1.)  The first Russian McDonald’s was opened in what city?

a)  St. Petersburg

b)  Moscow

c)  There are not any McDonald’s in Russia

d)  Not enough information to answer

2.)  Which of the following is not a key economic force?

a)  market size

b)  factor endowments

c)  the existence and influence of capital markets

d)  male to female ratio

3.)  Which is not in the top 20 for largest economies by GNI?

a)  Japan

b)  Peru

c)  China

d)  Australia

4.)  The HDI (Human Development Index) aims to capture:

a)  short-term progress

b)  short-term changes

c)  long-term progress

d)  social status

5.)  A capital account is

a)  transactions in real or financial assets between countries

b)  a record of a country’s international transactions

c)  the net balance of exports minus imports of merchandise

d)  trade in goods and services and income from assets abroad

Correct Answers:






1.  Which of these measures the average per capita income?

  1. GDP
  2. GAP
  3. GNI
  4. IAE

2.  The Human Development Index is composed of all of these except?

  1. Knowledge
  2. Longevity
  3. Standard of Living
  4. Customs

3.  The United States is a (fill in the blank) economy?

  1. Command
  2. Market
  3. Mixed
  4. United

4.  This allows for businesses to become more productive due to the removal of laws that allows the company to focus on productivity.

  1. Property Rights
  2. Antitrust Law
  3. Privatization
  4. Deregulation

5.  This is a measure to which the government of a country intervenes with the principles of free choice, free enterprise, and prices for reason that go beyond the need to protect property, liberty, citizen safety, and market efficiency.

  1. Economic Freedom Index
  2. Economic Liberty Scale
  3. Economic Balance Measure
  4. Economic Ball and Chain


1.  C

2.  D

3.  B

4.  D

5.  A

Q1. A country’s economic policies are a leading indicator of the government’s _____.

A.  hopes

B.  problems

C.  goals

D.  all of the above

Q2. Gross National Income measures what?

A.  Value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year.

B.  The value of production that takes place within a nation’s borders.

C.  The value of all goods and services produced in the economy divided by the population.

D.  All are correct.

Q3. Purchasing power parity is what?

A.  Is indicators of real purchasing power, education, and health to give a more comprehensive measure of economic development.

B.  A measure of the increase of the cost of living.

C.  The average change in consumer prices over time in a fixed market basket of goods and services.

D.  Is an adjustment in gross domestic product per capita to reflect differences in the cost of living.

Q4. Human Development Index measures the average achievements in a country on what dimension(s)?

A.  Longevity

B.  Knowledge

C.  Standard of living

D.  All of the above

Q5. Higher interest rates results in ______inflation rates.

A.  higher

B.  lower

C.  no change

D.  much lower


1) C

2) A

3) D

4) D

5) A

1)  Gross Domestic Income is:

a)  The value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year.

b)  The value of production that takes place within a nation’s borders.

c)  The value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year plus all money that is sent outside the country.

d)  The value of all goods and services produced within a nation’s borders over one year, no matter whether domestic or foreign-owned companies make the product.

2)  What is one of the most important economic factors a company should consider before investing in a country?

a)  Balance of payments

b)  Inflation

c)  Income per capita

d)  Poverty

3)  Deficit is defined by:

a)  exports exceeds imports

b)  current account exceeds capital account

c)  capital account exceeds current account

d)  imports exceeds exports

4)  Managers use the BOP as a comprehensive indicator of a country’s______.

a)  deficit

b)  current account

c)  economic stability

d)  capital account

5)  In______, the goods and services that a country produces, and the quantity in which they are produced, are not planned by anyone. Rather, price and quantity are determined by the invisible hand of supply and demand.

a)  pure command economy

b)  economic freedom

c)  pure market economy

d)  mixed economy


1)  B

2)  C

3)  D

4)  C

5)  C

1.)  In what Russian city did McDonald’s first open in?

a.)  St. Petersburg

b.)  Leningrad

c.)  Moscow

d.)  Novogrod

2.)  In what year did McDonald’s first open?

a.) 1989

b.) 1990

c.) 1991

d.) 1993

3.)  What is the books term for the sum of inflation and unemployment rates?

a.)  lucky index

b.)  misery index

c.)  bad index

d.)  agony index

4.)  What two parts make up a country’s debt?

a.)  internal and external

b.)  internal and exterior

c.)  GDP and PPP

d.)  PPP and GNI

5.)  What is one of dimensions that is measured in the United Nations Human Development Reprot?

a.)  Longevity

b.)  Knowledge

c.)  Standard of Living

d.)  All of the above