KTTC Terms of Reference

KTTC Terms of Reference 1

1. Background 2

2. Governing principles 3

2.1 Vision 3

2.2 Mission 3

2.3 Why a Trainee Collaborative? Contributions to the KT Field 3

2.4 Principles of Interaction 3

3. Governance Structure 3

3.1 Steering Committee 4

3.1.1 Role 4

3.1.2 Responsibilities 4

3.1.3 Structure 4

3.2 Executive Committee 4

3.2.1 Role 4

3.2.2 Responsibilities 4

3.2.3 Structure 5

3.3 Membership Subcommittee 5

3.3.1 Role 5

3.3.2 Responsibilities 5

3.3.3 Structure 6

3.4 Meeting Subcommittee 6

3.4.1 Role 6

3.4.2 Responsibilities 6

3.4.3 Structure 7

3.5 Working Groups 7

3.5.1 Role 7

3.5.2 Responsibilities 7

3.5.3 Structure 7

3.6 Members 8

3.6.1 Role 8

3.6.2 Responsibilities 8

3.6.3 Structure 8

4. Meetings 9

4.1 Steering Committee Meetings 9

4.1.1 Frequency 9

4.1.2 Quorum 9

4.1.3 Minutes 9

4.1.4 Responsibilities 9

4.1.5 Voting 9

4.2 Executive Committee Meetings 10

4.2.1 Frequency 10

4.2.2 Quorum 10

4.2.3 Minutes 10

4.2.4 Responsibilities 10

4.2.5 Voting 10

4.3 Membership Subcommittee Meetings 10

4.3.1 Frequency 10

4.3.2 Quorum 10

4.3.3 Minutes 10

4.3.4 Responsibilities 11

4.3.5 Voting 11

4.4 Meeting Subcommittee Meetings 11

4.4.1 Frequency 11

4.4.2 Quorum 11

4.4.3 Minutes 11

4.4.4 Responsibilities 11

4.4.5 Voting 11

4.5 Working Group Meetings 11

4.5.1 Frequency 11

4.5.2 Quorum 11

4.5.3 Minutes 12

4.5.4 Responsibilities 12

4.5.5 Voting 12

4.6 Full KTTC Meetings 12

4.6.1 Frequency 12

4.6.2 Quorum 12

4.6.3 Attendance 12

4.6.4 Minutes 12

4.6.5 Responsibilities 12

4.6.6 Voting 12

5. Authorship 12

5.1 KTTC Authorship Guidelines 13

6. Ethical conduct (including intellectual property rights) 13

7. Periodic review and revision of ToR 13

1.  Background

The Knowledge Translation Trainee Collaborative (KTTC) is a community of practice in knowledge translation (KT). Members of the KTTC are junior researchers and practitioners who are interested in continuing to learn about and advance the field of KT, and who want to collaborate and build networks with other KT trainees. We define trainees as students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, community learners, scientists/researchers from a wide spectrum of academia, health care professionals, health care administrators, and/or others who are new to KT and are interested in actively exploring and developing KT research and practice.

2.  Governing principles

2.1  Vision

We envision a sustainable network that provides accessible, ongoing opportunities for collaboration and learning; represents diversity of thought in KT theory, methods and tools; and grows and advances the field of KT.

2.2  Mission

We are creating our vision by sharing opportunities for:

1. collaborative learning

2. collaborative work

3. building networks

4. career development

2.3  Why a Trainee Collaborative? Contributions to the KT Field

As trainees ourselves, we feel it is important to have an additional space for junior KT researchers to complement existing groups led by KT leaders (e.g. KT Canada). This allows trainees to explore ideas in a forum of peers and develop relationships with other members of the upcoming generation of established KT researchers.

2.4  Principles of Interaction

We value and uphold the following standards in our interactions within the collaborative:

We treat each other with mutual respect and an awareness of our different languages and terminology. This means that we take extra care when using acronyms or talking about concepts that might be unfamiliar to those in other disciplines.

We strive to strike the right balance between being decisive, action-oriented, and moving forward, and making space for due process and reflection.

We bring openness, non-judgmental frankness, and the willingness to challenge and be challenged to our discussions and work.

We respect and treat our colleagues’ original thoughts, ideas and novel approaches to KT with integrity, and acknowledge them appropriately in our own work.

