Action 2016.29 Catalogue of Services Minutes of Meeting

D02.03 - Meeting Minutes – CPSV-AP v2.0 revision second webinar

Action 2016.29 Catalogue of Services Specific Contract 414 under Framework Contract DI/07171 – Lot 2

Project: / Action 2016-29 Catalogue of Services / Meeting Date/Time: / 09/06/2017
Meeting Type: / Webinar / Meeting Location: / Online
Meeting Coordinator: / Michiel de Keyzer / Issue Date: / 14/06/2016
Attendee Name / Initials / Organisation/Country
Andre van Brussel / AvB / ICTU, The Netherlands
Bart Hanssens / BH / Fedict, Belgium
Ignacio Serrano / IS / Ministry of Finance, Spain
José Luis Guerrero / JLG
Giorgia Lodi / GL / AgID, Italy
Nicola Guarino / NG / CNR, Italy
Joseph Azzopardi / JA / Information Technology Agency, Malta
Marko Latvanen / ML /, Finland
Miguel Álvarez Rodríguez / MAR / ISA, European Commission
Peter Burian / PB
Nikolaos Loutas / NL / PwC EU Services
Michiel De Keyzer / MDK
Jens Scheerlinck / JS
Christophe Parrein / CP
Ana Fernández de Soria / AF
Meeting Agenda
1.  Welcome and overview
2.  Applied changes to the CPSV-AP second draft. Closed issues:
a.  Removal of type property from Agent class
b.  Error in the range and domain of certain classes
c.  Document the possible public service statuses
d.  Public service identifier and general description
3.  Issues to close:
a.  Add new class to cover the description of catalogue
b.  Add property to cover the specialisation of public service descriptions
4.  Future work:
a.  Analyse alternative ways of classifying, grouping or organising public services, other than the life event
b.  Extension of controlled vocabularies
5.  Next steps and next webinar:
a.  Review the multilingual labels
b.  Review the CPSV-AP v2.1 – Second draft
6.  Q & A
Presentation and meeting details:
Summary of Meeting
Topic / Summary
Welcome and overview / ·  MDK introduced the webinar and thanked the WG members for their participation.
·  The goal of the webinar is to review the second draft of the CPSV-AP v2.1, share experience among MSs and agree on future work.
Applied changes to the CPSV-AP second draft. / The following change requests were agreed during the previous webinar and applied to the CPSV-AP v2.1 second draft:
1.  Removal of type property from Agent class
2.  Error in the range and domain of certain classes
3.  Document the possible public service statuses
o  The WG did not have any comment regarding these three issues.
4.  Public service identifier and general description
o  MDK explained the applied changes to the CPSV-AP v2.1 second draft regarding this issue, i.e. align the different public services definitions according to the input received from NG.
o  NG raised that this is a temporal decision to the issue. However, it is not solved yet. He explained that currently there is no common definition of public service across Europe and to him, there is a need to give an answer to the question.
o  MDK explained that it was agreed by the WG to define the CPSV-AP model to describe PSs for a catalogue, not at execution level. However, they used it at the Belgian region of Flanders and the definition of a PS proved to be reusable for other use cases too.
o  NL agreed on the fact that there are several descriptions of what is a public service around Europe. However, the core meaning of what is a public service does not vary.
o  MA thanked NG for the comments provided about the issue and asked to continue the discussion offline, as it does not seem to be interest from the rest of the WG on the issue.
o  PROPOSED: Leave the issue opened and continue discussing about it offline.
o  AGREED: The WG agreed to continue the discussion offline.
Issues to close / The following change requests were discussed during the webinar:
1.  Add new class to cover the description of catalogue
o  MDK explained that this issue was addressed by adding a Public Service Catalogue class to the CPSV-AP v2.1 draft, aligned with dcat:Dataset.
o  GL expressed her concern about over-extending the model, which implies complexity to manage it. She will have a closer look at the proposal and come back to us because for the moment, she does not see the need of including the class.
o  NG agreed with GL, a Core Vocabulary should not be very complex, but capture the essential elements to describe the subject.
o  PROPOSED: Align the new class with dcat:Dataset, as added in the specifications draft.
o  RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
2.  Add property to cover the specialisation of public service descriptions
o  MDK explained that this issue was addressed by adding the property isSpecialisationOf as an association between PSs.
o  NG pointed out that the usage of “specialisation” is risky since UML uses that term as well. In addition, he remarked that the examples discussed during the previous webinar are different than the ones that appear in the draft document.
o  GL explained that AgID defined a public services model as a classification of generic public services. She suggested to add something similar to the CPSV-AP, instead of the association relation. MDK explained that The Netherlands created a mapping of PSs with a generic list, similar to what AgID did. However, he pointed out that as not every country uses the same approaches, it is important to keep the implementation of PSs specialisation more generic.
