Attention: GSR’S and Executive Members - .25/mi reimbursement available
Any area group may request to have the LAASC Meeting in their own town by contacting the LAASC Chair or LAASC Vice Chair two months in advance to the month they wish to host.
Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous
Minutes from May 18th, 2013
June LAASC Meeting
· First Presbyterian Church,650 2nd Ave N. Fargo, ND
· Noon on June 15, 2013
July LAASC Meeting
· First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N. Fargo, ND
· Noon on July 20, 2013
Ø 29 Addicts present: Travis H, Alison S, Drew M, Zac T, Kim O, Chris M, Tim B, Jon T, Josh S, Joe G, Nick L, Evan J, Wade H, Dave W, Tylor S, Julius P, Frank H, Maryann B, Nathan H, Joe M, Mikey S, Joe M, Brett A, Lucas N, Cody L, Eric K, Jeremy T, Chris K, Chuck K.
Part 1: Quorum Report and Motion to Accept Quorum
There were 8 GSR’s present at the time of quorum and 8 present during voting. Quorum approved
Motion: To accept Quorum.
Made by: Nick L Second by: Jon T
Vote: Unanimous
Part 2: Approval of Minutes
Motion: Approval of previous month's minutes, with approved changes.
Made by: Jon T Second by: Nick L
Vote: In Favor - 7 Abstention - 1
Part 3: Housekeeping
Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N. Fargo, ND (No Change)
Elected Positions: NONE
Positions Open for Nomination:
Nominations: (Close 6/2013)
P.I. Chair - Joe M (Interviewed)
H & I Chair - Drew M (Accepted)
Vice Chair - Tylor S (Accepted)
Part 4: Reports
Chair: Travis H (Verbal)
Vice-Chair: Jon T (Verbal)
Secretary: Nick L
Greetings LAASC,
Sorry to all of the Addicts and Trusted Servants who did not receive the LAASC Minutes this month as soon as they had hoped. The days seem to have been passing rather quickly as of recently and I was a little behind in my duties. I apologize and plan to stay on top of my responsibilities in the future. With that being said, I would like all LAASC Mailing List Recipients to take notice to the "Reading and Review of Format" and "LAASC Area Service Guidelines I have attached digitally(E-Mail recipients) and physically(Hard-Copy recipients) to your LAASC Minutes for this month. These revisions are a product of the Guidelines Revision Ad-Hoc Committee's hard work and dedication, so please do your best to familiarize yourself and become acquainted with this new material. I am glad to have the opportunity to serve on this body and share time with all of you great people sitting alongside me.
In Loving Service,
Nick L
Treasurer: Tyler K
Greeting LAASC (05-18-2013)
Please start thinking about the election schedule for treasurer. Nominations open in November. If you are interested in the treasurer position, please come to the area and get involved. This ensures we will have a smooth transition from one treasurer to another.
2013 Budgets
Tyler K
Parliamentarian: Jeremy T (Verbal)
Regional Conference Member: (Vacant)
Alternate Regional Conference Member: Tim B (Verbal Report)
Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chairperson:
Hello Recovery Family,
The H & I sub-committee was held in Fergus Falls for our last
meeting. We had a great turnout with 15 addicts in attendance. This has been by far the
most in attendance for quite some time now. We went over quite a few things,
We talked with the panel leader Amber G for the Care Unit, they are doing the 2nd & 4th
Monday of each month. They do have access to basic texts at the facility but could use
other literature. The sharing here is great and real feelings are being shared at the
Ottertail Co. Jail is on the 1st & 3rd Friday at 10am. Rich is the panel leader at this
facility.There is usually 7-12 addicts present for themeeting and they have new
members applying for clearance to go in. Requirements to go in is 2yrs clean and 2yrs
out of any facility to go in. They are also working on getting into the work release unit
in the upstairs part of jail. This will be able to bring the message to all and any who wish
to hearour message. This facility to will need literature and we are currently waiting for
a literatureorder to come in.
