Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia

Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses

1.  Imprint
Faculty name: / Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Education program (field of study, level and educational profile, form of studies, e.g., Public Health, 1st level studies, practical profile, full time): / Dentistry, stationary, the theoretical and practical profile, full time
Academic year: / 2017 / 2018
Module/subject name: / Pharmacology
Subject code (from the Pensum system): / 35207
Educational units: / Chair and Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology CePT, Banacha 1b, 02-927 Warsaw, tel. (+48) 022 1166160
Head of the unit/s: / Prof. Dagmara Mirowska-Guzel MD, PhD, SciD
tel. (+48) 022 1166160
Study year (the year during which the respective subject is taught): / III year
Study semester (the semester during which the respective subject is taught): / V i VI semester
Module/subject type (basic, corresponding to the field of study, optional): / Basic
Teachers (names and surnames and degrees of all academic teachers of respective subjects): / Ewa Widy-Tyszkiewicz MD, PhD, SciD
Aleksandra Wisłowska-Stanek MD, PhD
Jan Bembenek MD, PhD.
ERASMUS YES/NO (Is the subject available for students under the ERASMUS programme?): / Yes
A person responsible for the syllabus (a person to which all comments to the syllabus should be reported) / Ewa Widy-Tyszkiewicz MD, PhD, SciD, tel. (+48) 022 1166160
Number of ECTS credits: / 7 points
2.  Educational goals and aims
1.  Acquisition of facts, concepts and principles of rational pharmacotherapy
2.  Understanding the basic benefits, dangers and difficulties associated with the therapy
3.  Initial requirements
1.  Basic information in the field of microbiology, physiology and pathophysiology.
4.  Learning outcomes corresponding to the subject
A list of course learning outcomes
Symbol of course learning outcomes / Description of course learning outcomes / The reference to programme learning outcomes (number)
W_01 / Student knows the basics of disinfection, sterilization and aseptic procedures / C.W5.
W_02 / They know and understand the phenomenon of drug resistance / C.W9.
W_03 / Student knows and understands the mechanisms of action of drugs and the pharmacokinetics and biotransformation of various groups of drugs / C.W18.
W_04 / Student knows the indications and contraindications to the use of drugs, their dosage, side effects and toxicity and drug-drug interactions / C.W19.
W_05 / Student knows and understands the rules of treatment of viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases / C.W20.
W_06 / Student knows and understands the principles of preventing and combating pain and anxiety, and pharmacology of drugs used in life-threatening conditions / C.W21.
W_07 / Student knows the rules of prescription writing of some forms of medicinal products and prescription writing on the prescription / C.W22.
U_01 / Student interprets the results of microbiological, serological and susceptibility tests / C.U2
U_02 / Student prescribes drugs dosed according to the indications / C.U8
5.  Forms of classes
Form / Number of hours / Number of groups / Minimal number of students in a group
Lecture / 15 / 1 / All course
Seminar / 25 / 1 / 12
Practical classes / 35 / 1,3 / 10
6.  Subject topics and educational contents
W1-Lecture 1 - Drugs used in pregnancy - W_03, U_02
W2-Lecture 2 - Drugs used in shock - W_04, W_06
W3-Lecture 3 - Drugs used in headaches - W_04
W4-Lecture 4 - Drugs used in ischemic heart disease - W_04
W5-Lecture 5 - Treatment of Parkinson's disease - W_03
W6-Lecture 6 - Treatment of elderly people - W_03
W7-Lecture 7 – Antiarrhythmic drugs - W_04
W8-Lecture 8 - Treatment of poisonings - W_06
S1-Seminar 1- General pharmacology - W_03
S2-Seminar 2 – Chemotherapy - W_02, W_05, U_01
S3-Seminar 3 - Non-narcotic analgesic drugs - W_06
S4-Seminar 4 - Treatment of anemia. - W_03
S5-Seminar 5 - Pharmacology of the gastrointestinal tract - U_02
S6-Seminar 6 – Parasympathetic system - W_03
S7-Seminar 7 - Drugs used to treat diabetes - W_04
S8-Seminar 8 – Glucocorticoids - W_04
S9-Seminar 9 –The gonadal hormones and inhibitors. Oral contraceptives - U_02
S11-Seminar 11 - Drugs used in heart failure - W_04
S12-Seminar 12 - Drugs used in hypertension - W_04
S13-Seminar 13 - The respiratory system drugs - W_03
S14-Seminar 14 - The central nervous system drugs (1) - W_06
S15-Seminar 15 - The central nervous system drugs (2) - W_06
S10-Seminar 10 - The hypothalamic and pituitary hormones. Drugs used to treat thyroid problems - W_03
C1-Practical class 1 – Chemotherapy (1) - W_02, W_05, U_01
C2-Practical class 2 – Chemotherapy (2) - W_02, W_05, U_01
