Red Group

Reliability key

-Clearing of roads following accidents

-Need unit to deliver for region

-Use money to deliver effectively and use assets available. Public/private partnerships i.e. First (£20m) Bristoland need to ensure processes are effectively rolled out - Camborne Pool Redruth – need to roll out schemes together.

-Public sector intervention to provide services.

-Acknowledge rail is crucial – growth and sustainable.

CO² Emissions – Change in Methodology

-needs to be consistent and compliant

-schemes need consensus across region

Transport component key

Need to be towards 5 outcomes:

Health, social inclusion, support economic growth, equality of opportunity and quality of life.

-Growth in urban areas due to rapid growth and stress on current infrastructure

-Need to balance urban/rural

-Urban areas need investment to deliver Government’s agenda

-Implications of credit crunch

-Focus on infrastructure and high level priorities

-Key interchanges fit for purpose

-Need full public consultation and community buy in

-Meet criteria to reach consensus.


-Sustainable transport

-Placed based

-Low carbon initiatives

-More proactive

-Developer contribution – need greater innovation public/private sectors

-Need to remember although sums seem big but in reality small

-Need to get money moving

-Discharge regional strategies and lever-in private money

-RIF – front loading.

-Land and housing agency – working together

-Lower land values beneficial

-Rail investment – RFA to follow through

-More use of rail, i.e. freight/minerals/food etc

-RIF match funding with major allocation schemes

-Adult social issues – need to target money where people are

-Decision making matrix

-Develop more integrated links, ie freight handling system

-Feed-in best practice

Programme Management

-Funding envelopes – more local autonomy to manage process – but needs to be consistent with RSS

-Enable faster movement

-Need to consider how allocated

-List identified schemes with potential costs

-Need expertise at local level to deliver effectively a regional resource which can be tapped into by region

-‘envelope’ – needs to take into account strategies, index of depravation

-focus on where get the most effect

-levels of growth in SSCTs

-pricing-up of rail schemes

-need to consider where ‘envelope’ would sit with schemes that provide multi-area benefits.

Integrated Approach

-need to ensure social housing etc is included in response

-links to growth

-travel to work patterns

-travel to learn patterns

-access to training for rural areas

-regeneration needs to be stressed

-need to ensure funding sourced from the right ‘pot’

-distribution and logistics

-transport as an integrated part of sustainable communities

Process very complicated – need simplification to enable quick delivery

-Threshold too low at £5m

-Deliver bits without having to wait for whole process to be complete

-Franchises create issues

-In line with Highways Agency at £10m.

Skills Capacity – funding

-Need to build in quality and robustness

-Delivery of processes essential to deliver projects.


Sustainable economic growth

Production – led

Successful places

4. Priorities

Deliver regional strategy, reliability, sustainability – underpins.

1.Modal shift and interchanges;

2.Weight to SSCTs (don’t ignore rural though);

3.Regional connectivity and better use of transport corridors; and

4.Ensuring added value of integration and levering in other funding.

Lobbying Points

1.Raise major scheme limit to £10m (same as HA);

2.capacity and skills are key to delivery (RIEPs?);

3.don’t make accidents crime scenes;

4.Simplify approval process.

Priorities – Geographical – Thematic

  • focus on SSCTs

Sustainable transport

Economic development

  • travel to work

Age demography

Carbon emissions

  • SSCT focus

Delivery of RSS and RES

West of England schemes

  • Taunton delivery of sustainable urban extensions

Regional connectivity – address ‘pinch points’

Ensure integration of funding schemes add value to regeneration schemes etc

  • remove existing movements i.e. freight to rail

GVA – equity issue in rural areas of depravation

Concentration on opportunities for employment – employees and employers.

  • allowing access

Reliable transport

Reduce dependency on cars

  • delivering sustainable communities

Regional connectivity – links within the region

Money spent can lever-in from other sources

  • economy – transport delivering

Sustainable public transport system (interchanges)

Regeneration and social inclusion (joined up)

  • focus on SSCTs – making areas work better and shift towards publictransport
  • support regional connectivity and inter-regional connectivity

Economic priorities

Maximising use of existing resources – structuring funding appropriately.

  • Re-opening of Okehampton rail link to Bere Alston

Sustainable public transport specifically within towns, i.e. Torbay

Reduce reliability on car – better integration for rural areas.

  • efficient networks



  • ensure spending positively promotes regional strategies

Better use of existing assets (ie Westbury-Trowbridge-Bath – further development through planning effectively)

Sustainable transport should be more attractive (effective, reliable etc)