June 1 2017

ERGC BOARD and General MembershipMEETING 6:00PM

The Meeting was opened by David Coleridge who held fiduciary responsibility of the club along with Charlie Miller as the rest of the 2016-2017 has resigned.

David announced that the BOD Nominees were unopposed and declared them installed and introduced the following for BOD 2017-2018

President - Mike Roberts Present

Vice President - Larry LeveronPresent
Secretary - Gregg FergusonPresent
Treasurer - Ed PowellPresent
Membership Secretary - Terry ByronPresent
Public Relations - Perry BankesterPresent
Webmaster - Melinda HansenAbsent
Registered Agent - Phil KraemerPresent

Member at Large- Joe ScheelPresent

Member at Large-John Mercer Present

Parliamentarian-Maxine McDanielPresent (voted in at the meeting)

33 Additional Members Present

David closed the meeting with Officers Installed transferring fiduciary responsibility for the club to the newly installed BOD.

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer by Maxine McDaniel


Mike Roberts opened the June meeting for Club business.

  1. Board Reports
  1. Treasurer Report: not available no access to account yet, Mike Roberts to go down next day to gain access to accounts.
  2. Secretary Report: Information for May’s minutes not available as they were not fulfilled by outgoing secretary.
  3. Membership Report: Terry Byron See attached Reports.
  4. PR Report: Perry Bankester reported that David Coleridge has been a great source of information to him and that the club ad in Hot Spot BBQ menu is in place and provided a sample to membership (passed around to members present).
  5. Webmaster Report: Melinda will be working on the Website to make it user friendly.
  6. Range Report: Perry Byron Reported we had an1164 increase of member visits in 2016 (average of 80 per month) and an increase of 573 guest visits.
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Mike Roberts brought up the May meeting discussion concerning the previous BOD changing the club from a 501c7 Social Club which we had been since inception to a 501c4 Social Welfare Club where we would have to admit all members.
  2. Mike Roberts also gave a brief History of the formation of the club as well as the inception of the 501c3.
  3. Discussion was heard from several members about issues with previous BOD and was assure that the 2017-2018 BOD will always be transparent and provide updates and info to members VIA as many possible forms of media as possible.
  4. Survey Monkey survey will be used to allow the MEMBERSHIP to choose what type of entity they want to be and the BOD will proceed with the decision of membership...
  5. MikeRoberts gave members the pros and cons being a C4 verses C7
  6. Member told that the bylaws were changed without member’s approval.
  7. Roberts said if members vote to move back to a c7 we will. The difference is a C4 must allow anyone able to join, C7 can elect who and who isn’t a member, example requirement for the person needs to have a membership to the NRA (for free background check) under a C4 we can NOT check backgrounds.
  8. Member stated that we have communication issues.
  9. Roberts stated that it was with the prior board and the NEW board will communicate via emails, newsletters, and within the website.
  10. Jeff Clites stated we need more volunteers
  11. Member stated that with being a 501 C3 Mailing out notices and information may be cheaper. However it was pointed out that it is still very costly to do so.
  12. Mike Roberts Stated that Jeff Clites will be on our Board, however, he will NOT be a voting board member since he is on the other board. He further stated that the 501c3is a part of us and not against us and we will both work together to further our club.
  13. The Range office will have binders that will have copies of minutes from the meetings of both boards.
  14. Range will also have pictures of the board members posted in the range shack.
  15. Bylaws are on the webpage; web master will be changing the webpage for easier access.
  16. Form passed around for sign in
  17. Gregg Ferguson brought up a lot of members are not internet savvy, suggested we come up with another way besides survey monkey for voting. Roberts said he doesn’t know how to come up with another method. Roberts said that we can set up voting on the range for the 501 C3, C4, C7 voting.


  1. Mike Roberts stated that he wanted to Appoint MaxineMcDaniel as parliamentarianMotion made by Gregg Ferguson Seconded by Larry Leveron. Motion passed with one Abstention.
  2. Modifying bylaws 4B, see item 1 on attached sheet. Motion made by John Mercer to make changes to 4B seconded by Larry Leveron. Motion Passed unanimously.
  3. Mike Roberts asked to add section 5F which will allow the removal of a board member if it ever becomes necessary. See item 2 on attached sheet.
  4. Bylaws at present time does not state need to be a NRA member, vote on next month since we cannot be a C4 and place requirements on members.
  5. MOU will be further discussed by BOD and presented in July 2017 meeting.
  6. Big blue tractor died, board has been discussing replacement of big blue. Perry, do we need a tractor? Perry - Yes we need a tractor, parts needed to fix big blue would expensive. So, we have been looking at tractors, John Deere 65 HP quote of $32,700 and Kubota 63 HP quote of $32,988.see attached quotes Item 3
  7. Test drives were done at both locations.
  8. Voted on purchasing the Kubota since it was a better tractor. It was stated that the hydraulics were a better quality and everything is sealed so it will last longer.
  9. Motion was made by Larry Leveron Second by Joe Sheel. Motion passed unanimously.
  10. Purchase to be completed after we get our sales tax exemption
  11. Golf Cart is not holding up. GatorUTV $10,200, Kubota UTV $8,664.83. Both are 4-wheel drive. Will have bed to transport in case of emergency. Motion was brought up and seconded to purchase Kubota, Motion passed and will purchase after sales tax exemptions. Motion made by Joe Scheel second by Terry Byron. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Funds to be moved over to the C3 and placed in their name
  1. Appointment of safety committee, each corporation should nominate 2 people. Roberts nominated Melinda Hanson and Perry Bankester.
  2. Mike Roberts asked members what they thought of using Village Inn, members stated music is to loud to hear, Roberts said if they cannot fix it we will move.
  3. Mike Roberts asked us to put up 2 buildings on range 6 and 7. 24 x 41, $5139 each. They are metal and can withstand 170 mph winds. If board approves we can have it here in June. Buildings can be put up in a day. Roberts asked Perry if he can get the ground ready for it, but Perry suggested it waits due to no tractor being available. Motion was made by Gregg Ferguson to order buildings and second by Larry Leveron. Motion passed unanimously...
  4. Member asked about range 1 being taken out further, Roberts informed members the land behind is in a trust. Suggested once we possibly have C3 contact them in future to have them donate it to us. They can write off the full value of the land.
  5. A Conex is to be purchasedto add to Range 6 and 7. Motion made by Larry Leveron Second by John Mercer. Motion passed unanimously. To be ordered however not paid until sales tax exemption is complete.
  6. Member asked about the NRA requirement and why it is a good thing to be required. Board let them know about the back-ground check and if we plan to stay a family friendly place we do not want felons around our children.
  7. Member asked about the PA system that was donated, Perry told member there is 2 inches of water in it. Member asked us to purchase a new one.Mike Roberts stated he will try and locate one for us
  8. Member asked about the flag that would be brought to meetings. Mike Roberts stated he will bring one.
  9. Placement of meeting changed to Cokesbury in August since Village Inn cannot turn off the music. The cost will be 600.00 per year payable in advance. Food and drinks are not available unless brought in from outside.
  10. Motion to Adjourn made by Larry Leveron Second John Mercer. Meeting adjourned.