Jim Wretham

The National Archives, Norwich, United Kingdom

It is essential that there is a licensing model that will facilitate the use and re-use of spatial data and services that are covered by the INSPIRE Regulations. As there is a growing awareness of the importance of information and data produced by the public sector in driving forward the government’s Transparency Agenda and other strands of information policy, it is important that there is a consistent and integrated approach to licensing.

Spatial data will be licensed under the UK Government Licensing Framework (UKGLF) which was developed to support the government’s Transparency Agenda. The UKGLF provides policy, legal context and licensing principles for all public sector information, including location data.

This paper will present an analysis of the principles that underpin the UKGLF. It will also explain how the UKGLF will be developed to reflect issues and requirements that are specific to INSPIRE and location data. Accordingly, The National Archives will be developing licence models that will sit within the overarching scope of the UKGLF that will address specific UK Location needs.

This topic could be presented either as a lecture to plenary conference, or as a workshop, as best fits the programme. If presented as a workshop, the relevant workshop details as requested are:

Organizer/Contact Person (Jim Wretham, The National Archives, United Kingdom. +44 (0)1603 553219, )
Workshop Description and Goals (Digest as above. If presented as a workshop, format would be short lecture, followed by group exercises on e.g. identifying INSPIRE public task principles. Take home materials would be lecture notes, no equipment required). Goal would be to provide input that will inform the development of the licence models and supporting guidance.
Tentative Workshop InstructorJim Wretham and/or Jo Ellis, Information PolicyManager.
Intended Audience and any Required Skills or Interests A general audience of INSPIRE practitioners and policy leads.]