Tool Type / Handout / Last Reviewed / 01/31/17
Geography / All / Source: / U. of Chicago



Workers’ eyes are vulnerable to many hazards on the job, including dust, pieces of material shooting out of equipment and splashes of hazardous substances. So the OHS regulations in every jurisdiction require workers to wear proper eye protection, such as safety glasses or face shields, when there’s a risk of injury to their eyes.


Adapt this handout for your workplace and the eye protection requirements in your jurisdiction’s OHS laws. Give itto workers in conjunction with a safety talk on protecting their eyes. Give the talk to all workers whose eyes are exposed to any hazards on the job.


University of Chicago

How to Comply with the Eye Protection Requirements

Model Eye and Face Protection Policy

Eyewash station best practices

Take 10 Steps When Workers Wear Contact Lenses Around Chemicals


What Makes Safety Glasses “Safe”?

  • Safety glasses protect the eyes from flying projectiles and don’t shatter when struck.
  • Manufacturers test their safety glasses to ensure they meet ANSI Z-87standards for impact resistance.
  • Safety glasses have side shields to protect the eyes againstimpacts from the side.
  • Glasses without the ANSI Z-87 marker AND side shields are NOT safetyglasses.
  • Safety glasses protect against all eye hazards.
  • Wear goggles to protect your eyes from gases and vapors, and useface shield/safety glasses combination to protect against splashing.

Straps for Safety Glasses

Straps help you prevent misplacing your safety glasses. But they can be dangerous if they become entangled in machines withrotating parts.“Breakaway” straps prevent machine entanglements by breakingwhen tension is applied to them.

Prescription Eyeglasses

  • Prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses are not substitutes for safetyglasses.
  • If you must wear your prescription eyeglasses, then wear them underANSI Z-87-approved goggles or “visitor” safety glasses.
  • Prescription glasses can be used as safety glasses if they have lensesthat are ANSI Z-87-approved AND side shields.
  • The Company may help cover the cost of prescription safety glasses – contact [insert appropriate person] for more information.

When Safety GlassesShould be Worn

1. Grinding or sanding

2. Cutting wood

3. Operating poweredhandtools or machines

4. Hammering nails

5. Demolition work

6. Using bungee cords

7. Working with any chemicals

8. On construction sites (indoor and outdoor)

9. Inside a machine shop

10. Inside a laboratory.

This list is not all-inclusive – ALWAYS wear yoursafety glasses wheneverand wherever objects, chemicals or materials can fly into your eyes.

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