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Jill Bauer, Public Relations Coordinator
Lake ErieShoresIslands





LAKE ERIE SHORESISLANDS, OHIO, January 30, 2017 --- Looking to improve your work and home life? Did you know there is one thing you can do to improve your work performance, productivity, physical and mental health, increase happiness and create better relationships? Take time off!

More than half (55%) of all Americans do not use all the time off they earn, leading to 658 million unused vacation days a year. National Plan for Vacation Day, launched by Project: Time Off and celebrated on Tuesday, January 31, is a call-to-action for Americans to take back their calendars and plan their time off.

There are many excuses for not using time off: fear of falling behind at work, fear that no one else can do the job, financial instability, and fear of appearing less dedicated to the job are just a few examples. However research compiled by Project: Time Off, a program of the U.S. Travel Association, found that 89% of managers agree that by using time off, employees can de-stress, improve their health and well-being, and cut down on sick days and burnout. The majority (84%) of managers also agree that employees return to work after vacation with greater focus and creativity.

So what do we do about all this unused vacation time? Make a plan this year to use it! Tuesday, January 31 has been designated as National Plan for Vacation Day, a day when Americans are encouraged to get out their calendars and plan their time off. According to U.S. Travel Association’s Project: Time Off, a national movement to transform American vacation attitudes and behaviors, individuals who plan their vacation time for the year are more likely to use all their time off and take longer vacations.

In honor of National Plan for Vacation Day, Ohio’s Lake Erie Shores & Islands is encouraging Americans to plan their vacation time for 2017 and hopes that we will be a part of your destination planning. “Our region is the ideal location for a vacation getaway; home to amusement parks, water parks, the Lake Erie Islands, fishing, birding, and more,” said Larry Fletcher, President of Lake Erie Shores & Islands.

Ohio’s Lake Erie Shores & Islands is celebrating National Plan for Vacation Day by launching a “Win a #LakeErieLove Vacation” contest, making it super-easy for one winner to plan their time off. The pre-planned vacation prize for four (4) includes a two-night stay at Kalahari Resorts Conventions along with a gift card for meals and/or souvenirs, tickets to Cedar Point Amusement Park, and tickets for a day of island-hopping aboard the Goodtime I. The contest begins on National Plan for Vacation Day, Tuesday, January 31, and runs through Sunday, February 5. See contest details andenter at

Don’t waste any more of your valuable vacation time. Plan ahead this year and enjoy your time off! #PlanforVacation


National Plan for Lake ErieShoresIslands

Vacation Day logo, 2017 Travel Guide,

courtesy Project: Time Offcourtesy, Lake Erie Shores & Islands