The Election/Annual General Meeting of the Guelph & District Real Estate Board was held on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at the Italian Canadian Club.

A quorum was present and the meeting was called to order by President, Lyle McNair at 9:15 a.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA with the addition under Other Business, Membership Control Over Large Expenditures was under a MOTION of Bill Swan and SECONDED by Chad McBain.


President Lyle McNair called on Jan Henderson; Chair of the Nomination Committee who reviewed the process for this year’s election for the 2006/2007 Board of Directors.

APPROVAL OF THE SCRUITNEERS Pat Hanlon, Bob Preston and Bryan Coburn was under a MOTION of Bob McCordindale and SECONDED by Uta Kayser.


The ballot box was verified as empty and the voting commenced.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the January 18, 2006 meeting was under a MOTION of Josee Ottenbrite and SECONDED by Anabel Davidson.



Amend By-law Article 5 Section 4 4.01 to read as follows:

Article 5

Section 4 – Notice Requirements

4.01 Unless otherwise provided for in this By-law, a notice, in writing, setting out the time,

place and date of any meeting, and which must include an indication of the general

nature of the business to be dealt with at the meeting, shall be sent to each Voting

Member entitled to receive notice of the meeting (which notice may be sent care of the

Voting Member’s Firm Member) at least ten (10) clear days (the ten (10) days do not

include the date of mailing or the date of the meeting) prior to the date of the meeting as

set out in the notice.

Amend Article 5 Section 7 7.07 to read as follows:

Article 5

Section 7 – Election Meeting

7.07 The Executive Officer shall include with the notice of the Election Meeting, a copy of the

report of the Nomination Committee.

Amend Article 5 Section 7 7.09 a) to read as follows:

Article 5

Section 7 – Election Meeting

7.09(a) If additional nominations are received in accordance with Section 7.03 and/or 7.08, then

at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the Election Meeting the Executive Officer

shall send all Voting Members entitled to vote at the Election Meeting, notice of such

additional nominations.

Amend By-law Article 5 Section 8 8.01

Article 5

Section 8 – Other Meetings of Members

8.01 Other meetings of Members to be known as membership meetings may be convened by

order of the President, two or more Directors or upon the signed written request of not

less than one-tenth (1/10th) of the Voting Members from not less than one-tenth (1/10th)

of the Firm Members.

Amend Article 14 Section 1 1.01

Article 14

Section 1 – Notices

1.01 Unless otherwise specified in this By-law, any letter, notice, document or any other

material (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Notices”) required or permitted to be

given or forwarded by the Board or its officers, Directors, employees, representatives,

Committees, Committee members, representatives of its Committees or Committee

members, hearing or appeal panels, or representatives of its hearing or appeal panels,

may be:

(a) mailed by regular or registered mail addressed to;

(b) delivered personally (or by courier) addressed to; or

(c) telecopied (faxed) addressed to, such Member at

its/his address as recorded with the Board; or

(d) sent electronically unless the member notifies the Board otherwise in writing.

Amend Article 14 Section 1 1.02

Article 14

Section 1 - Notices

1.02 (a) Notices which are telecopied (faxed) shall be deemed to have been received by

the addressee on the next business day (example, if telecopied on a Friday

afternoon, deemed receipt on Monday morning. If telecopied on a Wednesday

morning, deemed receipt on Thursday).

(b) Notices which are mailed by regular mail shall be deemed to have been received

by the addressee on the fifth day (not including the day of mailing) after mailing

(example, if mailed on a Monday afternoon, deemed receipt on Saturday).

(c) Notices which are mailed by registered mail, shall be deemed to have been

received on the day they are actually received by the addressee according to the

records of Canada Post.

(d) Notices delivered personally or by courier, shall be deemed to have been received

when delivery is made to the address of the Firm Member as recorded with the


(e) Notices delivered electronically shall be deemed to have been received by the

addressee on the next business day.

Enact Article 14 Section 1 1.03

Article 14

Section 1 - Notices

1.03 For the purposes of this section, business day shall mean every day except Saturdays,

Sundays and those days which are statutory holidays in the Province of Ontario.

