Settlement Arrivals Information




About This Document

SGP Target Group

Location Data

Data Caveats

Other Information Sources


South Australia –All SDs

SGP TargetGroup distribution byStatistical Division and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream


Adelaide SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Eastern Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream


Northern Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream


Southern Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream


Western Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream



SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


MurrayLands SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Northern (SA) SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Outer Adelaide SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


South East SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Yorke and Lower North SD- All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia

About This Document

This document is provided to assist inpreparing funding proposals for the Settlement Grants Program (SGP). It details statistical information specific to the SGP Target Group in South Australia.

SGP Target Group

The SGP Target Group is a group of migrantseligible for settlement services. It consists of migrants who meetthefollowingcriteria:


ohumanitarian stream migrants;

ofamily stream migrants with low English proficiency;

odependents of skilled streammigrants in rural and regional locations with low

English proficiency; and

ocertain temporary migrants (holders ofprospective marriage, provisional partner,provisional spouseandprovisional interdependency visas and their dependants) in rural and regional locations with low English proficiency.


omigrants who were in Australia when their visa was granted, with visa grant dates between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2012; and

omigrants who were overseas when their visa was granted, with arrival dates between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2012 .

Location Data

Boundariesfor Statistical Division (SD), Statistical Sub-Division (SSD) and Statistical Local Area (SLA) are based on the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC)1.This is a standard national framework used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the collectionof statistical information on a geographic basis.

The benefits of theASGC are that it:

covers the entire geographic area of Australia without gaps or overlaps, ensuring that no locations are excluded or double counted; and

enables settlement patterns and needs to be analysed at a national, state/territory and regional level, while allowing consideration of smaller, more specific areas of need. (Please note the caveats on data usage below).

1ForadetailedlistoftheASGCclassificationfor eachStateandTerritorysee: availableontheABSwebsiteat:

Data Caveats

The data source for this document is the DIAC Settlement Database (SDB).

Youshouldnoteandtakeintoaccounttheknownlimitationsofthedataasdetailed below:

The SDB collects general data from migrants who have been granted a permanent resident visa, or who are onthe ‘settlement pathway’ (i.e., they havebeengrantedatemporaryvisa that would lead to permanent residency).

Thedatacontainedinthisdocumentisbasedonasnapshotviewofthe current location of migrants; it does not provide any form of trend analysis.

Statisticsonmigrantnumbersinregionsmaynotbeentirelyaccuratedueto limitationsindatacaptureofaddressdata.Forexample,addressinformation

isonlyupdatediftheDepartmentisnotified.Inaddition,addressdatais based on a migrant’s latest recorded residence, and may not be current.

Somedatawith5orlessmigrantsmayhavebeenconfidentialised(indicated by <5 or ‘…’) to protect the privacy of individuals. Thisconfidentilising is minor and does not impact on the useability of the data.

Datavaluesincluding‘notstated’,‘invalid’or‘notrecorded’whichindicatethat the data is missing or isotherwise unavailable.


Australia, who are deceased or who have had their grants cancelled

Thedataconsistsofmigrantsandtheirlatestvisagrant. Peoplewhohave multipleSDBgrantswillappearindifferentcategoriesofdataovertimeas they hold different visasovertime.

Humanitarian migrants born in foreign refugee camps are frequently recorded in the SDB with a country of birth that does not equate to their ethnicity. While

DIAC is unable to identify all country of birth groups which may have significant proportionsof foreign ethnicities, the following groups are known to be affected and should be interpreted with caution:

oThailand (most migrants are of Burmese ethnicity);

oBhutan (most migrants are of Nepalese ethnicity); and

oKenya (most migrants are of Dinka ethnicity).

Other Information Sources


The Settlement Reporting Facility (SRF) uses the SDB to provide the general public with statistical data on permanentarrivals to Australia.

The SRF can assist you to provide further information in your funding proposal about the target group you propose to deliver services to. Instructions on how to produce a settlement report are also available. The SRF is available at:


South Australia –All SDs

SGP TargetGroup distribution byStatistical Division and Visa Stream

Statistical Division / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Adelaide / 4,866 / 7,207 / 0 / 12,073
Eyre / 53 / 1 / 9 / 63
Murray Lands / 158 / 93 / 55 / 306
Northern (SA) / 93 / 10 / 54 / 157
Outer Adelaide / 175 / 23 / 46 / 244
South East / 75 / 405 / 44 / 524
Yorke and Lower North / 43 / 1 / 5 / 49
Not Recorded / 146 / 69 / 0 / 215
Total / 5,609 / 7,809 / 213 / 13,631

