Ohio FCCLA 2011 Spirit of Advising Award

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recognizes chapter advisers who are constantly faithful, often quietly working behind the scenes to ensure the successes of their students. These are the advisers whose patience, good humor, flexibility and skill form the foundation of FCCLA at and beyond the local levels.


All nominations are due to Ohio FCCLA by March 15 in the office.

Nominations that are received in the office after March 15 will not be considered.


The spirit of the Advising Award recognizes chapter advisers constantly faithful, often quietly working behind the scenes to ensure the successes of their students. This award will be presented at the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in April.


1.  Actively involved at and beyond their local FCCLA chapter

2.  Consistently and continually supports students to ensure success

3.  Not only provides but encourages students to create their own leadership experiences

4.  Exhibits and encourages positive character development

5.  Dedicates time and energy to nurturing student leaders

Official Rules:

·  One nomination may be selected from each level, these may include High School, Middle School, or Occupational

·  Nominations must be typed or printed neatly on official nomination form

·  For award considerations, nominations must be in the office by March 15 to Ohio Association of FCCLA

·  Award decisions are final

·  Award decisions will be made by the Ohio FCCLA Board of Directors Committee

All spirit of the Advising Award nominations must be submitted directly to Ohio FCCLA by completing application form.

2008 Ohio Spirit of Advising

FCS Workforce

0-10 years Becky Berling 0-10 years Donna Beale

11-20 years Martha Boggs 11-20 years Carrie Hamilton

21 and over Bobbi Weaver 21 and over Darnice Wilkinson

2009 Ohio Spirit of Advising

FCS Workforce

0-10 years Amy Groff 0-10 years Chris Olenzski

11-20 years Sarita Fenn 11-20 years Lucille Militello

21 and over Karen Richardson 21 and over Lisa Robson

2010 Ohio Spirit of Advising

FCS Workforce

0-10 years Jennifer Demcyzk 0-10 years - Chris Moore

11-20 years Sharon Gregory 11-20 years- Deb Moy

21 and over Helen Phillips 21 and over- Hannah Fairbanks

2011 Ohio FCCLA Spirit of Advising Award Nomination Form

(Due in Ohio FCCLA office by March 15)


Adviser Name

Chapter Name

Please Check one category: High school/Middle school Career Center/Work Force

Please Check one category:  0-10 Years of Advising

 11-20 Years of Advising

 21-up Years of Advising

Exact Number of Years Advising

School Address

City State Zip

School Phone School Fax


Nominator’s Home Phone

Use the space below to describe why you have chosen to nominate this adviser. Please include specific examples of each of the 5 criteria. (Additional space may be used. Text will automatic flow to next page)

1.  Actively involved at and beyond their local FCCLA chapter

2.  Consistently and continually supports students to ensure success

3.  Not only provides but encourages students to create their own leadership experiences

4.  Exhibits and encourages positive character development

5.  Dedicates time and energy to nurturing student leaders

Nominator’s Signature ______

Nominator’s Address ______


Spirit of Advising- Ohio FCCLA

25 South Front St, MS#611, Columbus, OH 43215

Students may nominate advisers. Form may be emailed to by March 15.