Honors English IIITheir Eyes Were Watching God essay assignment:

Note: This should take you a SIGNIFICANT amount of time and effort. It should be an example of your best thesis writing and will be graded accordingly.

Choose one of the following topics and develop a thesis on that topic. Then, prove that thesis in an approximately 3 page typed paper that adheres to all formal paper guidelines (see me if you have questions).

  • At a certain point in the novel, we are told that Janie "had an inside and an outside now and suddenly she knew how not to mix them." Consider what triggers this realization, what it means, and use this moment as a jumping-off point for a discussion of the significance of "insides" and "outsides" in Their Eyes Were Watching God (relating, if you wish, to DuBois' theory of double-consciousness). What sorts of things happen inside or indoors, what things happen outside or outdoors, and what happens in between (for example, on porches!)? You might want to consider, for example, the ways in which the narration itself is both "inside" and "outside" of the characters, sometimes sequentially and sometimes even simultaneously.Make sure you focus your discussion and thoughts on a specific thesis. You will not be able to address all parts of this prompt.
  • Focus on one or two of the central images or metaphors that help to shape Hurston’s novel. Where and how does your chosen image or metaphor recur in the text? What functions does the repetition serve? How does it contribute to our understanding of Janie’s character and/or the meaning of the novel? Make sure you focus your discussion and thoughts on a specific thesis

All stages of your paper should be typed.

  • Typed thesis statementsare due Monday, March 1st.
  • Typed outlines (should include topic sentences and possible quotations) are due Wednesday, March 3rd.
  • Typed rough drafts (your outline filled out) are due Friday, March 5th.
  • Typed intermediate drafts are due Tuesday, March 9th. Intermediate drafts include all quotations and ideas fully developed.
  • Optional: If you want my comments and the possibility of a rewrite for partial credit, your final paper is due Thursday, March 11th. Talk to me about the next deadline for rewrite.
  • The final due date for the paperwithout my comments is Tuesday, March 16th, both in hard copy at the beginning of class and electronically on turnitin.com.

Note: Make sure you have developed a thesis and are not just answering the above questions. Remember you are proving something in your paper; if you would like to discuss your thesis in advance with me, please feel free to schedule a time and I can help you plan.

Also, seriously considerpeer-editing to improve the quality of your paper.