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 3,912 / 3,399 / 135 / 7,446
Male / 1,697 / 4,410 / 78 / 6,185
Total / 5,609 / 7,809 / 213 / 13,631









SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 296 / 864 / 18 / 1,178
06-11 / 295 / 1,047 / 22 / 1,364
12-15 / 305 / 733 / 18 / 1,056
16-17 / 197 / 493 / 5 / 695
18-24 / 926 / 1,196 / 17 / 2,139
25-34 / 2,039 / 1,543 / 63 / 3,645
35-44 / 901 / 1,096 / 53 / 2,050
45-54 / 381 / 510 / 13 / 904
55-64 / 140 / 207 / 1 / 348
65+ / 129 / 120 / 3 / 252
Total / 5,609 / 7,809 / 213 / 13,631


Adelaide SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Total
4,866 / 7,207 / 12,073

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian
(PRC)China / 835 / Afghanistan / 1,543
Vietnam / 650 / Bhutan / 832
Afghanistan / 432 / Iran / 612
Thailand / 295 / Burma / 478
Philippines / 267 / Iraq / 398
Cambodia / 234 / DemocraticRepublic Of Congo / 397
India / 178 / Nepal / 369
Japan / 152 / Ethiopia / 259
Former USSR / 122 / Sudan / 250
Sudan / 116 / Pakistan / 151

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 3,364 / 3,136 / 6,500
Male / 1,502 / 4,071 / 5,573
Total / 4,866 / 7,207 / 12,073

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 251 / 777 / 1,028
06-11 / 237 / 953 / 1,190
12-15 / 250 / 678 / 928
16-17 / 169 / 464 / 633
18-24 / 846 / 1,122 / 1,968
25-34 / 1,792 / 1,426 / 3,218
35-44 / 778 / 1,019 / 1,797
45-54 / 307 / 471 / 778
55-64 / 126 / 189 / 315
65+ / 110 / 108 / 218
Total / 4,866 / 7,207 / 12,073

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Adelaide (nfd) / 21 / 25 / 46
Eastern Adelaide / 891 / 584 / 1,475
Northern Adelaide / 1,961 / 4,139 / 6,100
Southern Adelaide / 768 / 948 / 1,716
Western Adelaide / 1,225 / 1,511 / 2,736
Total / 4,866 / 7,207 / 12,073

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Eastern Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Total
891 / 584 / 1,475

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian
(PRC)China / 241 / Afghanistan / 152
Thailand / 57 / Iran / 93
Japan / 51 / Iraq / 88
South Korea / 48 / Bhutan / 31
Vietnam / 46 / Ethiopia / 18
India / 31 / Albania / 17
Philippines / 30 / Sudan / 16
Former USSR / 27 / (PRC)China / 15
Afghanistan / 26 / DemocraticRepublic Of Congo / 13
Hong Kong / 25 / Nepal / 13

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 636 / 233 / 869
Male / 255 / 351 / 606
Total / 891 / 584 / 1,475

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 75 / 49 / 124
06-11 / 42 / 61 / 103
12-15 / 36 / 42 / 78
16-17 / 24 / 54 / 78
18-24 / 109 / 90 / 199
25-34 / 348 / 130 / 478
35-44 / 159 / 85 / 244
45-54 / 41 / 46 / 87
55-64 / 29 / 13 / 42
65+ / 28 / 14 / 42
Total / 891 / 584 / 1,475

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Adelaide(C) / 108 / 36 / 144
Adelaide Hills (DC) -Central / 17 / 0 / 17
AdelaideHills(DC)-Ranges / 11 / 0 / 11
Burnside(C) - North-East / 83 / 25 / 108
Burnside(C) - South-West / 42 / 34 / 76
Campbelltown (C) - East / 139 / 75 / 214
Campbelltown (C) - West / 125 / 102 / 227
Norw. P'hamSt Ptrs (C) -East / 74 / 24 / 98
Norw. P'hamSt Ptrs (C) -West / 69 / 34 / 103
Prospect(C) / 89 / 164 / 253
Unley(C)-East / 64 / 29 / 93
Unley(C)-West / 41 / 23 / 64
Walkerville (M) / 29 / 38 / 67
Total / 891 / 584 / 1,475


Northern Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Total
1,961 / 4,139 / 6,100

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian
Afghanistan / 327 / Afghanistan / 1,086
Vietnam / 273 / Bhutan / 687
(PRC)China / 247 / Burma / 325
Cambodia / 175 / Nepal / 313
Thailand / 114 / DemocraticRepublic Of Congo / 268
Philippines / 111 / Iran / 225
India / 72 / Iraq / 166
Sudan / 64 / Sudan / 127
Lebanon / 43 / Burundi / 101
Former USSR / 38 / Tanzania / 100