C3-Practical class 3 - Narcotic analgesic drugs - W_06
C4-Practical class 4 - Drugs that affect coagulation - W_03
C5-Practical class 5 - Disinfectants and antiseptic - W_01
C6- Practical class 6 - Pharmacology of the gastrointestinal tract - W_03
C7- Practical class 7 - Basics of prescription writing - W_07, U_02
C8- Practical class 8 - Prescription writing - W_07, U_02
C9-Practical class 9 - Stimulants of the sympathetic nervous system - W_03
C10-Practical class 10 - Drugs that inhibit the sympathetic nervous system - W_03
C11-Practical class 11 - Local-anesthetic medication - W_04
C12-Practical class 12 - Myorelaxant drugs - W_03
C13-Practical class 13 - Drugs used in general anesthesia - W_06
C14-Practical class 14 - Antiepileptic drugs - W_06
C15-Practical class 15 – Prescription writing - W_07, U_02
C16-Practical class 16 –Prescription writing - W_07, U_02
7.  Methods of verification of learning outcomes
Learning outcome corresponding to the subject (symbol) / Forms of classes (symbol) / Methods of verification of
a learning outcome / Credit receiving criteria
W_01, W_02, W_04, W_05, W_06, W_07, U._01 . / L, S, C / Oral examination or a multiple choice test / >50%
U._02 / C / Written credit prescription writing / >90%
8.  Evaluation criteria
Form of receiving credit in a subject:
grade / criteria
2.0 (failed) / 50%
3.0 (satisfactory) / 51-58%
3.5 (rather good) / 59-68%
4.0 (good) / 69-74%
4.5 (more than good) / 79-80%
5.0 (very good) / >80%
9.  Literature
Obligatory literature:
1. Katzung B, Masters S, Trevor A. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 12/E
(LANGE Basic Science), Appleton-Lange Medical Publications 2012
2. Rang HP, Dale \M, Ritter JM, Flower RJ, Henderson G. Rang & Dale's
Pharmacology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 7/E, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone 2012
3. Goodman and Gilman’s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. McGraw-Hill Professional;
12 edition, 2010
Supplementary literature:
1. Waldman SA, Terzic A. Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Principles to Practice, Saunders 2008.
10. ECTS credits calculation
Form of activity / Number of hours / Number of ECTS credits
Direct hours with an academic teacher:
Lectures / 15 / 0,5
Seminars / 25 / 1
Practical classes / 35 / 1,5
Student's independent work (examples of the form of work):
Student's preparation for a seminar / 25 / 1
Student's preparation for a class
Preparation for obtaining credits / 115 / 3
Other (please specify) / - / -
Total / 215 / 7
11. Additional Information
Form of the assessment of the course:
Students are obliged to attend all seminars, classes and lectures.
After V and VI semester students are obliged to complete the prescription writing and the oral colloquium/MCQ test in the scope of classes, seminars and lectures.
Credits of the test on V and VI semester entitles the student to take the final examination (oral/MCQ) after semester VI.
Seminars ,classes and lectures are held at the Center for Library and Information and in the Educational Centre
Rules on colloquiums and Q&A tests
1.  Students are informed about the date/time and the venue for Q&A tests either for semester colloquium or final exam at least one month in advance.
2.  Students are expected to arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before test start. Those who are late more than 15 minutes after the test start are not allowed to enter and are kindly invited for the retake.
3.  To facilitate students identification ID document (preferably student record book) need to be presented, otherwise student are not allowed to take the test.
4.  Students are asked to wait outside the room and can enter only following identification confirmed.
5.  Students are allocated the individual place which is pointed by supervisor.
6.  The test is based on student individual work - unauthorized materials (including revision notes) and mobile phones are disallowed. Communication with any person during the exam, other than the supervisor, is prohibited and can be the cause for student banning.
7.  For Q&A tests only one answer is correct.
8.  To pass the test students need to provide 50% + 1 (i.e. 51 for 100 questions) correct answers. The final individual score is based on the number of correct answers provided and other students’ performance (the distribution of test results).
9.  The form and the time of retake is individually decided with the teacher.
10.  Test results are made available on the Department website ( as soon as possible.

Signature of the Head of the Unit

Signature of the person responsible for the syllabus

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