B.C. Secondary School Cross-Country Commission’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2017
November 3, 2017. 7:00PM
Holiday Inn Vancouver Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia
- Call To Order
-Welcome and introductions of the Commission
-Make sure to sign in and get one voting card per School District 45 (West Vancouver)
-Thanks to race directors: Mark Fenn, Hugh Wilson, Leslie Buchanan, Lauren Hart
- The Executive
-Commissioner: Colin Dignum (1 year remaining)
-Treasurer: Stan Jang (1 year remaining)
-Secretary: Jody Barber (1 year remaining)
-Media Liaison: Sean Dawson (1 year remaining)
-Liaison with BC Athletics: Colin Dignum (1 year remaining)
Members at Large: Zone Representatives
Fraser Valley Greg Worsley
Independent Sean Dawson
KootenaysJon Francis
North Central Brian Nemethy
North West Jody Barber
North Shore/Howe Sound Gerry Karvelis
Okanagan Tom Carlson
Burnaby/New West/Rich Bill Harvey
Vancouver Paul Skarsgard
Vancouver Island Tessa Kubicek
- Review of 2016 Minutes
- Financials –to be reviewed by Treasurer Stan Jang
-Increasing our BC entry fee?
- Committees
- Championship Host Committee: Hugh Wilson, Mark Fenn, Lauren Hart, Leslie Buchanan
-to discuss details about race site, race and awards
- Disciplinary Committee
-to handle disputes and infractions on race day
-Colin Dignum (Commissioner)
-Mark Fenn, Sentinel Secondary School
-Andrew Lenton, Maple Ridge Secondary School
-Eric Wolf, Dawson Creek Secondary School
- Scholarship Committee
-to choose 2 $500 scholarship winners
-Brian Nemethy, Nechako Valley
-Tessa Kubicek, Oak Bay
-Mark Fenn, Sentinel
2016 Winners: Jamie Hennessy (Maple Ridge) and Thomas Nobbs (Point Grey)
- Future Championships
-2018 Vancouver Island, Saturday, November 3, 2018. Nanaimo (Allen Johnston: Wellington)
-2019 Lower Mainland, Saturday, November 2, 2019. Abbotsford?
-2020 Other, Saturday, November 7. 2020
-The application to host is available on
7. Future Zones?
-BCSS is going to 9 zones instead of 8 for 2019
- Motions
- WHEREAS, both girls and boys run the same distances on the track; whereas, nearly all US state championships run equal distances; whereas, to ensure we send a positive message about equality to all of our runners BE IT RESOLVED that girls and boys of the same age run the same distanceat theBC High School Championships with appropriate distances being 5km for Junior Boys and Girls and 6.5km for Senior Boys and Girls.
(Wilson – Revelstoke Secondary / Bendall - Vernon Secondary)
- WHEREAS, more junior cross country athletes participate in BC; whereas, in 2016 Junior berthing for team and individual was matched to Senior berthing; whereas, Sr berthing is 4 of 7 runners and junior berthing is 4 of 6 runners BE IT RESOLVED that junior berthing become 4 of 7 runners. (Worsley - Elgin Park / Gin - White Rock Christian Academy)
- WHEREAS, the BC Cross Country Championship Handout states that all athletes must run their Zone Championship race to qualify to run in the BC Championship race; and whereas, there is no formal competition jury or decision-making process at the BC Cross Country Commission from exempting athletes from this obligation; and whereas, there may be legitimate reasons to exempt athletes who have not competed in a Zone Championship race to compete in the Provincial Championship race; therefore, BE ITRESOLVED, That the Commissioner of BC High School Cross Country be authorized to enter into the BC Cross Country Championship race athletes who missed their Zone Championshipupon the recommendation of a Competition Jury constituted by the commission.
(Wilson – Sentinel / Kubicek - Oak Bay)
If passed,The following resolution is proposed:
RESOLVED, that the BC Cross Country Commission creates a Competition Jury. The Jury should comprise the Commissioner as well as three elected representatives from the various zones.
If this is passed, the following resolution is proposed.
WHEREAS, the circumstances upon which a Zone Competition Jury may make a request to the Commissioner for an athlete exemption to the Provincial Championship;
RESOLVED, that azone representativemust present an information package to the Commission Competition Jury that describes the circumstances of the request, so that a fair decision can be made. It should be clear that requests are not for the purpose of filling out teams but to accommodate athletes with a proven record of competition. The contents of the package will be defined by the Commission.
(Wilson/Sentinel/Kubicek/Oak Bay)
- New Business
- Motion to Adjourn