Meeting Minutes| 23rdJUNE2016
Held @ NEMA Zonal Office, Maiduguri.
The Meeting started at 10:00am
- Said Mohamed Alkali RRO – Sector Lead- NEMA
- Auwal AbubakarSARO– Sector Lead- NEMA
- Fanna M. Abba- SEMA
- Emma NangilaKhakulaHoSO/Co Lead- IOM
- Ajayi AyoHAO- OCHA
- Suleiman K. SandaShelter Officer- INTERSOS
- Epharaim WarutereShelter Officer- UNHCR
- Mohamed AbdumalikShelter Assistant- UNHCR
- Hakon ValborglandShelter Engineer- IOM
- Justus ZareSecretary- HPC
- BabaganaIssaFerobeEmergency Assistant- DRC
- Review of previous minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed with ammendments made on pg1 (Awual instead of Awul), page3 second last paragraph was reported by NEMA and not UNHCR. The minutes were adopted by the Secretary of the HPC Mr.JustusZare and Seconded by Abdumalik from UNHCR.
- Updates on Action points
Action points from the previous meeting were reviewed
Action Point / Agency Responsible / Comments/StatusChanges on details of Bakasi site plan
(UNHCR fill in the details in minute on changes made). / UNCHR / UNHCR will forward the changes via e-mail
A Matrix populating cross-cutting sector gaps
Agencies to populate matrix areas of intervention / All Sector Working Group Members + Cross cutting sectors / Shelter Received; Matrix to be recirculated to SWG
Sharing of Sector Standard Technical Drawings (Shelter & WaSH) / IOM / Recirculate the drawings to the SWG
Monitoring of House Holds receiving Dry Rations / SEMA / SEMA to share report
Additional land for decongestion / OCHA/NEMA/SEMA / No land available for now
Possibility of building permanent structures at Muna and commitment to land owner return land to its original form during camp closure / NEMA/SEMA / Owner agreed for shelter & WaSHstructures to be put on the land under two conditions;
-Land is returned to its original form during camp closure
-Camp is named El’Badawe Camp after him
Situation Report on Muna Camp / OCHA / Report to be re-circulated
Monitoring team for quality check on shelters / TBD / NEMA & SEMA to
Coordination of all Sector activities, No Shelter partners should undertake shelter/WaSH projects/construction without informing/looping in the SWG (Coordination) / All Sector Working Group Members
Linkages on Muna – ICRC & Sectors for possible areas of assistance / OCHA
Follow up on assessment results with ICRC (Dalori I & II) / OCHA
- Updates on progress regarding Rainy Season – Shelter/NFI/WaSH
An update on the 2016 rainy preparedness response was given by IOM, the lead and co-lead Borno humanitarian partners are undertaking cross sectorial planning to ensure the humanitarian community has undertaken as much prevention as possible, is as prepared as possible and is ready to respond effectively.
