Team 6-1 Discipline Management Plan


Team Expectations

Crownover Middle School adheres to a simple management system called CHAMPS. Students are instructed in the appropriate behaviors for common areas as well as classrooms through this program in order to maintain a safe and civil school. Students are made aware of appropriate voice levels, the attention signal, how to get help, and how to participate appropriately. Students who do not exhibit appropriate behaviors will be assigned a “Cowboy Consequence”.

Daily procedures

Students are expected to bring their binder with agenda, paper, pencil/pen pouch, and a library book to read to all classes as well as other items specified by the teacher.Backpacks are not allowed in classrooms. Upon entering class, students are expected to go directly to their assigned seat and begin completing their agenda using the information provided in each classroom. Following agenda completion, students should complete posted warm-up activity. Students are not allowed to work on assignments from other classes during a class, nor should students leave without proper dismissal by the teacher.

Cowboy Consequence: Students who must leave the classroom to return to their locker during class time for necessary supplies will be given 3 free locker passes. The fourth time a student does not have required materials and must return to their locker, the student will be assigned a 30 minute teacher detention before or after school.The student will be given a detention slip to bring home as well as the teacher contacting you by email or phone.

Students are expected to be prepared and in class on time. Tardies will be entered in the official attendance records.

Cowboy Consequence: The fourth time a student is tardy to a class the student will be assigned a 30 minute teacher detention before or after school. The student will be given a detention slip to bring home as well as the teacher contacting you by email or phone.

Students are expected to wear their school ID on a maroon Crownover lanyard around their neck at all times.

Cowboy Consequence: Students who do not have their ID will sign a book in the cafeteria when they report to lunch and sit at the “No ID” table. Persistent signing of the No ID book may result in office referral.

Once a student has received a total of three teacher detentions for any reason from any teacher in one semester, all future infractions will result in an office referral.

Homework policy

An effective way for teachers and parents to communicate is the use of the agenda. Each student will be expected to fill out his/her agenda in each classroom. Please check your student’s agenda regularly.

Student homework is expected to be complete at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Failure to have homework complete at the beginning of class will result in:

  • 1 day late------a 15 point deduction
  • If an assignment is still not turned in on the 5th day after the due date,a zero will be given for the assignment.

*Please note that when a student is absent they will have the number of days absent plus one day to complete the make-up work. After this grace period the late homework policy will take affect for work still not completed. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for all make-up work when they return to school. If a test was assigned and material covered before the absence, then the test must be taken on the first class day the student returns. The same procedure applies for book reports and other major projects.

We feel these policies will help promote student responsibility and organization.

If you have any questions, please call Crownover, 369-4737, from 10:00-10:40 a.m.

Thank you for your support,

Team 6-1 Teachers