o  ML explained that the Finnish model has "general/common descriptive sections" for services that are legally mandated to municipalities. In their Service Catalogue, they have to apply the general description and enrich it with local data such as channel, cost and related properties at local level (specialised PSs).
o  NG summarised the discussion by proposing to drop, for the time being, the idea of adding a new association in the public service class, and consider in the future the idea of including descriptions of services as a new class.
o  Considering the different approaches that MSs use to address this issue, MDK proposed to share the different implementations on Joinup, so the WG members can provide their opinions on the issue. In addition, he suggested to drop the isSpecialisationOf relation for the moment and perform an additional analysis to see if there is something in the current model than can cover the specialisation of PSs.
o  PROPOSAL: Put on hold the addition of the recursive relation isSpecialisationOf between public services, and analyse the different implementations that MSs used to cover this.
o  RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
Future work / The following points were proposed as future work during the webinar:
1.  Analyse alternative ways of classifying, grouping or organising public services, other than the life event
o  MDK asked the WG whether they could be interested in using additional ways to classifying PSs rather than events.
o  GL explained that AgID included two extra classifications to the CPSV-AP_IT: data themes, reused from DCAT-AP, and the NACE classification proposed by the CPSV-AP for the sector. However, she expressed that the sector classification is not easy to use, and thus, they are looking for additional classifications.
o  NG proposed to consider the difference between digital services and human services (and the relationships among them).
o  JA said that, in Malta, they are considering to use personal roles for the classification of PSs in order to do a pre-filtering before showing the list of PS descriptions to the users. GL said that AgID is trying to do the same.
o  Finland uses a formal two-tier service classification, with pre-defined target groups and pre-defined life events as classification dimensions. ML promised to send to the mailing list the FSC API information and related documentation after the webinar.
o  PROPOSED: The WG will share their experience on classifying public services by commenting the issue on Joinup, or sending an email to the mailing list.
o  RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
2.  Extension of controlled vocabularies
o  MDK asked whether the WG identified the need to create or redefine the controlled vocabularies of the CPSV-AP.
o  GL proposed to use other list for the PS sector, rather than the current NACE codes.
o  PROPOSED: Share experiences using controlled vocabularies or express interest in new ones, by using the CPSV-AP mailing list or adding comments on the Joinup issue.
o  RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
Sharing experience between MSs / The WG was asked to share experiences in how they are dealing with the exchange of information on public services in their country between central and decentral public administrations.
·  AvB shared the experience in The Netherlands. He explained that there are more than 400 local offices in different regions that create and validate the local descriptions in an XML file. Afterwards, the central government harvests and publishes the PS descriptions. Currently, they have around 60000 PS descriptions published in the eGoverment portal. In addition, the descriptions are available as open data that can be queried by anyone. He will share the link to the Dutch catalogue.
·  MDK announced that there is also the possibility to share experiences during an exclusive webinar for that. He invited the WG to come up with ideas and topics they want to talk about with the rest of stakeholders.
Next steps and next webinar / ·  MDK explained the next steps, i.e. they will update the version of the specifications for public review with the comments received during the webinar.
·  The CPSV-AP 2.1 draft for public review will be released before the end of June. The WG is invited to have a look at it during the public review period, which will take place over the summer.
·  In addition, some multilingual labels were not reviewed. The WG is invited to have a look at them.
Q & A / ·  MDK thanked everyone for the interesting discussion and feedback provided. WG members are welcome to provide further comments and/or questions using the available tools (mailing list and Joinup).
Action Nr / Action description / Target Date / Action Owner
1.  / Send meeting minutes to the WG. / 16/06/2017 / PwC
2.  / Launch the public review. / 30/06/2017 / PwC
3.  / Review the draft version of the specification and provide comments, if existing. / 01/09/2017 / WG
4.  / Review the multilingual labels. / 01/09/2017 / WG
5.  / Give input on different ways of classifying public services. / 01/09/2017 / WG
6.  / Give input on the creation of new controlled vocabularies. / 01/09/2017 / WG
7.  / Raise interest and propose topics for the webinar on sharing experiences. / 01/09/2017 / WG