal’s/teacher’s Report

a.  Report by Mrs. Yim: Parking lot during the 1st week and 2nd week of school is running smoother. There will be an ice cream social on Sept. 1st. Looking for volunteers to help. Currently TK is filled to capacity, other grades have openings for new students. Current enrollment is 566 students. Credits Vejar Staff for doing a wonderful job until a new principal is assigned to Vejar.

b.  Report by Jackie Brown (District Educational Services): The district is currently looking for a new principal for Vejar. They are looking to hire within Walnut District staff. There is a candidate that the district believes can fill the position as interim-principal. She is well liked throughout the schools /district. Will be making the introductions on Tuesday at the Vejar staff meeting. Also spoke about TK classrooms and capacity filled throughout district. State Test scores for Spring 2017 are in the mail and should be received by parents this week. Overall throughout district, Math, Language, Arts increased in score.

V.  Treasurer’s Report

a.  Working Balance of $25k approximately. Reports are not up to date. Ying to work on them for next meeting.

b.  Budget not set with this meeting until last year’s no’s are closed and paid out. 2017-2018 budget to be set at Sept. 11th meeting.

c.  Just gave a synopsis of last year’s fundraising amount to be a total of $64650 and a brief description to new members of how money gets allocated, voting procedures and budget needed to keep events/activities going for Vejar school.

d.  No vote for approval of treasury report at this time as it was not updated for this meeting.

V. Report of Officers and Chairs

a. None to discuss

VI. Unfinished Business

a.  4th grade field trip –Walk through California(Sara Absent) . VCC agreed to pay for $500 of the $1030 total cost for this. No bus transportation to allocate as it is done at school. Remaining $530 will be deducted from teacher accounts evenly. Yes vote-17 No-0 Abstain-1

VII. New Business

a.  Shutterfly website created to allow easier flow of keeping track of events/dates and volunteering

b.  Round up discussed and help needed for our first fundraiser of year. Kick off date should be in next week or 2 with flyers going home to students. This is one of our biggest fundraisers bringing most of the money in needed. Our goal this year is $35K.

c.  New idea to create a volunteer table at Spirit assembly on 1st Friday of month. To be chaired by Stephanie Esparza.

d.  New idea to have tshirt sales at ESL meetings that are held once a month and at beginning of spirit rally. Need chair for tshirt sales.

e.  Jog-a-thon: Would like a twist to our jog-a-thon, possibly a color run. Currently checking into companies or possibly creating our own color run with buying supplies. Laura Saenz to discuss with teachers at the staff meeting. Concern was raised in how messy in can get once it is over and kids come back to class. Will teachers/parents be ok with this sort of event.

f.  VCC link/website to be created to upload events/and minutes. Stephanie Esparza to chair/create facebook page for VCC.

g.  Yearbook-new chair-Stephanie Esparza. All pictures should be sent to .

h.  New Boxtops chair- Kathy Acosta

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Next VCC meeting will be on Monday September 11th at 6pm

Thank you to everyone for your hard work and support.

Submitted by Doris Lara, Vejar Community Club Secretary