Addicts from Whapetonshowed up who have been going into Wilkin Co. and Richland Co. jails for
some time now. They showed an interest in joining the sub- committee and are gonna take it back to their group.
We went over a lot of things at this particular meeting. We went through some stuff in the manual and some
who are new got a little more information on things dealing with H & I.
We are making great strides in our services, the unity is nothing short of amazing when we
work together. We are still in the process of getting new panel leaders for Prairie, Clay co. juvenile center.
Things are moving along pretty well in the facilities that have been going for some time now. No concerns
and we look forward to what's in store for us in the future. We are still looking at a learning day and figuring
out a date. We appreciate all those currently doing H & I and those that are showing up to learn more what it's about.
In Humble Loving Service, Wade H
Public Information Committee Chairperson: Joe G. (Acting)
Area Activities Committee Chairperson: Kim O
Area Activities Committee Treasurer: Josh S
Literature Committee Chairperson: Jon T (Verbal)
Guidelines Revision Ad-Hoc Chair: Jeremy T
May 18th, 2013
Hello LAASC,
The Guideline Ad Hoc Committee has completed its task of “thoroughly reviewing the latest guidelines” and has “added, removed, or changed sections to create clarity and definition based on our 12 Concepts and 12 traditions.”
This Ad Hoc Committee has met for the last several months to work on this task. There was a minimum attendance of three people at each meeting with an average of about four to five, there was six core members ranging in clean time and service experience from several months to a couple decades! Thank you who helped with this committee!
Currently at the May ASC there are no copies of our proposed Guidelines for several reasons. One, it will take them being in the minutes for two months prior to us voting on them, so we all will have plenty of time to review them prior to voting. The second reason ties in with the first and that is everyone who gets copies of the minutes will receive copies of our proposed Guidelines to discuss with friends and other group members. Lastly we feel as though spending time at the ASC to read the proposed Guidelines wouldn’t be a good expenditure of the ASC’s, given there will be plenty of time in the near future for each NA member to review them/discuss them and then for the ASC to talk about them in the Sharing Session in upcoming months.
With that being said, the 2013 Guideline Ad Hoc Committee of the Lake Agassi Area of Narcotics Anonymous would like to make the following motion:
To approve the guidelines and format proposed by the 2013 Guideline Ad Hoc Committee for the use at the Lake Agassiz Area of Service Committee. In addition institute a moratorium of six months on all proposed guidelines and format for changes.
Intent: To fulfill the motion made in 2011 regarding the Guidelines of this Area and “to have a clear and definitive [set of] guidelines” and to practice the spiritual principle of open-mindedness.
The moratorium in this motion means that for six months no additions, subtractions, or any changes can be made to the Format or the Guidelines. The reason as to why the Ad Hoc Committee is asking this is because in recent years past there have been several different Ad Hoc Guideline Committees and following each on dissolving the Guidelines have slowly been picked apart in months soon after that changed the “new Guidelines” back to their original state. We the Ad Hoc Committee is asking that the Groups of the LAASC please give these Guidelines an honest chance by being open-minded to these Guidelines.
Though I know my “term” as the Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson is not over until our task has been completed, a set of Guidelines is approved by this Body, I would like to take this time to thank all those that helped with input in this document and for the LAASC Chair and the Groups to allow me the opportunity to serve the Area I love so much in this manner.
In Grateful Service,
Jeremy T.
Ad Hoc Guideline Committee Chair
Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee
Group reports:
Meeting Name / GSR / Open Positions / Meeting Concerns/Comments1.Women’s Step- Tradition Study / Anieta P / - / -
