Broad Town Community-Led Planning Group

Draft Notes from Meeting of 21st November 2016


  1. Welcome and Apologies: Apologies received from Nigel Crocker, John Bradley, Hilary Bradley, Simon Billis

Those present: Deborah Bourne (Parish Clerk), Rupert Pearce, Andrew Law, Sandra Hartley, John Hartley-Brothers, Brian Joyce, James Harvey-Samuel, Peggy Lurot, Lorraine Billis

  1. Agree Meeting Facilitator: – agreed Brian Joyce
  1. Minutes of meeting of 5th September: Agreed.
  1. Purpose of Meeting: the purpose of the meeting as set out in the agenda was agreed.

1) Update on the Parish Council Housing Survey:

D Bourne explained that Version 1 of the output from the PCHS was distributed to the public at the PC meeting but was slightly out of date; Version 2 distributed to the PC is the most up to date version, however there was insufficient time for discussion and the outcome will be reviewed for adoption at the next PC meeting on 12th December. The process will be: (a) a Parish Council get-together prior to its next meeting to interpret the findings of the raw data and agree the method of analysis, with publication of the data to follow if the PC agree the information; (b) decision on the outcome at the PC meeting; publication of the outcome and a report that includes the administration of the survey and method of analysis; (c) analysis of the outcome to take place subsequently to PC meeting. D Bourne confirmed that she had instigated the PCHS to take place during August as the process needed to move on.

2) Request from the Parish Council on CLPG commitment:

At the PC meeting of 14th November the Chair had stated that the PC requested a commitment from the CLPG that it accepted the results of the Housing Survey and also that it was committed to NEW-V. D Bourne distributed a letter to the CLPG that had been e-mailed to Lorraine but not received in time for the meeting. There was a mistake in the letter and a corrected version will be sent. Concern was expressed that the commitments stated in the letter were different to those requested by the Chair; D Bourne explained that the Chair had not seen the letter and that it was from herself. Concern was also expressed over the tone of the letter and that it contained misleading and erroneous statements; it was felt to be inappropriate and not conducive to moving forward when it had been made clear that the CLPG wished to work with the PC. D Bourne advised that much of the 3.5 hours a week that she was employed by the PC was taken up in unravelling how the CLPG and the PC interact and that both groups need to work together and support each other for the good of the community.

D Bourne stated that she was not happy to retract the letter and it was agreed to respond when the revised letter is received, as follows:

1. Broad Town CLPG acknowledges the right of Broad Town Parish Council to conduct a Housing Survey and to publish the results;
2. Broad Town CLPG is committed in principle to the processes of the NEW-V Area Steering Group, however it reserves the right to review its commitment subject to the finalisation of NEW-V documents that are currently in draft form.

Any further response will be determined upon receipt of the revised letter.

It was also agreed to respond to an e-mail from Diana Kirby, Chair of the NEW-V Area Group, suggesting that she meets with the CLPG and the PC, as this could be a way to move forward and work together as a team.

3) Update from Area Steering Group: Bullet points have been distributed and it was noted;

(a) A legal process is underway to release the four parishes withdrawing from NEW-V by January;

(b) Terms of Reference for NEW-V have been agreed;

(c) The draft Consultation Strategy is still being reviewed;

(d) The website is still awaited; when it is available the documents produced in 2013-14 resulting from the “Postcards” and online surveys will be posted as being the formal evidence produced by Wiltshire Council. An objection to the “Postcards” survey being used was made as Common Places (consultants) had admitted that some entries had been removed.

4) Broad Town News Item: Agreed that Lorraine would prepare a news item.

  1. CLPG Representation at NEW-V Area Steering Group 29.11.16: Agreed Lorraine Billis.
  1. Funding for CLPG: A grant form has been requested of the Parish Clerk and is awaited.
  1. Any Other Business:None
  1. The next CLPG Meeting is to take place on Tuesday 13th December 7.30 – 9 p.m.

LorraineBillis23rd November 2016