Technologický seminář ČR - Dolní Rakousko - Vídeň

Technologieseminar CZ – NÖ - Wien

18. 10. 2011, Tschechische Botschaft, Wien

B2B Partner Search

Povrchové technologie/Oberflächentechnologie x Lifescience
1. Company Profile
Name and Address of the Company
Name:. / RADANAL Ltd.
Street: / Okružní 613
Postal Code: / 53003
City: / Pardubice
Country: / Czech Republic
Internet: /
E-Mail: /
Contact Person
Title / Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
First Name / Aleš
Family Name: / Horna
Position in the Company: / CEO
Telephone: / +420603440318, +420 4 66650 618
Fax: / +420466651 171
Personal E-Mail: /
Year established: / 1993
Turnover/year (in €):
x less than 2 Mio. € 2 - 10 Mio. €
10 - 50 Mio. € more than 50 Mio. €
Number of Employees:
x1-9 10-49
50-249 more than 250

Contact: , tel.: 0043189958167 Page 1/4

, tel.: 0043 274285116400

x English x Czech German
Certification, Quality standard:
x None ISO9000
Company’s current Products / Services/ Activities:
Our company deals with applications for chromatography to study the effects and roles of bioactive compounds such as lipids, proteins, peptides, vitamins, natural antioxidants, and other important compounds affecting ageing, human behaviour, performance and beauty. Our research priority is the development of analytical methods which can monitor the influence of food on human behaviour and on physical and psychical performance. Our research acitivities are furthermore concentrated on the development of the analytical methods in the field of chromatography applications for the study of compounds in environment, in biomedical research, analytical chemistry (pharmaceutical, food and beverages, chemical and general purpose) and clinical diagnostics. We are an exclusive representative of leading life science companies and we offer analytical instruments, e.g. electrochemical detectors, which we also use for own research and analyses for customers.
We cooperate with important universities in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. We also cooperate with companies and institutions, e.g. research institutes, hospitals, in the Czech Republic.
We have wide experience in R & D and are highly skilled in linking partners from the area of chemistry, nutrition, food technology, medicine, clinical diagnostics etc. Within such team we are able to apply our knowledge together with other specialists in order to prepare a valuable project in research and solve it successfully.
We successfully solved and solve following research projects:
-  Research of separation of bioactive lactoferine and lactoperoxidase peptides (2004-2006)
-  Development of stainless steel/ceramic filter with micro-layer of silver as an antibacterial means for water systems (2005-2006)
-  Research of bioactive compounds from hops and their use as food supplements (2005-2008)
-  Research of bioactive compounds from Reynoutria´s Bulb and their use in food supplements (2006-2008)
-  New construcitons and the use of nanobiosensors and nanosensors in medicine (2008-2012)
-  Research of isolation techniques of adjacent compounds from chemical products and natural sources to prepare their standards (2009 – 2011)
-  Research of natural stimulants to increase the utility qualities and the yield of selected crops (2009 – 2012)

-  Eurostars: Adding value to lipid waste streams through a new production process for biodiesel (2009 – 2012)

-  Development of the technological processing of highly nutritive valuable pulses recently implemented in the world for the usage for the preparation of common foodstuff, and dietary and nutrition products (2011 – 2014)
We have more than 10-year experience with organization of international conference (INDC – International Nutrition & Diagnostics conference) dealing with the above issues. The main idea is to interconnect experts from different areas of medicine, nutrition etc. with the aim to transfer know-how from otherwise isolated fields. The main topics of the conference are: nutrition and nutritional therapy, analytical methods and techniques, chemistry of human behaviour, oxidative metabolism.
Already engaged in international cooperation? x yes no
2. Description of the cooperation sought
we offer / we request
- Product / x / x
-  Research and Development / x / x
-  Joint Venture
-  Project partnership / x / x
-  Others:......
Full description (Specification of co-operation requested/offered)
We are searching the cooperation with companies and universities and research institutions in the area of research and development and possibly with INDC.
We can offer providing the analytical works in the research and development with the use of state-of-the-art instruments for HPLC chromatography. We are able to dispose of methods in the area of oxidative metabolism, HPLC clinical-research or diagnostic assays, as well as analytical chemistry.
Description of the main advantages your company could offer to a potential partner.
We have a long term experience with foreign companies: business partnership, participating in the international project Eurostars developing lipidiesel.
We can offer providing the analytical works in the research and development with the use of state-of-the-art instruments for HPLC chromatography. We are able to dispose of methods in the area of oxidative metabolism, HPLC clinical-research or diagnostic assays, as well as analytical chemistry.
3. Description of the required characteristics of a potential partner
Type of partner / x company
x university
x others:
research institution
Field of activities x production
x research and development
trade (buying/selling)
Trans-national co-operation experience of the potential partner:
no preferences x preferred required
Expected Input/Characteristics of the Partner
Partners could offer their know-how or other instruments needed for R & D that are not available for us or would be able to cooperate on the development of a new products.
Other requirements
Date: 16. 9. 2011

Contact: , tel.: 0043189958167 Page 1/4

, tel.: 0043 274285116400