2. That’s It NA / Chuck K / - / -
3. Break in the Day / Jon T / Vice Chair, Sec., GSR, Alt. GSR / -
4. Sherwood Men's Group / Drew M / -Vice Chair, GSR, Alt. GSR / -
5. NA After Dark / Kim O / - Sec. / -
6. Clean & Free / Evan J / - / - Clean & Free will now be from 7:00pm - 8:30 pm.
7. Poop in a Group / Jeremy T / - Chair, Sec / -
8. H.O.W. / Alison S / - / - Area Inventory?
9. It’s a Good Thing NA
11. Just For Today
12.NA Recovery By The Lakes Group
13. Living In Recovery
14. Saturday Addict's Meeting / Cody F
Kris K
Julius P
Ryan O
Brett E / -
-Alt GSR
Chair, GSR
-Alt GSR / -
- Please take Jeff & Jodi along with their phone numbers off of the contact information on the meeting list. Please add Brett - (701) 200-4096 and Rene - (323)404-3354 to the contact information on the meeting list.
Part 5: Sharing Session
Old Topics- Tabled from Previous ASC
Topic / Presented by / Action1. Status of LAASC RCM / Kim O
2. Extending allowed Service Term from 18 months to 2 years
3. Area Inventory / Joe G
Alison S
4. Area Boundaries / Jeremy T
5. Motion: Attaching Fliers to Minutes / Zac T
6. Motion: Approval of Guidelines and Format presented by Guidelines Ad-Hoc Committee / Jeremy T
Topics Tabled for June-
1. Area Inventory
2. Jeremy's Workshop
Part 6: Old Business
Motion: To allow Jeremy T to hold a workshop discussing Area Boundaries.
Made by: Jon T Seconded by: Nick L
Vote: Yes- No- Abstention-
Motion: To suspend Area Inventory until the regional delegate team can set it up in December 2013.
Made by : Tim B Seconded by: Kim O
Vote: Yes- No- Abstention-
Motion: To amend the motion for Jeremy T's workshop and to have it presented during time allowed by extending an LAASC Meeting.
Made by: Evan J Seconded by: Nick L
Vote: Yes- No- Abstention-
Made by: Seconded by:
Vote: Yes- No- Abstention-
Part 7: New Business
Made by: Seconded by:
Made by: Seconded by:
(Sent back to the groups for voting in the coming ASC)
Position / Current Trusted Servant / Contact Information / Opens for Nominations / Nominations Close for Elections / Meeting / Date ElectedLAASC Chair / Travis H / (701) 212-7611 / October / December / 3rd Saturday-12pm. 1st Presbyterian, 650 2nd Ave. N Fargo / 2/2013
LAASC Vice Chair / Jon T. (Acting) / (218)329-1831 / April / June / ----- / ----
Secretary / Nick L. / (218)790-6425 / January / February / ----- / 2/2013
LAASC Treasurer / Tyler K. / (701) 730-1929 / November / January / ----- / 12/2012
LAASC RCM / (Vacant) / June
LAASC Alt. RCM / Tim B. / (218) 443-3199 / February / April / ---- / 3/2013
LAASC Parliamentarian / Jeremy T. / (701) 388-0751 / August / October / ----- / 10/2012
LAASC Scribe / Alison S. / (701) 540-8293 / June / August / ----- / 12/2012
LAASC Area Activities Chair / Kim O. / (701) 318-0226 / July / September / Sunday
5pm Fry’n Pan-Fargo / 9/2012
LAASC Area Activities Treasurer / Josh S. / (701) 214-0257 / July / September / Sunday
5pm Fry’n Pan-Fargo / 9/2012
P.I. Chair / Joe G. / (218) 205-2605 / October / December / 2nd Wednesday 7pm Perkins in Fergus Falls, MN / 3/2012
Literature Chair / Jon T. / (218)329-1831 / March / May / 2nd and 4th Sunday @ 5pm Red Raven in Fargo / 3/2013
Guidelines Ad-Hoc / Jeremy T. / (701) 388-0751 / ----- / ----- / Friday @7pm Atomic Coffee in Fargo / 10/2012
LAASC H&I Chair / Wade H. / (701)540-2680 / May / July / 2nd Sunday-4pm. Cashwise Deli on 13th Ave, Fargo / 7/2013
**The Regional Conference Member position is a two year term with the RCM being opened in the even years and the Alt. in the odd.