Who are You and What do you want to be when you grow up (like in 10 years or so) Career ThingLink Project

At the beginning of my class we discussed some essential questions that are critical for your future success as a student. Remember Principle # 7 Future Consequences Count! For this project, you will create a ThingLink image with tags/hotspots and other do-dads that will convey in essence: 1: Who you are? 2: Where you going next (career)? 3: How are you going to get there?


1.  Create a ThingLink account:

·  Go to www.thinglink.com and select “start now”

·  Sign up for the “Basic Free” account

·  Sign up by entering a valid email account. Do not sign in using Facebook.

2.  Create an image to use in ThingLink:

Open PowerPoint and create a slide that is 1024 x 728 pixels. This will be your ThingLink vehicle. Your vehicle should be an image that suggests that you are on a step by step pathway to arrive at a specific location somewhere in the near future. Arrange the slide neatly and be sure to include the required Tags listed below to earn full credit for your Career ThingLink.

3.  Create a ThingLink:

·  First, import a picture that depicts your chosen career; either a picture you found or one that you made in PowerPoint or an app, such as Pic Collage or Pic Stitch.

·  Next, create Tags for each category listed below for your career project. Tags are links to your research, images, songs, and videos. You must use the appropriate icon for each tag.

/ Use this tag for definitions.
/ Use this tag for facts.
/ Use this tag to link an article/website/graph/political cartoon/or picture
/ Link to put your name/personal information (Bio Marker)
/ Link a video, commercial, or audio clip that is relevant to your social class/type of social mobility
/ Use this link for a timeline of events necessary for you to wind up someplace ten years in the future. (TimeLine)

4.  Save your ThingLink and name file:
Last Name, First Initial, Career Thinglink Project example below.

(Meder,W. Career ThingLink Project).

5.  Your ThingLink will be graded on content AND appearance. Design and layout your ThingLink with visual appeal using colorful pictures, good balance and use of white space.

6.  Complete rubric: Check that you have met the project requirements.

7.  Share Your ThingLink with Mr. Meder:

·  via email:

The Main page must include : A vehicle to help us navigate the 10 necessary steps to move you from who you are today to a person occupying your chosen career down the road.

Your Bio marker must include: A picture, demographic data, and personal traits that make you a prime candidate to embark on that career pathway.

Your Time Line must include: 10 necessary steps including passing Meder’s class, graduating high school, adademic requirements like GPA’s etc., educational institutions, their requirements, other training opportunities necessary and apprenticeships required to arrive at your final career destination.

Use the rubric for the project to help you include all of the necessary tags, images and requirements to successful project.

Rubric: My Career ThingLink

Use this rubric to check that you have completed everything that is required for the My Career Thinglink. You will be graded on the completeness, accuracy, and quality of your work based on the criteria below. The quality of your work is evaluated on following: directions, attention to detail, organization, good grammar, and no misspellings. Make sure that all appropriate tags match the directions!

✔ / Criteria Main Page / Points / Student Score / Teacher Score
Create ThingLink Account / 1
Create/Use a relevant and appropriate background/picture (Vehicle) for ThingLink image (see example) / 10
Use/Tag 1 image/video to represent your career job / 10
Tag 3 Qualifications necessary to attain this career use tag here / 9
Tag 1 & description of the activity regarding your career (5 Total) / 5
Tag 2 Facts about your chosen career (10 Total) / 10
10 steps or are sequentially organized from where you start in meders class to your final destination—your career J 2 points each / 20
Tag 1 article/website/graph for your career
(3 Total) / 15
ThingLink is emailed properly and on-time with proper title. / 5
ThingLink is neat, organized, and without spelling/grammar mistakes / 5
Rubric is filled out completely and turned in on-time. / 5
Tagged something extra that is really cool (EXTRA CREDIT) / 5