The sector identified the following as areas of priority in rainy season preparedness and this is the progress for far
Action / Details / Responsibility / Location / ProgressUpgrades
ICRC / Upgrade shelters more than 1.5 years / CCCM/ES/NFI WG /
- All Maiduguri Camps & H/C by partners covering whichever locations
- Upgrades ongoing in Farm centre, Guibo, Teachers Village, NYSC, Dalori I & II, EYN
ICRC / On shelters that have structural issues / CCCM/ES/NFI WG /
- All Maiduguri Camps & H/C by partners covering whichever locations
- Repairs ongoing in Farm centre, Guibo, Teachers Village, NYSC, Dalori I & II, EYN
Filling in shelter gaps / For HH that do not have shelter and those living in makeshifts / CCCM/ES/NFI WG /
- All Maiduguri Camps & H/C by partners covering whichever locations
- Upgrades ongoing in Farm centre, Guibo, Teachers Village, NYSC, Dalori I & II, EYN
Relocation Shelters / Completion of Shelters in support of Relocation / CCCM/ES/NFI WG /
- Bakasi Camp
- Ongoing, with relocation activities taking place as shelters are being constructed. Camps pending Relocation – A small portion of ATC remaining, all of Mogolis, SandaKyarimo, GoniKachalari
Drainage / Feasible Mitigation measures for drainage in camps /
- WASH – For Technical support
- All Maiduguri Camps
- NRC has 500 metres of drainage for the sector. Technical guys to discuss the best place to install the drainage
- Drainagesolutions in Bakasi on going
Sand Filling / Sand filling locations that are prone to flooding & retaining water /
- Camps with the worst flooding history
- Soil or backfilling needed
Backfilling / Locations around WASH facilities, especially toilets. Need for levelling & packing soil post construction. /
- Check all locations, more so the new construction
- WaSH to update
Camp Kitchens /
- Improvements/Relocations
- Construction
- Provision for HH level cooking
- ICRC for Dalori I
- All camps in Maiduguri
Camp Cleaning through
Community participation / Maintaining Hygiene and Sanitation around the camps /
- Camp management (NEMA/SEMA)
- WASH Partners – provision of garbage Disposal and Hand WASH stations
- All Maiduguri Camps & H/C by partners covering whichever locations
- CCCM/WaSH coordinate on locations for the disposal bins
- CCCM/WaSH coordinate on locations for Hand Wash stations
Community Messaging / Preparation of Messaging and coordination of delivery /
- CCCM has shared various messages with OCHA & UNICEF the three messages will be around
-Drinking treated water
-Taking patients to health facilities when signs of cholera seen
Shelter Upgrades/Meeting Gaps/Replacing Damages/Supporting Relocation
Camp Name / Agency / ShelterRelocation / Meeting Gaps (New) / Repairs / Replace Damaged / Total / Completed / Ongoing / Planned / Total
NYSC / UNHCR / 0 / 15 / 0 / 0 / 15 / 15 / 0 / 0 / 15
Teachers Village / UNHCR / 0 / 138 / 17 / 7 / 162 / ? / ? / ? / 0
Dalori I / ICRC / 0 / 66 / 55 / 40 / 161 / ? / ? / ? / 0
Dalori II / ICRC / 0 / 73 / 0 / 0 / 73 / ? / ? / ? / 0
Farm Center / IOM / 0 / 230 / 50 / 20 / 300 / 25 / 105 / 170 / 300
Gubio Camp / IOM / 0 / 146 / 7 / 25 / 178 / 52 / 76 / 50 / 178
Bakasi / IOM / 429 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 429 / 250 / 105 / 74 / 429
Bakasi / UNHCR / 500 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 500 / 140 / 360 / 500
EYN / IOM / 0 / 15 / 0 / 0 / 15 / 15 / 0 / 0 / 15
Total / 929 / 683 / 129 / 92 / 1833 / 1437
The multi-sectorial planning forum brings together decision makers from the Health, WaSH & CCCM/Shelter working groups in a half day to achieve the below objectives.
The Objectives of the planning:
a)For all sector decision makers to have a clear understanding of actions that will be taken by other sectors in preparedness and during response.
b)The Cholera Response Plan will be tested and updated, so that roles and responsibilities are clear, for both Maiduguri and LGAs.
c)A Rainy Season Response Directory will be completed and disseminated, so that all partners have a clear understanding of how to respond to incidents.
- Relocation Updates & Timelines (ATC, Mogolis, SandaKyarimi and GoniKachalari)
670House Holds from Gwoza and 906 House Holds from Marte from ATC Camp to be relocated, after which relocation activities will be focused on GoniKachalari, SandaKyarimi and Mogolis as and when Relocation Shelters are ready for relocation.
IOM, PINE and UNHCR will deliver the needed shelters this week, the most pressing need in relation to relocation are insufficient WaSH facilities.
- Presentation by NRC on Shelter Implementation in Host Community
This did not take place, NRC will present during the next SWG.