3.  Governance Structure

The KTTC is overseen by a Steering Committee (SC) and Executive Committee (EC), as discussed at the inaugural KTTC meeting in Winnipeg, MB, March 2010, and approved during a Steering Committee meeting on May 6, 2010. The EC is a subset of the SC and reports to the SC. Working Groups will also be assembled as needed to address particular strategic and tactical goals. Two subcommittees exist to coordinate regular tasks related to membership and face-to-face meetings.

3.1  Steering Committee

3.1.1  Role

The roles of the SC are to (1) drive activities that support the goals (mission) of the KTTC and (2) develop and implement policies that support the ongoing vision of the KTTC.

3.1.2  Responsibilities

The SC is responsible for the general direction of the KTTC. This responsibility includes:

-  setting goals

-  setting strategic objectives

-  ensuring that Working Groups set objectives consistent with those of the KTTC

-  ensuring that Working Groups meet objectives set

3.1.3  Structure

The SC is composed of at least 8 and no more than 12 KTTC members.

The long-term goal of the KTTC is that:

-  SC members will be elected annually (at a meeting of the KTTC and/or online) with each KTTC member holding one vote.

-  SC terms will be three (3) years. Each SC member may serve two (2) consecutive terms, and then must remove him/herself from the SC for three (3) years unless there are insufficient new SC candidates.

-  At each annual election, approximately one third to one half of the incoming SC will be new SC members.

In the inaugural years of the KTTC, the above structure may not be possible or advisable. Members who formed the SC at the inaugural KTTC meeting in Winnipeg, March 2010 will review the current SC structure before September 2011, and will make a proposal to the KTTC for transitioning to the longer term structure.

3.2  Executive Committee

3.2.1  Role

The roles of the EC are to (1) handle the overall logistics of the KTTC; (2) liaise with other KT bodies; and (3) act as a decision-making body on behalf of the KTTC when the full SC is unable to be consulted in a timely manner.

3.2.2  Responsibilities

The EC is responsible for the overall functioning of the KTTC. This responsibility includes:

-  ensuring that SC and EC meetings occur as required

-  setting the agenda for SC meetings

-  organizing, distributing materials for, and chairing SC meetings

-  ensuring that SC minutes are maintained and distributed

-  ensuring that the relevant subcommittees and/or working groups submit funding applications to facilitate KTTC and meetings in person and via conference call

-  liaising with KT Canada

-  handling the KTTC general email address (info@domain) as well as any general inquiries that arrive via other routes

3.2.3  Structure

The EC is composed of at least 3 and no more than 4 SC members.

The long-term goal of the KTTC is that:

-  EC members must serve at least one year on the SC prior to being elected to the Executive.

-  EC members will be elected annually (either at a meeting of the KTTC or online) with each SC member holding one vote.

-  EC terms will be one (1) year. Each EC member may serve two (2) consecutive terms, and then must remove him/herself from the EC for two (2) years unless there are insufficient new EC candidates.

-  At each annual election, approximately one third to one half of the incoming EC will be new EC members.

In the inaugural years of the KTTC, the above structure may not be possible or advisable. Members who formed the SC at the inaugural KTTC meeting in Winnipeg, March 2010 will review the EC structure before September 2011, and will make a proposal to the KTTC for transitioning to the longer term structure.

During the inaugural year of the KTTC, a formal liaison with KT Canada will occur by having a representative from KT Canada sit on the Steering and Executive Committees. This will also be reviewed before September 2011 as part of the general review of the early governance structure.

3.3  Membership Subcommittee

3.3.1  Role

The roles of the Membership Subcommittee are to (1) implement membership requirements and procedures as developed by the SC; (2) review membership applications; and (3) respond to membership-related inquiries.

3.3.2  Responsibilities

The Membership Subcommittee is responsible for new and ongoing KTTC membership. This responsibility includes:

-  implementing membership requirements and procedures, including an annual application process

-  reviewing existing member contributions to ensure requirements are met

-  responding to membership-related inquiries

-  coordinating an annual call for applications

-  reviewing new membership applications

-  organizing orientation of new members

-  determining whether or not subcommittee decisions need to be reviewed and/or approved by the SC

3.3.3  Structure

The Membership Subcommittee is composed of at least 3 KTTC members. The chair of the subcommittee must sit on the SC.

The long-term goal of the KTTC is that:

-  Membership Subcommittee members will be elected annually (at a meeting of the KTTC and/or online) with each KTTC member holding one vote.

-  Membership Subcommittee terms will be two (2) years. Each Membership Subcommittee member may serve two (2) consecutive terms, and then must remove him/herself from the Membership Subcommittee for two (2) years unless there are insufficient new Membership Subcommittee candidates.

