Prize: a free place at the RCOG Annual Academic Meeting 8-9 February 2018 and the opportunity to present a lecture

William Blair Bell, the first president of the RCOG, called for the award of an annual lectureship in a gynaecological or obstetric subject by a College Member or Fellow of not more than two years’ standing. This annual lecture is given as part of the 2018 RCOG Annual Academic Meeting which will be held on the 8-9 February 2018.

The purpose of the lectureship has been broadened from the original concept to allow a clinician or scientist who is at any stage of their career between award of an MD /PhD and the completion of their second year as a Senior Lecturer or its equivalent (e.g. Clinician Scientist), at the time of application, to give a lecture describing research in any area pertaining to Women’s Health at the RCOG Annual Academic Meeting (8-9 February 2018). The winner of the lecture will be awarded a free place at the Annual Academic Meeting and will have the opportunity to present a lecture.


  • Clinician or scientist between the award of their MD/PhD thesis and completion of their second year as a Senior Lecturer or its equivalent
  • Proposed lecture describes their personal research in any area pertaining to Women’s Health


Please send the following documents to the Awards Administrator by email (E:) by midnight on Wednesday, 31 May 2017. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted.

  • A brief description of the content of the proposed lecture (maximum one A4 page)
  • A short CV (maximum of four A4 pages) including university details
  • Completed application form



Name of applicant:
RCOG Registration Number:
Date of Membership of the RCOG (MRCOG or FRCOG):
Current appointment: (Grade and institution)
Telephone number:
Email address:


Please provide a brief description of the content of the proposed lecture below or attached separately.