Amend Article 14 Section 1 1.04

Article 14

Section 1 - Notices

1.04 If Notices are mailed, faxed or delivered to a Member and have been returned on three

consecutive occasions because such Member cannot be found, the Board need not send

any further Notices to such Member until it/he informs the Board in writing of its/his

new address.




Lyle’s review of 2006 included the following:

● Lyle thanked the 2006 Directors and Chairs of this years Committee and Task Forces

● Board membership has increased from 398 to 411 members

● The Finance Committee did an excellent job, as we are within approximately $16,000 of the


● Publicity Task Force – GDREB now has bus advertising, a sign at the Guelph Sports and

Entertainment Centre, ran a radio ad through the Breakfast for Learning program on CJOY and

CIMJ and ran print ads in both the Guelph Mercury and the Wellington Advertiser.

● We have over $12,000.00 in our REALTORS® Community Care program.

● Realty Server has been a very responsible MLS® provider and we have seen several

new enhancements to the system. Realty Server is currently serving the Brantford

Board, the Lindsay Board in the New Year and Peterborough will be holding a

membership vote in early January to decide if they will be going with Realty Server as

well. This may mean a price reduction to the GDREB in the future.

● A successful Golf Tournament and Slow Pitch Tournament were held this year.

● The By-law Committee has been working on new Rules and Regulations to comply

with REBBA 2002.

● With OREA’s help we now have IC&I listings on 2ontario.com

● Lyle concluded by thanking all the volunteers and Board Staff


CREA Director Ann Bosley gave a presentation to our membership on the protection of the MLS® Trademarks which included the following:

♦ CREA presented amendments to the Rules and Regulations at the spring assembly 2006

that were designed to clarify the rules for using the trademark.

♦ This action was taken to strengthen our position to defend the MLS® trademark if there

was a court challenge. If our trademarks were challenged there was a chance we could

not successfully defend them.

♦ If we lose our trademarks there could be more than one company in any area, listings

would have to be posted on multiple listing services to get full market exposure, there

would be a decline in the mls.ca web site and a decline in value of the MLS® data base.

♦ If we went to court to prevent unauthorized use of MLS® the offender could take the

position CREA was not enforcing the rules.

♦ The referral motion passed at the CREA Fall Assembly was to continue discussion and

investigate all the options.

♦ This is a trademark issue, CREA does not collect or discuss any information about the

business plan or commissions/fees of members.

♦ The strategy is to ask all Boards and Associations for comments and suggestions,

conduct surveys of individual members, conduct town hall or other meetings and

conduct research as required.

♦ The three options to consider are: education and enforcement, do nothing or revise

what’s been proposed.


Mike Manera, Board Auditor, Robinson, Lott & Brohman gave a summary of the Financial Statements and answered questions.

APPROVAL OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the fiscal period ending September 30, 2006 was under a MOTION of John L Clark and SECONDED by Nancy Aikens.


APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT of Robinson, Lott & Brohman as Board auditors for the year 2006-2007 was under a MOTION of John L Clark and SECONDED by Uta Kayser.


APPROVAL OF THE ACTS OF THE DIRECTORS FOR 2006 was under a MOTION of Moira Schiedel and SECONDED by Cathy Dodd.



Marleen Castellan, Jan Henderson and John Leacock from this year’s Publicity Task Force gave a presentation to the membership. Marleen outlined the work of this year’s

task force. Jan informed the Brokers of Record that they will be receiving a letter from the Publicity Task Force asking them to use the Board logo in their advertising. John advised that the Publicity Task Force will be meeting with the River Run Centre in early January to see what advertising opportunities that might be available. John also asked members who are creative to volunteers for next year’s task force.

A ten minute break was taken.


Gia Lucchetta, Chair of REALTORS® Community Care gave a brief outline of the committee and informed the members that they have raised over $12,000 through the $2.00 per end for a sold listing plus other monies at the golf tournament and through 50/50 draws. Habitat for Humanity will be building a home on Morris Street this coming spring and it’s hoped that the Board will have a REALTOR® day. Gia, introduced Clare Irwin who gave a presentation on Habitat for Humanity and talked about this year’s build. Members were encouraged to sign up for the build; they will be contacted in April to sign up for specific tasks.

