Briefing Information on CLAS Cymru

The Community Land Advisory Service in Wales (CLAS Cymru) aims to help bring more land in Wales into productive use for communities by helping landowners and community growers work together for mutual benefit.

The five-year project, funded by a £600,000 grant from the Big Lottery’s Climate Change Programme, works alongside government, local authorities, landowners and community organisations to overcome barriers to community growing.

CLAS Cymru’s key target is to provide specialist guidance and support to around 250 community food-growing projects and 100 landowners. As a result an estimated 5,000 people engaged in community gardening and farming, allotments and orchards will directly benefit, with health and better eating benefits reaching around 50,000 people. The Service also aims to support the setting up of 75 new projects across Wales.

A small team of expert advisors can provide information and support to both community groups and landowners, with further support from stakeholder and advisory groups. CLAS advisors can be contacted via:

There are free online resources and more contact information at:

CLAS Cymru is part of a wider Community Land Advisory Service across the UK, which is managed by the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens ( CLAS Cymru was launched by John Griffiths AM, Welsh Government Minister for Sport & Culture, at the Royal Welsh Show 2013.

Katie Jones, who manages CLAS Cymru, said: “Accessing land for community growing is a major hurdle for many Welsh communities. CLAS acts as a catalyst for both community groups and willing landowners to find the support they need to bring more land into cultivation. This will increase and engage more people in the production of local food in Wales, helping to reduce our impact on the climate and contributing to the creation of more sustainable and resilient communities.

"CLAS Cymru helps new communities to navigate through the challenges associated with finding land, negotiating a lease and obtaining planning. It will also support landowners who are unsure about community land use. As a result we should see more community groups in operation, and be able to better support the fantastic work of established projects."

The funding will add to FCFCG’s Tyfu Pobl (Growing People) programme in Wales, which supports and advises both existing and emerging community growing projects, enabling the sharing and transfer of best practice information, knowledge and skills. More information on Tyfu Pobl is available at


Gwybodaeth Friffio ar CLAS Cymru

Bwriad y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Dir Cymunedol yng Nghymru (CLAS Cymru) yw helpu sicrhau bod mwy o dir yng Nghymru yn cael ei ddefnyddio’n gynhyrchiol gan gymunedau trwy helpu perchnogion tir a thyfwyr cymunedol i weithio gyda’i gilydd er budd cyffredin.

Mae’r prosiect pum mlynedd, a ariennir gan grant gwerth £600,000 gan Raglen Newid yn yr Hinsawdd y Gronfa Loteri Fawr, yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â’r llywodraeth, awdurdodau lleol, perchnogion tir a sefydliadau cymunedol i oroesi rhwystrau i dyfu cymunedol.

Targed allweddol CLAS Cymru yw darparu arweiniad a chymorth arbenigol i oddeutu 250 o brosiectau tyfu bwyd cymunedol a 100 o berchnogion tir. O ganlyniad, bydd amcangyfrif o 5,000 o bobl sy’n gysylltiedig â garddio a ffermio cymunedol, rhandiroedd a pherllannau, yn elwa’n uniongyrchol, yn ogystal â buddion bwyta’n iach a bwyta’n well yn cyrraedd oddeutu 50,000 o bobl. Nod y gwasanaeth hefyd yw cynorthwyo i sefydlu 75 o brosiectau newydd ledled Cymru.

Gall tîm bach o ymgynghorwyr arbenigol ddarparu gwybodaeth a chymorth i grwpiau cymunedol a pherchnogion tir, a cheir mwy o gefnogaeth oddi wrth randdeiliaid a grwpiau cynghori. Gellir cysylltu ag ymgynghorwyr CLAS trwy:

Mae adnodau ar-lein rhad ac am ddim a mwy o wybodaeth cyswllt ar gael ar:

Mae CLAS Cymru yn rhan o Wasanaeth Cynghori ar Dir Cymunedol ehangach ledled y DU, a reolir gan y Ffederasiwn Ffermydd Dinesig a Gerddi Cymunedol ( Lansiwyd CLAS Cymru gan John Griffiths AC, Gweinidog Chwaraeon a Diwylliant Llywodraeth Cymru yn Sioe Frenhinol Cymru 2013.

Dywedodd Katie Jones, sy’n rheoli CLAS Cymru: “Mae cael mynediad at dir ar gyfer tyfu cymunedol yn rhwystr mawr i nifer o gymunedau yng Nghymru. Mae CLAS yn gatalydd ar gyfer grwpiau cymunedol a pherchnogion tir cynorthwyol, i gael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt i amaethu fwy o dir. Bydd hyn yn cynyddu a chysylltu mwy o bobl â chynhyrchu bwyd lleol yng Nghymru, yn helpu i leihau ein heffaith ar yr hinsawdd a chyfrannu at greu cymunedau mwy cynaliadwy a hydwyth.

"Mae CLAS Cymru yn helpu cymunedau newydd i lywio trwy’r heriau sy’n gysylltiedig â dod o hyd i dir, trafod prydlesi a phlannu. Bydd hefyd yn cynorthwyo perchnogion tir sy’n ansicr ynghylch defnydd tir cymunedol. O ganlyniad, dylem weld mwy o grwpiau ar waith, a gallu cefnogi gwaith gwych prosiectau sefydledig yn well."

Bydd y cyllid yn ychwanegu at raglen Tyfu Pobl y Ffederasiwn Ffermydd Dinesig a Gerddi Cymunedol yng Nghymru, sy’n cefnogi a chynghori prosiectau tyfu cymunedol presennol a newydd, a galluogi rhannu a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth a sgiliau arfer gorau. Mae mwy i wybodaeth am Tyfu Pobl ar gael ar