Directors Meeting Jan 6, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present: R. A. Fuchs, Fred Dallmeyer, E. T. Neutzler, Alfred Sommerfeld, Walter Kieke, Gus Draeger Jr, Herbert Kunkel and Frankie J Jaster.

Previous minutes were read and approved.

December financial reports was read, discussed and accepted.

Annual financial reports were read. Upon a Motion made and seconded to pay a Dividend of 8% on 1969 business. Carried.

Buying Fertilizer Spreader was discussed and agreed for further discussion on annual meeting.

Emblems on slowing moving vehicles was discussion and agreed to place same all spreaders and distributors.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Jan 10, 1970 Stockholders Meeting

The fifty-seventh Stockholders Meeting called to order by the president with the “Roll Call” indicating that (19) nineteen stockholders present.

Previous Stockholders and Directors minutes were read and accepted.

Financial reports of Gin & Mill were read and accepted.

Motion was made and seconded to appoint Alfred Sommerfeld and Fred Dallmeyer as committee men to check on John Deere fertilizer distributor and buy same. Carried.

Frankie J Jaster reported whse financial reports and same were accepted. Carried.

Finance committee reported that they found Gin, Mill & Whse books correct to best of their knowledge.

Motion made and seconded to elect all directors and Finance committee men by acclamation. Carried.

The Burton Fire Dept was given a rising vote of thanks for the use of the fire House.

As no further business the meeting adjourned by paying the dividend of 8%.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Jan 10, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors, Gin Mgr and Frankie J Jaster present.

Motion made and seconded to sell pump for the price of $10.00. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to Hire Herbert Kunkel as manager and be paid according to the Wage and Hour law. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to check in to electric power at Mill house and make arrangements with the Bluebonnet Elec Corp for our Board of Directors to meet with the above corporation. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to table of hireing [sic] whse manager until next meeting for further discussion. Carried.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Feb 14, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present: R. A. Fuchs, E. T. Neutzler, Fred Dallmeyer, Gus Draeger Jr, Walter Kieke, Alfred Sommerfeld, Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel, and Whse Mgr Frankie J. Jaster.

Previous minutes and financial reports were read and approved.

John Deere fertilizer Distributor was bought for the price of 778.00 from Jaegers Inc and same was placed on the depreciation listed of 20% or 5 yr straight line depreciation.

Frankie J. Jaster gave Whse report. Hiring of Frankie J Jaster as Whse manage [sic] was table for further consideration.

Motion made and seconded to place $1000.00 on time deposit with the Burton state Bank. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to pay our Dues to the Texas Ginners Association. Carried.

Agreed to make changes on Gin Receipt also agreed not to pay a refund on all opened Bags of seed.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting March 14, 1970

Directors meeting called to order by the president with the following present: R. A. Fuchs, Fred Dallmeyer, Gus Draeger Jr, Walter Kieke, E. T. Neutzler, Elfon Hinze, Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel and Frankie J. Jaster.

Previous minutes and financial Reports were read and accepted.

Frankie J. jaster gave his report.

Motion made and seconded to buy two trailors [sic] from Seidel Bro’s for the price of 100.00, if price is higher only one should be bought. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to offer Frankie J. Jaster $250.00 or 3o cts per bale more for his services for the year 1970. Carried.

Agreed to look into, of finding or hireing [sic] hands for the 1970 Gin Season.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting April 11th 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all Directors gin manager and Whse manager present.

Previous minutes and financial reports were read, upon a motion and seconded were accepted.

It was discussed that mgr check Gin and see what repairs are needed and also look into getting hands to work during ginning season.

After discussing hireing [sic] of Whse mgr a Motion was made and seconded to hire Frankie J. Jaster for year 1970 and pay him $250.00 for administrative fees to the addition of his piece rate service, the above $250.00 to be paid in December 1970 and piece rate sheet service found on opposite page which read as follows: Carried.

Agreed to put up Burton Farmers Gin sign on Gus Draeger Jr farm.

As no further the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting May 9, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors, Gin Mgr & Whse mgr present.

Previous minutes were read, upon a Motion made and second to accept same. Carried.

Financial reports were read and discussed. Motion was made & seconded to accept same. Carried.

Agreed to post “Notice” where we have parked our spreaders and seeder that precaution should be taken or damages will be charged against use of same.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

P.S. Secretary check with Howard Matthies on weighing at scale at Gin.

Directors Meeting June 20, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all Directors and Gin Mgr present.

Previous Minutes were read and accepted.

Motion made and seconded to accept financial Reports as read. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to put Caution Signs on spreaders and seeders. Carried.

Agreed that the secretary send notice to Blue Bonnet Electric Corp. and to Max Zuehlke on Electricity that being used at Mill.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler

Directors Meeting July 11, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, R. A. Fuchs, Fred Dallmeyer, E. T. Neutzler, Walter Kieke, Alfred Sommerfeld, Gus Draeger Jr, Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel and Frankie J. Jaster.

Previous Minutes were read, Discussed and same were accepted.

Financial Reports were read by Secretary. Upon a Motion made and second, were accepted. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to leave our Tariff charges as in previous years. Carried.