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 1,324 / 1,759 / 3,083
Male / 637 / 2,380 / 3,017
Total / 1,961 / 4,139 / 6,100

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 78 / 436 / 514
06-11 / 101 / 583 / 684
12-15 / 123 / 400 / 523
16-17 / 86 / 229 / 315
18-24 / 438 / 650 / 1,088
25-34 / 693 / 793 / 1,486
35-44 / 258 / 617 / 875
45-54 / 116 / 273 / 389
55-64 / 39 / 109 / 148
65+ / 29 / 49 / 78
Total / 1,961 / 4,139 / 6,100

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Gawler(T) / 22 / 1 / 23
Playford (C) - EastCentral / 81 / 176 / 257
Playford (C) - Elizabeth / 132 / 600 / 732
Playford(C)-West / 53 / 9 / 62
Port Adel. Enfield (C) - East / 208 / 242 / 450
Port Adel. Enfield (C) - Inner / 259 / 1,079 / 1,338
Salisbury (C)- Central / 160 / 185 / 345
Salisbury (C)- InnerNorth / 353 / 1,082 / 1,435
Salisbury (C)- North-East / 64 / 182 / 246
Salisbury (C)- South-East / 320 / 427 / 747
Salisbury(C)Bal / 80 / 12 / 92
Tea Tree Gully (C) -Central / 94 / 87 / 181
Tea Tree Gully (C) -Hills / 17 / 4 / 21
Tea Tree Gully (C) -North / 53 / 5 / 58
Tea Tree Gully (C) - South / 65 / 48 / 113
Total / 1,961 / 4,139 / 6,100


Southern Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Total
768 / 948 / 1,716

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian
(PRC)China / 175 / Iran / 196
Thailand / 65 / Afghanistan / 89
Philippines / 63 / Iraq / 86
Japan / 51 / Pakistan / 85
Vietnam / 33 / Ethiopia / 77
Former USSR / 30 / Bhutan / 54
Lebanon / 25 / DemocraticRepublic Of Congo / 50
India / 24 / Burma / 34
Iran / 23 / Eritrea / 26
South Korea / 21 / Sudan / 23

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 545 / 456 / 1,001
Male / 223 / 492 / 715
Total / 768 / 948 / 1,716

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 35 / 102 / 137
06-11 / 33 / 104 / 137
12-15 / 33 / 84 / 117
16-17 / 11 / 63 / 74
18-24 / 86 / 162 / 248
25-34 / 325 / 198 / 523
35-44 / 141 / 106 / 247
45-54 / 55 / 69 / 124
55-64 / 20 / 32 / 52
65+ / 29 / 28 / 57
Total / 768 / 948 / 1,716

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
HoldfastBay(C)-North / 67 / 121 / 188
HoldfastBay(C)-South / 26 / 145 / 171
Marion (C) -Central / 154 / 285 / 439
Marion (C) -North / 91 / 82 / 173
Marion(C)-South / 44 / 20 / 64
Mitcham(C) - Hills / 29 / 15 / 44
Mitcham(C)-North-East / 24 / 28 / 52
Mitcham(C)-West / 97 / 112 / 209
Onkaparinga(C) - Hackham / 22 / 22 / 44
Onkaparinga(C) - Hills / 6 / 0 / 6
Onkaparinga(C) - Morphett / 57 / 62 / 119
Onkaparinga(C) - North Coast / 46 / 27 / 73
Onkaparinga(C) - Reservoir / 46 / 12 / 58
Onkaparinga(C) - South Coast / 41 / 10 / 51
Onkaparinga(C) - Woodcroft / 18 / 7 / 25
Total / 768 / 948 / 1,716


Western Adelaide SSD

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Total
1,225 / 1,511 / 2,736

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian
Vietnam / 297 / Afghanistan / 210
(PRC)China / 164 / Burma / 105
Afghanistan / 64 / Ethiopia / 103
Philippines / 63 / Iran / 96
Thailand / 57 / Sudan / 84
India / 51 / Somalia / 82
Cambodia / 37 / Kenya / 78
Ethiopia / 36 / Liberia / 76
Sudan / 31 / DemocraticRepublic Of Congo / 66
Former USSR / 25 / Eritrea / 57

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 847 / 679 / 1,526
Male / 378 / 832 / 1,210
Total / 1,225 / 1,511 / 2,736

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 60 / 189 / 249
06-11 / 60 / 205 / 265
12-15 / 58 / 150 / 208
16-17 / 48 / 117 / 165
18-24 / 213 / 215 / 428
25-34 / 418 / 300 / 718
35-44 / 214 / 207 / 421
45-54 / 93 / 81 / 174
55-64 / 38 / 32 / 70
65+ / 23 / 15 / 38
Total / 1,225 / 1,511 / 2,736

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Charles Sturt(C)-Coastal / 55 / 26 / 81
Charles Sturt (C) - Inner East / 93 / 245 / 338
Charles Sturt (C) - Inner West / 203 / 182 / 385
Charles Sturt (C) - North-East / 178 / 308 / 486
Port Adel. Enfield (C) - Coast / 64 / 41 / 105
Port Adel. Enfield (C) - Park / 304 / 333 / 637
Port Adel. Enfield (C) - Port / 101 / 89 / 190
WestTorrens(C)-East / 153 / 197 / 350
WestTorrens(C)-West / 74 / 90 / 164
Total / 1,225 / 1,511 / 2,736



SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
53 / 1 / 9 / 63


Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 12 / Not Specified / <5 / (PRC)China / <5
Philippines / 8 / Burma / <5
(PRC)China / 6 / Japan / <5
Indonesia / 6 / Philippines / <5
Former USSR / <5 / United Kingdom / <5
Ethiopia / <5
Egypt / <5
Japan / <5
Iran / <5
Italy / <5

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 47 / … / 5 / 52
Male / 6 / … / 4 / 10
Total / 53 / 1 / 9 / 63









SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 5 / … / 0 / 5
06-11 / 4 / … / 0 / 4
12-15 / 1 / … / 0 / 1
16-17 / 1 / … / 0 / 1
18-24 / 5 / … / 4 / 9
25-34 / 19 / … / 1 / 20
35-44 / 8 / … / 2 / 10
45-54 / 9 / … / 2 / 11
55-64 / 1 / … / 0 / 1
Total / 53 / 1 / 9 / 63







00-05 06-11 12-15 16-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-6465+

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Lincoln / 42 / … / 9 / 51
West Coast / 11 / … / 0 / 11
Total / 53 / 1 / 9 / 63




SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


MurrayLands SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
158 / 93 / 55 / 306

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Afghanistan / 34 / Afghanistan / 46 / (PRC)China / 22
Philippines / 28 / DemocraticRepublic Of
Congo / 19 / India / 8
(PRC)China / 18 / Iraq / <5 / Iran / 5
South Korea / 10 / Bhutan / <5 / Philippines / 5
India / 8 / Iran / <5 / South Korea / <5
Thailand / 7 / Kenya / <5 / Sri Lanka / <5
Former USSR / 6 / Pakistan / <5 / Bangladesh / <5
Vietnam / 6 / Rwanda / <5 / Germany / <5
Japan / 5 / Sudan / <5 / Cuba / <5
Sudan / 5 / Togo / <5 / Poland / <5

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 117 / 35 / 34 / 186
Male / 41 / 58 / 21 / 120
Total / 158 / 93 / 55 / 306

SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 5 / 8 / 4 / 17
06-11 / 8 / 12 / 6 / 26
12-15 / 9 / 14 / 0 / 23
16-17 / 9 / 5 / 1 / 15
18-24 / 28 / 15 / 3 / 46
25-34 / 58 / 25 / 22 / 105
35-44 / 26 / 9 / 16 / 51
45-54 / 15 / 3 / 2 / 20
55-64 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 2
65+ / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1
Total / 158 / 93 / 55 / 306

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
MurrayMallee / 70 / 57 / 37 / 164
Riverland / 88 / 36 / 18 / 142
Total / 158 / 93 / 55 / 306

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Northern (SA) SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
93 / 10 / 54 / 157

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 22 / Pakistan / 5 / (PRC)China / 10
Philippines / 12 / Afghanistan / <5 / Colombia / 7
(PRC)China / 10 / Kuwait / <5 / England / 5
Former USSR / 5 / Sri Lanka / <5 / United Kingdom / 5
Vietnam / 5 / Chile / <5
India / <5 / India / <5
Poland / <5 / Russian Federation / <5
Romania / <5 / Bangladesh / <5
Japan / <5 / Vietnam / <5
Russian Federation / <5 / Sri Lanka / <5

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 75 / 3 / 38 / 116
Male / 18 / 7 / 16 / 41
Total / 93 / 10 / 54 / 157









SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 1 / 0 / 5 / 6
06-11 / 8 / 0 / 4 / 12
12-15 / 5 / 1 / 3 / 9
16-17 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 4
18-24 / 14 / 0 / 5 / 19
25-34 / 39 / 5 / 19 / 63
35-44 / 13 / 1 / 12 / 26
45-54 / 11 / 0 / 4 / 15
55-64 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 2
65+ / 0 / 1 / 0 / 1
Total / 93 / 10 / 54 / 157

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Far North / 26 / 1 / 10 / 37
FlindersRanges / 17 / 3 / 14 / 34
Pirie / 25 / 6 / 7 / 38
Whyalla / 25 / 0 / 23 / 48
Total / 93 / 10 / 54 / 157

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Outer Adelaide SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
175 / 23 / 46 / 244

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 39 / Iran / 14 / (PRC)China / 7
(PRC)China / 35 / Iraq / <5 / Brit. Dep. Terr. Citz. / 5
Philippines / 20 / Afghanistan / <5 / Iran / 5
Vietnam / 10 / Australia / <5 / Vietnam / 5
Japan / 8 / Vietnam / <5 / South Korea / <5
Former USSR / 6 / Zimbabwe / <5 / Lebanon / <5
Indonesia / 6 / United Kingdom / <5
Colombia / 5 / Bulgaria / <5
Germany / <5 / England / <5
Poland / <5 / Hungary / <5

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 139 / 9 / 28 / 176
Male / 36 / 14 / 18 / 68
Total / 175 / 23 / 46 / 244








SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 7 / 7 / 3 / 17
06-11 / 14 / 2 / 6 / 22
12-15 / 13 / 2 / 10 / 25
16-17 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 6
18-24 / 15 / 6 / 3 / 24
25-34 / 59 / 3 / 7 / 69
35-44 / 39 / 2 / 12 / 53
45-54 / 20 / 0 / 3 / 23
55-64 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 4
65+ / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1
Total / 175 / 23 / 46 / 244

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Barossa / 46 / 1 / 3 / 50
Fleurieu / 81 / 0 / 10 / 91
Kangaroo Island / 7 / 0 / 0 / 7
Mt Lofty Ranges / 41 / 22 / 33 / 96
Total / 175 / 23 / 46 / 244

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


South East SD - All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
75 / 405 / 44 / 524

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 19 / Burma / 147 / (PRC)China / 12
Philippines / 7 / Afghanistan / 93 / Egypt / 5
Afghanistan / 6 / Thailand / 80 / Uzbekistan / <5
South Korea / 6 / DemocraticRepublic Of
Congo / 35 / Argentina / <5
(PRC)China / 5 / Tanzania / 16 / India / <5
Japan / <5 / Congo Republic / 14 / Sri Lanka / <5
India / <5 / Zambia / <5 / Taiwan / <5
Sudan / <5 / Malawi / <5 / England / <5
Egypt / <5 / Burundi / <5 / Iraq / <5
Estonia / <5 / Ethiopia / <5 / Former USSR / <5

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 57 / 180 / 26 / 263
Male / 18 / 225 / 18 / 261
Total / 75 / 405 / 44 / 524









SGP TargetGroup byAge on Arrivaland Visa Stream

Age onArrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 4 / 60 / 6 / 70
06-11 / 4 / 63 / 6 / 73
12-15 / 4 / 29 / 5 / 38
16-17 / 1 / 15 / 1 / 17
18-24 / 9 / 51 / 2 / 62
25-34 / 31 / 76 / 11 / 118
35-44 / 14 / 62 / 10 / 86
45-54 / 8 / 31 / 1 / 40
55-64 / 0 / 13 / 0 / 13
65+ / 0 / 5 / 2 / 7
Total / 75 / 405 / 44 / 524

SGP TargetGroup byKeySettlement Locations and Visa Stream

Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Lower SouthEast / 36 / 305 / 24 / 365
Upper SouthEast / 39 / 100 / 20 / 159
Total / 75 / 405 / 44 / 524

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream and Years Since Arrival inAustralia


Yorke and Lower North SD- All SSDs

SGP TargetGroup byVisa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
43 / 1 / 5 / 49

Top 10 Countries ofBirthand Visa Stream

Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 12 / Not Specified / <5 / (PRC)China / <5
(PRC)China / 8 / Former USSR / <5
Philippines / 7 / Kenya / <5
Colombia / <5 / Romania / <5
Indonesia / <5
Japan / <5
Taiwan / <5
Cambodia / <5
Costa Rica / <5
Ethiopia / <5

SGP TargetGroup byGender and Visa Stream

Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 36 / … / 4 / 40
Male / 7 / … / 1 / 8
Total / 43 / 1 / 5 / 49



