Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

Health Sub Group

Notes of the Health Sub Group meeting held on 09.03.10

North Huyton Primary Care Resource Centre


Johanna Lee / Clinical Lead Nurse LD
Rachel Mayner / Health Facilitator LD Nurse
Jeremy Hunt / Service Development Manager
Katie Hardaker / Being Involved Group Development worker
Paul Jones / Brothers of Charity
Stuart Sheridan / Project Officer LD Partnership Board
Cath Kee / Community LD Nurse


Amanda Thomson / Being Involved Group
Michelle Lawlor / Community LD nurse
Phil Dearden / Pathways Coordinator Whiston Hospital
Carmel Hale / Aintree Hospital

1.  Introduction & Apologies

It was noted invitations to the meeting was sent to managers in LD care provider services: 3 managers in Alternative Futures declined appointment invitation, only 1 in attendance from BOC, nil response from others, Karen Green: 5 Boroughs Trust tentatively accepted invitation, carer group invitations: Merseyside Partners accepted invitation, nil response from other carers / groups. Discussion took place regarding sending invitations to senior managers in organisations and more commitment and involvement of LD nursing and therapy team

2. Notes of the last Meeting

The notes were read and agreed.

3.  Learning Disability Self Assessment 2010 update:

Stuart informed the meeting that the return date for the LD Self Assessment is 30th September. The group viewed the ‘Recommendations and Action Plan’; Stuart explained some of the difficulties that he has had collating information and data. Further details of the Self Assessment document can be found in the Measures and Evidence Form. Stuart informed the group that the completion of next years LD Self Assessment framework may be delegated to the Health Task Group next year.

4.  Knowsley Dementia NHS Knowsley LD Care Pathway / Best Practice Guidance :

Johanna explained that she and Jez are part of Knowsley Dementia Partnership Group. This group is leading the implementation of the National Dementia Strategy in Knowsley through the development, planning and commissioning of services to improve the quality of life and quality of care for people with dementia and their families.

The Groups’ overarching aim is to help to achieve the improvements in the three key priority areas outlined in the National Dementia Strategy:

·  Improved awareness

·  Earlier diagnosis and intervention

·  A high quality of care.

Johanna and Jez raised awareness to the Dementia Pathway Group that people with learning disability who have Down’s syndrome are at significant risk of developing dementia. Including the need for a framework and multi agency pathway to promote effective and timely assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for people with learning disabilities suspected or confirmed as having dementia and to ensure quality support to them and their staff and other carers.

Johanna has led on the development of the LD Pathway, this has included base lining what current services are available for people with learning disabilities. Consultation has involved key services and professionals in mental health and learning disability services across Knowsley, including LD Team and LD care provider services.

The LD Pathway aims to:

·  Provide a framework for good practice to develop a multi agency care pathway.

·  Promote effective and timely assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for people with learning disabilities suspected or confirmed as having dementia and to ensure quality support to them and their staff and other carers

·  Provide guidance for service providers, developers and commissioners.

·  Provide a set of standards of good practice against which service provision can be benchmarked and audited.

·  Promote the development of comprehensive and effective local services and to reduce the number of individuals who are failed by current service provision.

·  Provide a framework for training health and social care professionals and paid support staff and carers.

·  Guide the future development of services.

Other developments/work in progress includes:

·  LD Team (psychologist / LD Nurse / Johanna )working in partnership with Willow House Memory Clinic staff to develop a Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Programme for people with learning disabilities.

·  Consultant Psychiatrist (Senior Registrar) monitoring and measuring the quality (benchmarking) of the pathway.

·  Review and approval by Knowsley Dementia Partnership Group and Learning Disability Partnership Board.
·  LD Pathway is inclusive in Knowsley Dementia Partnership Pathway / By
Johanna & Jez

5.  National Learning Disability Observatory: this is now operational. Johanna informed the group the data relating to Knowsley’s health checks is inaccurate for 2009/1010. Reasons are likely that GP’s do not return data on time to the Primary Care Team.

Discuss with Neil Rotherham in the Primary Care Team solutions on how to overcome data reporting inaccuracies. / By

6.  Updates:

·  Mencap launch; Whiston and Aintree Hospital: Johanna and Rachel have been instrumental in coordinating the development and planning of both launches. A previous launch was in the Royal Liverpool Hospital. Whiston hospital launch is planned for the 22nd November and Knowsley Being Involved Advocacy Group and Johanna will be part of the presentation on the day. Aintree are yet to set a date.

The launch event aims to improve access to acute care healthcare services for people with learning disabilities. Ann Marr, Chief Executive will open the event, followed by short presentations from Mencap Liverpool, a local Advocacy Group and a Mencap Trustee outlining the national campaign. The event includes the launch of the Trust’s new Policy and Guidance for staff, and the ‘Health Passport’ which details a patient’s needs and individual preferences, and has been introduced by local Learning Disability Partnership Boards.

This event underlines and celebrates the work being carried out locally to promote and support the access of people with a learning disability to acute care at St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. It is a valuable opportunity to promote new guidance, for hospital staff to meet their community colleagues and for all those with an interest in the care of people with a learning disability to network, build relationships and improve communication.

Jez queried whether Anita Marsland Knowsley Chief Executive could co chair opening the event with Ann Marr.

Consult with Phil Dearden if Anita Marsland can co chair event. / By

·  Healthy Lifestyle courses

Johanna and the Being Involved Group (BIG) are currently working in partnership with the Community Development Team to develop the ‘Community Cooks’ course and the ‘Look After Myself Programme’ course into a format that is suitable for people with learning disabilities. Once this is completed advocates and LD nursing team will work with community health development staff to deliver the course.

·  Breast screening DVD launch

A DVD for women with learning disabilities has been developed by the Strategic Health Authority Cancer Network Group in partnership with local PCT Public Health Departments (including Knowsley) and learning disability service lead LD health facilitators / nurses. Rachel recently attended a regional launch event.

Sarah McNulty assistant director of public health in Knowsley has requested Johanna to work with Knowsley Health Promotion Team to launch the DVD in Knowsley. Therefore Johanna and Rachel facilitated a meeting on 15th September with the McMillan Cancer Care Coordinator, Katie, BIG advocates, family carers and LD care provider service managers to discuss and plan how best to raise awareness of the DVD. Overall consensus of the group was that it cannot be used as a stand alone resource; it should be used as part of a health promotion resource. Katie, advocates, families and staff stated that further health promotion sessions are required on cancer prevention and screening, healthy lifestyles etc

Request a meeting with Public Health and Head of Health Promotion to discuss outcomes and recommendations of the meeting. / By

7.  Health sub group format and membership

The group ran out of time, as this is a priority a further meeting will be convened prior to the next health sub group with relevant people to discuss the membership and role and responsibilities of the group.

Plan a further meeting / By
Jez and Johanna

7. Any other business

Deferred: the meeting ran out of time.


8.  Date and time of next meeting:

Tuesday 14th December 2010 1.00-3.00pm


upstairs meeting room,

North Huyton Primary Care Resource Centre

Woolfall Health Avenue, Huyton, Liverpool L36 3TN.


LD Partnership Board Health Sub Group notes 21st September 2010