Tom Bosley, representing the OREA Foundation presented a cheque to Habitat for Humanity for $3000.00 and Gia Lucchetta, representing the GDREB REALTORS® Community Care presented a cheque to Habitat for Humanity for $5000.00.


To move or not to move; is there a question?

Lyle, Chair of the Building Task Force informed the membership that the Board has had positive discussions with another community oriented organization that would be interested in sharing a building with us and also sharing an on-site training facility.

The task force is considering the following options at this point in time:

● buying space in an office condo to suit our basic needs

● leasing space to suit our basic needs

● buying vacant land and build to suite our needs + tenant’s needs + a training centre.

● leasing space to suit our basic needs + a training centre and formalize a relationship

with a tenant to use the training centre.

The Board of Directors will keep the members advised of the progress and Lyle made a personal commitment to the members that he would hold a referendum, if the project required a fee increase of more than $5.00 per member per month. Lyle then answered questions from the membership.

PRESENTATION TO 2006 Board of Directors: The 2006 Board of Directors was acknowledged with an appreciation gift.

SERVICE AWARD PINS were presented by Lyle McNair to the following members:


Liz Cooney Gerlind Adamson Elio Bellai

Keith Drummond Deanna Bouris Michael Brown

Don Hunter Michele Dawe Tom Clinansmith

Paul Knights Barry Ewen Paul Goel

Mike Merker Terry Fleet Chris Herron-Evans

Donna Obiala Gerry Lall Tom Johnson

Margaret Parkinson Ray Lang Barry Kurtz

Tet Tacoma George Shepherd Barbara Roud Steven Sisolak Anita Smith

Scott Woods


Uta Kayser Joe Croft Winston Davies Monte Cirotto

Ronnie Fraresso John Mason

Ronald MacDonald

35 Year Cumulative Membership Status: Effective October 1, 2006 Nell Heynen was eligible for 35 Years Cumulative Membership Status (waiving of the Annual Board Fee).

50 Year Cumulative Membership Status: Effective October 1, 2006 George Zuccala was eligible for 50 Years Cumulative Membership Status (waiving of the Annual Board Fee and the Monthly Service Fee).


Evelyn McCarthy, Chair of the John Clark Sr. Volunteer Award Task Force congratulated the four nominees this year: Laura Baily, Jan Henderson, Glenda Moase and Tet Tacoma.

Laura Baily was announced at this year’s recipient of the John Clark Sr. Volunteer Award. Rob Atkinson accepted the plaque on Laura’s behalf. Laura’s name will be placed on a plaque at the Board Office with the past winners and a cheque for one hundred dollars will be given to Laura’s charity of choice.

PRESENTATION OF VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION GIFT: Volunteers sitting on committees and task forces in 2006 were acknowledged with an appreciation gift.


Jan Henderson announced the following results from the election:

284 ballots were cast; 2 ballots were spoiled.

Adrian Lahey 255 votes

Kim King 245 votes

Evelyn McCarthy 236 votes

Cathe Lovell 227 votes

Don Hunter 90 votes

Ray Lang 75 votes

Jan thanked all the candidates for letting their name stand for director and congratulated Adrian Lahey, Kim King, Evelyn McCarthy and Cathe Lovell on their win.

DESTROYING THE BALLOTS was under a MOTION of Glenda Moase and SECONDED by George Lavallee.

Installation of the 2006/2007 Directorate was performed by Barb Sukkau, our OREA Southern Ontario Director.

2006/2007 DIRECTORATE: Lyle McNair President

Kevin Hern 1st Vice President

Marleen Castellan 2nd Vice President

Jan Henderson Past President

Kim King Director

Andreas Krause Director

Adrian Lahey Director

Cathe Lovell Director

Evelyn McCarthy Director

Lyle McNair, the 2006/2007 President outlined what’s ahead for the coming year.