English 12: A Survey of British and Multicultural Literature


Ethan Bucarey

Room 212 (406) 883 – 6351 Ext. 212

Course Description

The 12th grade English curriculum focuses on the development of critical reading, writing, and communication skills that meet or surpass the 12th grade Language Arts Standards. Also, the course’s goal is to prepare students for college and careers. Students will encounter a diverse selection of texts and assignments that will push their understanding of literature. They will also be involved with assignments that directly align with needs of young people applying for colleges and/or entering the workforce.

Course Objectives

1.  Improve close reading and analytical skills.

2.  Improve specific writing strategies: audience, style, and communication.

3.  Develop strong interpersonal and small group collaborative skills.

4.  Demonstrate strong public speaking skills through formal and informal presentations.

5.  Create a strong learning environment that nurtures active engagement, and allows the student to communicate, build trust, and gain perspective through the experiences shared in class.

Texts (subject to change)

Hold McDougal Literature: British Literature (Most works can be found here)

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Dave Eggers’ What is the What

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

James Welsh’s Fools Crow

Daily Materials

1. Pen or sharp pencil

2. 3-ring notebook (between 1”- 2”)

3. 5 dividers:

-Course Info

- Literature/Writing

- Apps/Readiness

- Returned Assignments

- Culminating Assignment

4. Textbook or Novel

5. Journal

Class Rule

“Men are respectable only as they respect.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

3 Strikes (Repercussions for inappropriate behavior)

1.  I ask you to “stop” misbehavior.

2.  I move your seat.

3.  You have lunch detention with me.

*Any additional strikes will result in administrative detention, or further disciplinary consequences. See Polson Student and Parent Handbook.

*Any blatant disrespect will not be tolerated, and you will be sent immediately to the office.


Standard A-F scale is used. “D-“ is required for passing class. Refer to the Polson Student and Parent Handbook for further questions.

Grading Policy

Any work handed in within 5 days of its due date will receive up to ½ of the value earned.

Any large assessment (i.e. take-home test or essay) will lose 10% of its value everyday up to 5 days.


Any student who is required to attend the CORE/FLEX after September 28 is required to complete all outstanding/insufficient assignments. The grading for CORE will be based on effort and diligence.

Missed Work

1.  An excused absence will gain the time absent +1 day.

2.  Any long term assignment will be required on the day it is due, unless you discussed with me earlier on came to a different agreement.

3.  Any unexcused absences will not gain credit for the missing assignment.

4.  If you have an athletic event, college visit, etc. see me ahead of time for the work. It will make both of our lives easier.

5.  If there are any further questions, view the Polson Student and Parent Handbook (10).


Homework will be given almost daily. Students are expected to complete their homework assignments BY THE TIME THE BELL RINGS TO BEGIN CLASS. I will not accept any homework for full credit after the bell rings to begin class. Students are to hand it in on the appropriate shelf on my desk. Each homework counts for about 1/10th of the value of larger assessments. If the student is required to finish a larger task for homework, it could be worth more.


If you need help with your work, please see me. My door is always open. I will be at school at 7:15 am daily. If you need help, get here early and we will handle it. I will stay after school as well. I am very flexible, but if you are struggling or need extra help, seek me out. I will make time. It is your responsibility to find me or email me. MY PREP IS 6th PERIOD.


Don’t do it. Don’t try to fool me. Google is a powerful tool. Also, we will be using turnitin.com. If you are working with citation or paraphrasing, talk to me ahead of time to make sure it is done right. Please see the Polson Language Arts Plagiarism Policy.


To receive full credit for participation, you must come to class prepared daily with the above daily materials, participated fully in class discussion, and work diligently on any assignment given.


Everything will be written in Standard academic English. Any public speaking should follow suit. Stay away from text talk and slang. BTW, abbreviations don’t count as well. Cursing – don’t do it. *I do not tolerate ANY name calling (even in jest) - especially in reference to a person’s race, gender, size, or sexuality (whether you consider them a friend or not). If this occurs, it will be dealt with to the harshest extent.


Cell phones get turned to silent and put away by the time the bell rings. I do not want to see them out. If your phone is too big for your pocket, it must go on the table in front of you face down. You won’t need iPads, iPods, Kindles, etc. If I see an electronic device out, I will confiscate it, and deal with it according to school policy. Do not try to hide your phones in your sweatshirt pockets, lap, an open book, in an open book bag, in your hat, behind your purse, behind your coat, etc. I know all the spots.

Hall Pass

The hall pass will be used according to the Student and Parent Handbook. You are responsible for what you missed. If the pass is misused, it will be taken away.

Other Expectations

I expect that this year will be fun. There is a lot to do, in a short period of time. The way the course is set up there will be swift transitions between the traditional English classroom and career readiness. Knowing that you are seniors, I expect that we can begin to approach the class with bit of democracy found in more collegiate level education. This comes with a great deal of respect, maturity, and self- awareness. As the course goes on, I expect that you will take full responsibility for your learning and your place in academia.

Prospective 2015-16 English 12 Curriculum (Subject to Change)

Unit 1: Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods

Unit 2: College Applications/Career Readiness

Unit 3: Social Criticism

Unit 4: Romanticism and Its Influence

Unit 5: Shakespeare

Unit 6: Modern and Contemporary Lit/Colonialism

Unit 7: Modern and Contemporary Lit/Responses to War

Unit 8: IEFA

Unit 9: Culminating Project

Please keep this portion of the syllabus!

26 August 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am excited to begin the school year with your student. I expect that this year will be very successful. I plan to keep open communication lines throughout the school year. The curriculum is set up to offer many different perspectives and points-of-view. I consistently offer as objective point of view as possible. Also, anything that is read or shown in class is based on my best judgment on its relevance to the unit. If something could be construed as inappropriate for high school seniors, a letter will go home ahead of time for permission. If there are any immediate concerns, questions, or anything that you feel I should know about your son/daughter, please let me know briefly at the bottom of the form. The best way to contact me throughout the year for an immediate response is at the email address below. Again, thank you all you do for your child, and I look forward to a successful school year.


Ethan Bucarey

English Teacher

Please cut and return this portion of the syllabus!

Please sign below to indicate that you and your parent/guardian have read and understand the syllabus.

Return no later that: ______

Student Name: Student Signature:

Parent /Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Signature:
