Spring 2015 Election

ucdenver.edu/sga | Tivoli 301




Dear Potential Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in the University of Colorado Denver’s Student Government Association. This application packet contains the necessary forms for verification of candidacy.

All other supporting documents (Spring 2015 Election Policy, CU Denver SGA Constitution, AHEC Posting Policies, Student Code of Conduct, etc.) can be found at the CU Denver SGA website:

The Candidate Application Packet is due in the CU Denver SGA Office (Tivoli Room 301) no later than the end of the final Mandatory Candidate Meeting (April 7th,2015at 2:00pm). In addition, we are requesting an electronic copy of a small candidate picture (.jpeg format) and a small candidate bio (no more than300 words) with your candidate packet. Please email the picture and bio directly to both election commissioners (email addresses listed below)

Candidates must personally attend one (1) of the three (3) Mandatory Candidate Meetings, which will be held in the CU Denver SGA Office. Candidates are free to come anytime during the time slots posted.

1st Meeting –Friday, March 20th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
2nd Meeting – Friday, March 27th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
3rd Meeting – Friday, April 10th2:00pm to 5:00pm

Positions for candidacy include the Executive ticket (President and Vice President), eighteen (18) Senators, two (2) SACAB Representatives and College Council. College Council candidates must be a declared major in the school/college they are running for.

Each potential Senator, SACAB Representative and/or College Council Representative must have a minimum of fifty (50) signatures from enrolled CU Denver students to be considered a candidate. Each Executive Ticket must have a minimum of one hundred (100) signatures form enrolled CU Denver students.

The General Election will begin at 8:00am on Monday, April 13th 2015and will end at 11:59pm onSunday April 19th2015. All voting will be done electronically at:

In order to be confirmed for candidacy, the candidates shall verify the following information:

  • Correct spelling of name, as it is to appear on the ballot
  • Current enrollment as CU Denver students, as defined in the Election Policy
  • Current address, phone number, and CU Denver student e-mail (no post office boxes)
  • Information regarding enrollment, address, phone number, and e-mail has been updated with the Office of Admissions

Falsification of candidate information will result in disqualification and removal from the ballot. It is the responsibility of the candidate to determine that all information is correct and to supply this information to the Election Commissioner.

The Election Commission shall review all campaign regulations, candidates’ rights, and the process for appeal of the Election Commission’s decisions and findings. The Election Commission shall also determine the candidate order for the advertising and initial set of ballots.

The Campaign Contract
“The Statement of Candidate Eligibility” found on the Candidate Information & Eligibility Form will act as the Campaign Contract. The candidate and the Election Commissioner must sign the Campaign Contract no later than the close of the final scheduled Mandatory Candidate Meeting to be eligible to run in the election.

Campaign Spending and Contribution Limits
Campaign spending and contribution limits for Senators, College Council Representatives and SACAB Representatives shall be set at $500. Campaign spending and contribution limits for Executive Tickets shall be set at $1,000. The Office of Student Life, located in Tivoli 303, will supply 50 black and white copies of a campaign flyer that you physically bring into the office.

Each candidate is required to collect all relevant receipts and record all campaign expenses and revenues on the Candidate Expense and Revenue Tracking Form.

The Candidate Expense and Revenue Tracking Form (including all relevant receipts) is due to the Election Commissioners, electronically, every Friday by 5pm, beginning at the declaration of candidacy and each Friday thereafter, until the end of the election, even if your weekly costs/donations add up to zero dollars.

Failure to submit the form within the given time limit, or exceeding campaign-spending limits will result in disqualification of the candidate. If disqualified once in office, the candidate will be removed, and the losing candidate with the second highest number of votes shall assume the office from which the removal occurred.

Any financial contribution(s) made to a candidate or his/her Campaign Team, with the knowledge of the candidate or any member of the Campaign Team shall be recorded on the Candidate Expense and Revenue Form and the subsequent amount(s) shall count towards the campaign spending and contribution limits.

All figures in the form shall include any applicable sales and/or transportation taxes. There shall be no penalty for purchasing materials and/or service in areas with lower tax rates than the Denver community.

Please contact the Election Commission via email with any questions or concerns, especially if the dates for the posted mandatory meetings do not fit your schedule.

Franklin Joseph –
Aditi Nigudkar –

If you are elected in April, please save the following dates on your calendar. Participation is required for all SGA members. If you have any conflicts with these dates, please contact after the election.

Student Government Association Summer Senate Meetings:

June 5th& 19th

July 17th& 24th

Student Government Association Annual Summer Retreat:

July 31st-August 2nd

CU Prep Week:

August 10th-16th

You may also leave a message for us at the CU Denver SGA Office at (303) 556-3335 (shared with Judicial Branch). Office hours for the Election Commission are Tuesdays (2-3pm).
Good Luck!

-Franklin JosephAditi Nigudkar
2015 CU Denver SGA Election Commissioners

Expense & Revenue (Senator limit=$500/Executive limit=$1,000)

Description / Date / Cost/Amount Received ($)

Candidate Signature Date


Candidate Name
(as it is to appear on the official ballot)
Current Mailing Address (as registered with the CU Denver Registrar’s Office)
Student Identification Number
Phone number
Email address
Position Sought

Candidate Qualifications

  • All candidates must meet the qualifications as prescribed by the CU Denver SGA Constitution.
  • Candidates must abide by AHEC posting policies and the Student Code of Conduct when campaigning.
  • Each potential Senator and/or SACAB Representative must have a minimum of fifty (50) signatures from enrolled CU Denver students to be considered a candidate. Each Executive Ticket must have a minimum of one hundred (100) signatures from enrolled CU Denver students.
  • Each College Council applicant should be a declared major in that school.


By signing below, the candidate affirms that he/she has read the CU Denver SGA Constitution and the CU Denver SGA Election Policy and further agrees to abide by all the terms set therein and is eligible to run or the position sought.


Candidate SignatureDate


Election Commissioner SignatureDate


By signing this document I assert that I am an enrolled student at the University of Colorado Denver and do hereby affirm support of ______(candidate name, as it will appear on the official ballot), who is a candidate for one of the following positions with the University of Colorado Denver Student Government Association: Executive Ticket, Senator, College Council Representative or SACAB Representative in the Election of ______(term and year). By signing this document I understand that I am not obligated to vote for the individual named herein.

Student Name / Signature / Student Identification Number

Verified By: ______Date: ______

Commission Approval: ______Date:______

The Election Commission is granted the ability to disqualify any particular petition signature(s) for the following reasons:

  • If the signatures are not in ink
  • If the printed and/or student ID number is illegible, and thus not capable of being verified
  • If student isn’t currently enrolled at CU Denver


Reporting Party:______

Full Name(s):______

Student Number(s): ______

Street Address: ______

City, State, Zip:______

E-mail Address: ______

(List additional Reporting Party on the back of this form)

Responding Party:______

Full Name(s): ______

Student Number(s): ______

Street Address: ______

City, State, Zip:______

E-mail Address: ______

(List additional Responding Party on the back of this form)

Specify issues, allegations and relief sought in a typed format and attach to this form. Include documented evidence of the alleged violation, written statements from any witnesses, and the candidate seat in question.


Signature(s) of Defendant(s): ______
(Place additional signatures on the back of this form)


(Election Commissioner)(Election Commissioner) ______
(Judicial Representative)


I, ______hereby declare that these students are helping me in my election campaign. All actions taken to promote my candidacy shall be in accordance to the CU Denver SGA Election Policy. By signing this document, I agree to abide by AHEC posting policies and the Student Code of Conduct. I understand that any action in violation of these policies by either me, or my campaign team, will result in immediate disqualification of my candidacy. Only my campaign team is authorized to create, print and post promotional material on my behalf.

Candidate Name:______

Candidate Signature: ______


Student Name / University Name / Student ID / Student Signature

Signatures: ______(Election Commissioner) (Election Commissioner)

Date: ______


Candidate Name:______
Date Submitted: ______

Details of the alleged violation:

(List additional information on the back of this form)

Reason for the recount request:

(List additional information on the back of this form)

In addition to this form, submit the twenty-five (25) enrolled CU Denver student’s signatures, all documented evidence of the alleged violation, and typed written statements from any witnesses to the alleged violation.


By signing this document I assert that I am an enrolled student at the University of Colorado Denver and do hereby affirm support of ______’s (Candidate’s Name) request for recount, who is a candidate for one of the following positions with the University of Colorado Denver Student Government Association: Executive Ticket, Senator, College Council Representatives or SACAB Representatives in the Election of ______(term and year). By signing this document I understand that the reason for this recount is serious.

Student Name / Signature / Student Identification Number

Verified By:______Date:______
Commission Approval: ______Date:______

The Election Commission is granted the ability to disqualify any particular petition signature(s) for the following reasons:

  • If the signatures are not in ink
  • If the printed name and/or student ID number is illegible, and thus not capable of being verified
  • If student isn’t currently enrolled at CU Denver