Extreme Community Makeover Days

2011 Request for Proposals

The Albion Community Foundation Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the availability of funds to support Extreme Community Makeover Grant Projects. We will provide the financial assistance needed to help complete service projects that will help improve our community.

What:Possible Project Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Park clean-up and maintenance or other park and playground restorations/improvements
  • Neighborhood clean-up projects
  • Nonprofit facility improvement projects
  • Addressing Blighted Properties
  • Beautification activities
  • Community Gardening

When:Projects must take place on Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday on following dates:

  • September 9-11 (Sept. 11 is the National Day of Service and Remembrance)

Funding:The grant range for Extreme Community Makeover Days is $250 - $4,000

  • We anticipate funding several smaller projects ($250 - $1,000) and 2-3 larger projects ($1,000 - $4,000)

Project Budget: We anticipate that grant funds will be used to purchase the equipment and supplies necessary to carry out project activities.

  • The amount of volunteer involvement should be relatively proportional to the amount requested. For example if your project will only utilize 5 volunteers (including staff), then the grant request should probably be for less than $1,000. Whereas, if your project is utilizing 35 volunteers, then a grant request of $5,000 may be justified.
  • Staff time should not exceed 10% of the total grant requested, as volunteer involvement should be an essential component of the project.
  • Funds for outside contractors may be included if their activities are necessary for the successful completion of the project (i.e. a licensed electrician is needed to move an electrical line.) These costs would not be considered staff time.
  • Up to 10% of the budget may be used to provide volunteer incentives. Volunteer incentives are not a requirement.

Who:501 (c)(3) or other tax exempt organizations, including churches and service clubs, serving the greater Albion area are eligible to apply for Extreme Community Makeover Grants. Projects where the primary activities take place outside of the greater Albion area, even if they serve Albion area residents are not eligible for funding. We do not make grants to individuals.

We highly encourage youth groups, church groups, and service clubs to consider applying for a grant to make a difference in your neighborhood. However, please note that the applicant organization must be a nonprofit, such as a church, school, local government agency or nonprofit. If you have an idea, but do not have a nonprofit sponsor, please contact us at 629-3349 and we will try to match you up with an agency.

Volunteer Involvement FAQs

Is my organization responsible for recruiting our own volunteers? Yes, however you may be able to receive assistance from the Albion Volunteer Service Organization, if you give them enough notice. However the project will probably be viewed as more viable if you are already working with a core group of volunteers.

Under whose liability do volunteers fall? While the Albion Community Foundation is providing grant awards for these community improvement projects, the applicant organization is responsible for their volunteers and should have appropriate liability insurance to cover them.

How are volunteers screened? Each applicant (project sponsor) is responsible for their own volunteer screening and training, if necessary. However, the Albion Volunteer Service Organization will conduct background checks and provide groups with volunteer applications and group orientations, upon request.

Are a minimum number of volunteers required? While there is no required minimum, as stated previously, the amount requested should be proportional to the number of people participating in the project. One of the goals of this program is for individuals to take more ownership and pride in the community. Therefore, the greater the number of volunteers you have the better the chances are that your group will be funded.

Is a minimum amount of volunteer time required? No, the amount of time required is what it takes to successfully complete your project. However, projects will be selected in part based on their ability to be successfully completed in a two day period.

Deadline: Please submit your completed project descriptions with your Extreme Community Makeover Grant application no later than Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 4:00 p.m.

Cover Sheet

Applicant Organization's Name: / Project Director:
Mailing Address: / City: / Zip Code:
Organization Phone: / Organization Fax: / Contact Phone: / Contact Fax:
Group Name ( / Contact Email Address:
Project Name: / Project Location:
Est. Number of Volunteers / Total Project Cost: / ACF Requested Amount:

Authorized SignatureDate

Typed Name and Title

Project Date(s): Please check all that apply. Please note that your project should take place in September or September, and may take place over a one, two or three day period.

September (Check all that apply)

September 9th(Friday) September10th(Saturday)September 11th (Sunday)


Does your organization/group have liability insurance for your volunteers? Yes No

If your organization is a youth group, club, etc. does the insurance of your fiscal sponsor cover you for this volunteer activity? Yes No

Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet:

  1. Please describe your community improvement project (what are you planning to do?)
  2. How will this project help “Makeover” the community?
  3. Please describe the volunteer recruitment plan for this project.
  4. Do you have any volunteers for this project? Yes No If yes, how many?
  5. How many total volunteers do you estimate needing for the project?
  6. What are your plans for recruitment?
  7. Do you have permission to do the project you are suggesting from the property owner? If you do not own the property, who does?(You do not need to have permission for this grant application, if we anticipate funding your project, we will work with you to acquire permission from the property owners, City of Albion, Albion Public Schools, etc.)

Project Budget: Please itemizeyour anticipated budget expenditures. See sample format below.

Revenue: / Pending / Committed
ACF Grant Request / $2,500
Other Revenue / $250 / $0
Total Revenue / $2,750 / $0
Expenses: / ACF Request / Cost
Share / Total Expenses
Staff Salaries (20 hours @ $15.00) / $275 / $25 / $300
Contractors and/or Professional Fees (electrician 1 day @$500) / $500 / 0 / $500
Volunteer Incentives (lunch for 40 volunteers) / $200 / 0 / $200
Equipment (fence posts 10@ $15.00) / $150 / 0 / $150
Equipment (Flower Boxes 10 @ $50) / $500 / 0 / $500
Equipment (Parking posts 10 @ $50) / $500 / 0 / $500
Supplies (flowers – 10 beds @ $5.00) / $50 / 0 / $50
Supplies (mulch – 5 bags @ $10) / $50 / 0 / $50
Supplies (20 paint brushes and rollers @ $5.00) / $75 / $25 / $100
Supplies (20 gallons of paint x $20.00) / $200 / $200 / $400
Total Expenses / $2500.00 / $250.00 / $2750.00