LILIES WAR XXXI Merchant Pre-registration Form


Business Name: ______

SCA Name: ______

Modern Name: ______

Street Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Best contact phone numbers: ______or : ______

Email: ______Website: ______

Description of Merchandise (for inclusion in the war booklet, must be 25 words or less):



Camp Size in feet (MUST INCLUDE ROPES!): ______FT Frontage (along the road) X ______FT Deep

Note: “Camp” may be your merchant tent AND personal tents. They must all fit within your given foot print. Extra space is available on a first-come-first-served basis but no space may be claimed until after the gate opens at 3pm on Friday.

Merchant Area (Circle One): New Market Old Market Blanket In Camp Food Court

Note: Old Market has limited space availability, period tent, display and merchandise required. Food Court space and resources also very limited; PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Check with the merchant Coordinator on availability in both of these areas.

Estimated date of arrival: ______Time: ______Date of Departure:______

(all merchants must be offsite by noon on the last Sunday of the war)

Additional Information (use back of form if necessary): ______


Fees: Merchant fees are $50.00 for a 30ft x 30ft space*. If you need more than 30ft x 30ft, you can reserve additional spaces of the same size for $30.00 each. Note: this does NOT include site fee! Deadline for pre-registration is APRIL 15, 2017. Registrations postmarked after April 15 will be charged a $20 late fee. Do not put anything in the mail to us after MAY 15, 2017! No registrations accepted after May 15, latecomers will need to register onsite.

*Blanket merchant fees are only $25. In Camp merchant fees are also $50. Please see the merchant information sheet for details.

Make checks payable to: SCA Inc. – Calontir Lilies War

Send Merchant fee with completed registration form to Marie Le Faivre:

Kate Sachs, 100 E Scioto St, Saint James, MO 65559

Merchants are subject to the same expectations of conduct as any participant in any activity of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Discourteous, disorderly, or dangerous behavior of any type may result in a penalty to the merchant including and up to ejection from the event site. In case of ejection, we regret that no fees or funds of any kind will be returned or prorated. By paying registration fee, the merchant agrees to and understand the foregoing conditions and agrees to abide by same.

I have read and understand the Merchant Information Packet. I understand that if I do not abide by the Lilies XXXI staff site rules and regulations I will be designated as non-compliant and as such possibly removed from site without reimbursement of any and all fees paid.