-  At each annual election, approximately one third to one half of the incoming Membership Subcommittee will be new Membership Subcommittee members.

In the inaugural years of the KTTC, the above structure may not be possible or advisable. Members who formed the SC at the inaugural KTTC meeting in Winnipeg, March 2010, will review the current Membership Subcommittee structure before September 2011, and will make a proposal to the KTTC for transitioning to the longer term structure.

3.4  Meeting Subcommittee

3.4.1  Role

The role of the Meeting Subcommittee is to organize face to face meetings for the KTTC.

3.4.2  Responsibilities

The Meeting Subcommittee is responsible for ensuring that the full KTTC has opportunities to meet face to face, as feasible. This responsibility includes ensuring that the following activities occur, with support from other KTTC members when needed:

-  seeking out and applying for funding opportunities (both traditional and non-traditional)

-  planning national meetings (structure, format, agenda), with final agenda approved by SC

-  establishing criteria for participants of national KTTC meetings (e.g., criteria for receipt of travel funds) and coordinating associated application process, if required

-  assisting in convening a Working Group to coordinate the logistics for meetings (once a meeting date and region has been established); at least one person from the Meeting Subcommittee will sit on this Working Group

-  determining whether or not subcommittee decisions need to be reviewed and/or approved by the SC

3.4.3  Structure

The Meeting Subcommittee is composed of at least 3 KTTC members. The chair of the subcommittee must sit on the SC.

The long-term goal of the KTTC is that:

-  Meeting Subcommittee members will be elected annually (at a meeting of the KTTC and/or online) with each KTTC member holding one vote.

-  Meeting Subcommittee terms will be two (2) years. Each Meeting Subcommittee member may serve two (2) consecutive terms, and then must remove him/herself from the Meeting Subcommittee for two (2) years unless there are insufficient new Meeting Subcommittee candidates.

-  At each annual election, approximately one third to one half of the incoming Meeting Subcommittee will be new Meeting Subcommittee members.

In the inaugural years of the KTTC, the above structure may not be possible or advisable. Members who formed the SC at the inaugural KTTC meeting in Winnipeg, March 2010, will review the current Meeting Subcommittee structure before September 2011, and will make a proposal to the KTTC for transitioning to the longer term structure.

3.5  Working Groups

3.5.1  Role

The role of a Working Group (WG) is to work on a particular strategic or tactical goal. Examples include planning the logistics of a national face to face meeting or developing a new KTTC member initiative.

3.5.2  Responsibilities

Each WG is responsible for achieving its goal. This responsibility includes:

-  creating a business plan and timeline for the WG

-  reporting its progress to the SC

-  determining whether or not WG decisions need to be reviewed and/or approved by the SC

-  consulting the SC regarding any actions that would reflect on the KTTC as a whole

3.5.3  Structure

WGs will be struck on an ad hoc basis and dissolve after they have met their goals.

The lead member of each WG will sit on the SC; other members of the WG may or may not be SC members.

3.6  Members

3.6.1  Role

The role of a KTTC member is to support and work towards the collective goals of the KTTC, as appropriate given individual goals.

3.6.2  Responsibilities

We want the KTTC to be a valuable resource for all our members. This will happen only if each member participates in the KTTC at least at a minimum level. Each individual KTTC member is responsible for supporting the mission and vision of the KTTC. The expectation is that this responsibility includes:

-  contributing three (3) entries to the KTTC online annotated bibliography every year, formatted according to a provided template

-  sharing knowledge of KT conferences, calls for submission, funding opportunities, and other relevant news by posting on the KTTC group blog

-  responding to KTTC member surveys in a timely manner (i.e., within one month, barring extenuating circumstances)

-  maintaining/updating own profile in White Pages (including links to presentations)

-  when feasible:

o  attending KTTC national or regional meetings

o  participating in KTTC projects (grants, papers)

o  participating in KTTC Working Groups

o  participating in at least one virtual seminar series

o  attending or viewing webcasts of the KT Canada seminar series

3.6.3  Structure

Members may join the KTTC by filling out an application form based on KTTC member white pages in order to create their own member profile.

Membership applications will be solicited minimum once each year, ideally twice each year at times selected to fit with student cycles and KT-related events.

Members who become inactive for a period of one year (e.g., no response to annual survey, no activity on the blog, no annotated bibliographies, no response to email requests, no other known form of engagement with the KTTC) may be contacted by a member of the membership committee to confirm their continued desire to participate in the KTTC. The status of any such members will be subject to Membership Subcommittee and/or SC review.