08:00am / Registration/Networking and Coffee08:45-9:10am /
Welcome Remarks:
Olivier André, Vice President, International and Dispute Resolution Services,CPR Institute
Prof. Fernando J. Breda Pessôa, President, Arbitac
Video presentation
09:10-09:30am / Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Crisis: Keynote SpeakerAdriana Braghetta*, Partner, L.O.Baptista
09:30-11:00am / What are innovative companies doing? Businesses have become global and so have their disputes. The continued survival of such businesses calls for thoughtful dispute prevention and resolution and better ways to manage relationships.
Moderator, Mauricio Gomm Santos*, Partner, GST LLP
. Politics of time and cost reduction
. Maintenance of commercial relations
. How and when to use arbitration
. Prevention and resolution of conflicts in the automobile, securities and
infrastructure sectors
. Negotiation of property and casualty management
. CPR's initiatives to address efficiency and cost effectiveness in Dispute Resolution
Thomas Benes Felsberg, Partner, Felsberg e Associados
Albert Hilber, Senior Vice-President, Swiss Re, andInternational Association of Defense Counsel
Joaquim Ferraz Martins Filho, Legal Manager, Renault, and Head of Corporate Lawyers Committee
Lauro Ribeiro, Senior Legal Manager, Valmet
Hagit Muriel Elul, Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Olivier André, Vice President, International and Dispute Resolution Services, CPR Institute
11:00-12:15pm / Court-ordered Mediation in Practice – One Year after the Introduction of the Brazil Mediation LawModerator: Monica Mendonça Costa, Partner, TozziniFreire
. Assessment of the first year court-ordered mediation in Brazil
. The Corporation Reaction
. Judiciary in Paraná
. Challenges of Public Administration
. Synergies between court ordered mediation and private mediation
Rita Vasconcelos, Partner, Arruda Alvim, Aragão, Lins, Sato & Vasconcelos
Roberto Portugal Bacellar, Vice Chief-Justice of the Court of Appeals of Paraná
Cesar A. Guimarães Pereira, Partner, Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini
Daniela Monteiro Gabbay*,Partner,Mange & Gabbay
Marcelo Pontes Oliveira, Legal Counsel – Product and Litigation, General Motors, Mercosul
12:15-01:30pm / Lunch
01:30-02:45pm / Afternoon Sessions: Speakers will discuss their best practices and latest trends in their sectors in a more intimate small group setting. A question andanswer period will end each session.
- Change is in the Air: How different sectors of economy are growing with mediation oriented business solutions. Meet a corporation that uses mediation, mediators and arbitratorsfrom different areas.
Construction:Fernanda Levy, Partner, Institute D’Accord
Experiences of War and Peace in Mediation (10 lessons), Joaquim de Paiva Muniz*, Partner, Trench, Rossie Watanabe
Arbitration in the Public Sector: Flavio Ribeiro Bettega, Partner, Rodrigues and Bettega
Mediator or Don Quixote? Fátima Cristina Bonassa Bucker, Partner, Bonassa Bucker
- Multi-disciplinary Mediation:1) Economic analysis of mediation: How to promote the use of mediation; 2) Reconciliation in mediation: Practices and civil statutes: New Values; 3) Would the enforcement of conciliated/mediated settlements on the same footing as Arbitral Awards make all the difference (procedural rules UNCITRAL Group III and Brazilian law)
LucianoBenettiTimm, Partner, Carvalho, Machado e Timm
Prof. Eduardo Talamini, Lecturer at USP, Adjunct Professor at UFPR
Prof. Luciana Drimel Dias, Law Professor, PUC-PR
- Learned Wisdom: Noah Hanft, former GC of MasterCard and current mediator (and CPR’s CEO) talks to the Jurídico de Saias (Legal Skirts) on how to manage corporate conflict.
Vanessa Castilho, General Counsel, Enaex Britanite
Shirley Meschke, Legal Director, Pfizer
Renata de Paiva Puzzilli Comin, Legal Manager, Phillip Morris
Christiana Abbade do Couto, Legal Manager, Supremo Cimentos
- Criminal Law:How plea bargain and negotiations are affecting criminal law practice in Brazil
João Daniel Rassi, Partner,Siqueira Castro
Rodrigo Régnier Chemim Guimarães, Public Prosecutor in Paraná State
André Luis Pontarolli, Partner, Advocacia Bretas
3:05-3:15pm / Coffee Break
Welcome: Prof. Roberto Di Benedetto, Dean of Social & Applied Science, Universidade Positivo
03:15-04:40pm / Early Conflict Management: Does your corporate culture militate in favor of settlements?
Moderator:Diego Faleck*, Partner, Faleck & Associados
. Create an ADR culture in the company
. Benchmark the success of the program; present the successful results
. Designate supervisory personnel and implement the successful techniques
. Resolve disputes in a global economy
Joan Stearns Johnsen*, JSJ-ADR and Professor, University of Florida
Gilberto Giusti, Partner, Pinheiro Neto
Marcela Sussekind Veríssimo, Managing Counsel Litigation Latin America and Caribbean,
Marcela Kohlbach de Faria, Partner, Leste Credit Gestão de Recursos
Adelmo de Moura Machado, Legal Manager, Assurant
Fernanda da Silva Gomes, Counsel – Central Administration, Ambev
04:40-5:55pm / The Challenges of Managing Employment Disputes in Brazil – Are There Solutions?
Inside and outside counsel and representatives from the judiciary discuss the current state of employment dispute resolution and positive trends in finding new solutions to employee disputes.
Moderator: Vilma Toshie Kutomi, Partner, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga
. CPR Employment Committee and its innovations
. Corporation Perspective
. Reality and tendencies
. Labor Cost and its impact in corporate hiring policies
. Is there a new culture arising?
Shirley Meschke, Legal Director, Pfizer
Alexandre Pessoa, Partner, Koury Lopes
Luís Antônio Ferraz Mendes, Partner, Pinheiro Neto
Eduardo Milleo Baracat, 9th District Court Judge, Curitiba, Paraná State
Gabriel Alves Muniz dos Santos, Legal Manager, Grupo Atos
5:55pm / Closing: Noah Hanft, CEO, CPR Institute
followed by Cocktail