Fans of Buxton Station to highlight famous fanlight

August 10, 2015

Fans of Buxton Railway Station want to use its famous fanlight to brighten up the historic building.

The revitalized Friends of Buxton Station (FoBS) are a group of volunteers who have been making improvements to the town’s rail gateway, including clearing weeds, planting flowers and installing hanging baskets.

Now they are seeking permission to illuminate the fanlight in the wall facing the Palace Hotel so it gives out a welcoming glow.

“FoBS aims to improve the station facilities, including seats and signs as well as car parking, and overall environment,” said member Marc Haywood.

“We recognise the unique architectural features of the station, not least the fan window and aim to raise the appreciation of this by making the station a place Buxton will be proud of.

“There is currently a planning application in to allow us to illuminate the fan window. This is supported by the owners, DB Schenker as well as a lot of other people. So far everyone we have mentioned this to has spoken positively about the idea.”

The large fanlight window is all that now remains of Buxton’s double station built for the Midland and LNWR Companies and largely demolished in 1969-70.

FoBS long-term project has seen local schools join with students for the University of Derby and Buxton and Leek College help to provide art work murals on the fencing, and eventually FoBS hope to install bird feeders and nesting boxes.

“We are always looking for volunteers to help, or donations of plants, bulbs and compost,” said Marc.

To help FoBS, contact .

Although an independent group, FoBS was set up with the help and support of Buxton Town Team, which aims to increase the prosperity of Buxton and the wellbeing of the community

For more details about Buxton Town Team, visit

Notes to editors: For more details, contact Tina Heathcote on 01298 24219.