Agreed to leave Gin charges and Gin hands until next meeting for further discussion.

Motion made and seconded to look into for a tractor at Gin, and buy same if it can be gotten at a reasonable price. Carried.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Aug 8, 1970 Directors Meeting

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors and Gin Mgr present.

Previous minutes wre read and approved.

Financial reports were read and discussed. Uon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.

Mrs Wisnoski’s offered her tractor to be used at Gin and to find out what her charges will be for the use of same.

Motion made and seconded to buy three shares of Gin stock from J. F. Watson Estates. Carried.

Hireing [sic] A. C. Bredthauer as Bookkeeper at Gin has been considered for further discussion at (1.60 hr).

Motion made and seconded to charge for Bagging and ties – 6.00 per pattern and raise the price of Ginning a total of 1.75 per Bale of cotton or 35 cts a hundred. Carried.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Sept 14, 1970. Directors Meeting

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors and Gin Mgr present.

Previous minutes were read and accepted.

Financial reports were read upon a motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.

“Labor” was discussed and a Motion made and seconded to raise wages from $1.45 to 1.60 per hr for two cotton hands at Gin. Carried.

Agreed that the Secretary check with bookkeeper at gin and help same.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting

Oct 12, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, R. A. Fuchs, E. T. Neutzler, Fred Dallmeyer, Elfon Hinze, Alfred Sommerfeld, Gus Draeger Jr and Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel.

Financial reports and previous minutes were read. Uon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.

Ginning was discussed an agreed to leave Gin days at present as long as enough cotton are there to gin.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Nov 18, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors present, Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel and Frankie J. Jaster.

Previous minutes were read, upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same.

Financial reports were read by the secretary and same were accepted as read.

Agreed to pay Hy Pueckhahn for sacks that were furnished by him for corn at 5 cts each.

Agreed to have it up to Gin manager for buying pencils for Christmas for the customers.

After discussing bulk fertilizer it was agreed by the board of directors not to go into same.

Agreed to send statements to all past due accounts and manager was requested to do so by the 1st of December.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Dec 15, 1970

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors and gin mgr present.

Previous minutes were read by the secretary upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to accept Mill and Gin Financial reports. Carried.

Agreed to hold 11 B/c cotton until 1971.

“ to offer Mrs Minnie Wisnoski $25.00 for the use of her Tractor at Gin.

Motion made and seconded to pay a Bonus to the following employees: Herbert Kunkel $50.00, Paul Schmidt 35.00, Welbert Meyer 15.00, James Neutzler 5.00 & Robt Dietrich 5.00. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to give Burton Fire Dept $50.00 toward a new truck. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to have our annual Stockholders meeting Jan 16, 1970 9:30 at Burton Fire House. Carried.

As no further business, the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Jan 9, 1971

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with all directors, Gin Mgr and Whse mgr present.

Previous minutes were read and accepted.

Motion made and seconded to accept financial reports of Demcember [sic] 1970. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to sell the 11 Bc on hand. Carried.

Upon reading the financial reports for year 1970, a Motion was made and seconded to pay a dividend of 8%. Carried.

As no further business, the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler Sec’ty

Jan 16, 1971 Stockholders Meeting

The fifty-eight Stockholders Meeting called to order by the president with twenty Stockholders and Whse mgr present.

Previous Stockholders and Directors meeting minutes were read and accepted.

Finaancial reports of Mill & Gin were read, upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.

Whse mgr read his report and same was accepted.

Agreed by the stockholders that directors make nessary [sic] repairs at Gin, Mill as needed.

Finance Committee reported that they found books correct to the best of their knowledge.

In election of officers each directors & finance committee was re-elected separately in its own positon.

As no further business the meeting adjourned by paying the 8% dividend checks.

The Burton Firemen were given a rising vote of thanks for the use of the fire house for the annual meeting.

E. T. Neutzler, Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Jan 16, 1971

Directors meeting called to order by the president with all directors gin mgr and Whse mgr present.

It was agree by the directors, of hireing [sic] Whse mgr at later date.

It was agreed to check into selling cornmeal on commercial basis and agreed that the president contact Arnold Seidel on same.

Gin & Mill Mgr Herbert Kunkel was hired for the year 1971 to manage same.

Motion made and second to place $3000.00 on time deposit at Burton State Bank. Carried.

Motion made and seconded to buy used Butane Stove and place same in fire house. Carried.

As no further business the meeting adjourned.

E. T. Neutzler, Sec’ty

Directors Meeting Feb 13, 1971

Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, R. A. Fuchs, Fred Dallmeyer, E. T. Neutzler, Gus Draeger Jr, Alfred Sommerfeld, Walter Kieke, and Gin Mgr Herbert Kunkel.

Financial Reports and Minutes of January were read. Upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.

Cornmeal selling on commercial basis was discussed and same was tabled.

Motion made and seconded to raise th price of grinding on hay, fodder, cane & Hay ground separately from 30 cts to 45 cts cwt. Carried.

Secretary was requested to write USDA on cotton classification cards.

As not further business the meeting adjourned.