- Agency Updates on Activities in camps, Host Communities, new settlements &recently opened up locations
Provided toiletry items to various camps and targeted lactating mothers, pregnant women
•Muna Camp and to the camp - 200 Cartons of Bathing Soap, 100 Cartons of Body Cream.
•New Prison – 100 Cartons of Bathing Soap and 100 Cartons of Body Cream
•Hajj Camp - 50 Cartons of Bathing Soap and 50 Cartons of Body Cream
•Dalori I – 100 buckets, 100 Pairs of slippers, 500 Plates, Cups, Nylon Mats
NEMA is also planning to distribute NFIs to Galtimari, Chezcon, Foi before the week comes to an end.
Will be focusing on NFI’s (Vouchers or in Kind) and WaSH in Emergency fot or 2,000HH. They will be targeting Konduga, Mafaa and Jere and focusing on Kofa, Jakana, Auno. DRCs interventions will target 45% of Maiduguri, 20% Yola and 35% Mubi. Currently profiling is ongoing in Kalari, Dusuman and Muna.
Their beneficiary criteria comprises of IDPs that have been in displacement for a long time, widows and extremely vulnerable persons.
DRC will also be intervening in the New Prison Camp, they will provide NFIs to the IDPs.
Are carrying out shelter construction in the Host Community, they will complete construction in Biafra in the next two weeks. Intersos will also be meeting the shelter needs in New Prison Camp
NRC; 400 shelters that are ongoing in the Host Communities in MMC/JERE
Provided NFI for 1128 Individuals hosted at the retirement village these New arrivals are were brought from Bama last week.
UNHCR is coordination with RRR are working on providing shelters to IDPs in Dikwa. UNCHR reported that they are yet to complete the paperwork with RRRR. They plan to construct 100 units to decongest the camp. The shelters will by 10*4 and will accommodate 4 families
UNHCR also reported that they were planning a mission to Bama to plan for sector related interventions.
Also provided Clothing and Dignity kits to the caseload from Bama
Carried out a blanket distribution in Bama Camp to 25,000 individuals. The distribution took place on Wednesday/Friday/Saturday.
IOM also reported on progress made in shelter construction for relocation, upgrades, and reconstruction and meeting shelter gaps. 361 ready at Bakasi, 15ready at Sheuri/EYN, 25 Farm Centre, 52 ready and occupied in Guibio, other locations ongoing.
Grading ongoing in Bakasi in a space out of the site plan for additional shelter for IOM. Grading also ongoing in Gusbio and farm centre in preparation for shelter construction as well as levelling and redirecting water.
Has completed 255 shelters in Bakasi, the installation of doors and windows is ongoing in readiness for relocation in the coming week.
- Finalizing the Standardization of NFI Kits
The Sector working group worked on finalising the standardization of the NFI kit, Kitchen Set, T-Shelter and E-shelter composition.
T-shelter: The SWG agreed that the Standard of the prototype (Drawings & BoQ) be followed, any changes to the shelter should not compromise the standard e.g. addition of veranda etc. Any compromise on the standard jeopardizes the quality of the shelter, as seen from effects of the recent storm.
E-Shelter: The SWG agreed to go with the standard kit shared which is the same as the one used by the IFRC shelter kit and contains essential tools and materials to contribute to the construction of a basic household shelter or make rapid repairs to a damaged home. These are useful at the onset of an emergency.
Kitchen Set: The SWG agreed on the contents, but propose that the items that come in quantities of 5 be increased to 6 (plates, cups, spoons).
NFI Kit: The SWG proposed that mosquito nets and mattresses be given out as and when needed. Mosquito nets more in the rainy season. Other Items have been increased as per SWG recommendations.
Members that were not in attendance are asked to give their feedback on the proposed standard.
It would be good to note that Adamawa colleagues agreed on the
Attached are
Further discussions will be held at Adamawa level to ensure that both states have the same.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:30
The next meeting is scheduled for 14th July 2016
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