February 2, 2012

Common Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) Issues

During a recent quarterly Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) inspection of EETD lab areas, some common issueswere identified. These are preventable and just take a little attention when generating hazardous wastes in your lab area. Here are some items to keep in mind for your SAA:

  1. The “Contents” description must be specific and clearly written. Generic terms such as “waste solvent” or “contaminated wipes” are not acceptable. Include chemical names of the two to three most common constituents. Chemical formulas are not acceptable.
  2. Make sure the accumulation date is never more than 9 months (275 days). Check your SAA regularly and have wastes picked up before the accumulation date is exceeded.
  3. Plastic bags used for accumulating contaminated wipes and bags must be kept closed. If possible, use plastic bags with a “zip-lock” or other re-sealable mechanism. A tie-wrap or tape can also be used.
  4. Flammable or ignitable wastes may not be accumulated in plastic containers of any type other than a listed and approved safety can (see photo). Approved, reusable safety cans are available from the Waste Management Group in 5-, 2.5-, and 1-gallon capacities. If you have small amounts of flammable waste, glass containers may be used, but the maximum allowable glass container size is 1 pint for Class IA liquids, and 1 quart for Class IB liquids.
  5. Do not mix raw material chemicals with hazardous wastes in the secondary containment trays. This includes solvent squeeze bottles. Only compatible items with a properly completed red “hazardous waste” label should be in a designated containment tray.

Each lab area is required to perform a quarterly self-inspection. Please make sure the SAA is checked thoroughly and any issues corrected immediately. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the EETD Safety Manager, Ron Scholtz X8137 or the EHS Division Waste Generator Assistant, Howard Hansen X5867.

See also the following link: Summary of Hazardous Waste Requirements