
WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones

Thirty-seventh session

Phuket, Thailand

15 to 19February 2010ENGLISH ONLY



Meteorological Component

(Submitted by the WMO Secretariat)


This document provides the session with information on the recentactivities of the Organization, which are of particular relevance to the meteorological component of the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones.


The Panel is invited to review the information to be presented by the Members and WMO representative at this session and make proposals and recommendations concerning future activities as amendments and/or additions to the draft text attached to this document.


References:1.WMO Strategic Plan (2008-2011), Chapter 2.1, World Weather Watch Programme (WWW), WMO/TD-No. 1417

2.Sixty-first Session of the Executive Council – Abridged report with resolutions, (August 2009), WMO-No. 1042

Appendix:Draft text for inclusion in the report of the session

WRD/PTC.37/Doc. 5.1, APPENDIX, p. 1



5.1 Meteorological Component:

Regional Basic Synoptic Network (RBSN)

5.1.1The Special Main Telecommunication Network Monitoring (SMM)[1]provides information on the performance level of the observing and telecommunication systems. As per the results of the SMM exercise carried out on a quarterly basis during 2008 and 2009, the availability of expected SYNOP reports on the Main Telecommunication Network (MTN) from a total of 252 (in 2008) and 298 (in 2009) surface stations in the RBSN operated by Members of the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones is given in Table A. The average availability of SYNOP reports ranges from 58 to 99 per cent during the year 2009. The availability continued to be more than 70 per cent for all countries, except for Myanmar and the Maldives, both of which recorded an increase from the previous year to 58 and 64 per cent respectively. The total availability of reports increased from 83 per cent (in 2008) to 88 per cent (in 2009), with an increase also in the number of stations specifically in Thailand following the 14th session of Regional Association II in December 2008.

Table A

Average availability of SYNOP reports from RBSN stations (SMM exercise)

Country / Number of stations / Reports received (%)
2008 / 2009
Bangladesh / 11 / 76% / 11 / 84%
India / 82 / 96% / 82 / 96%
Maldives / 5 / 60% / 5 / 64%
Myanmar / 27 / 56% / 27 / 58%
Oman / 23 / 82% / 23 / 88%
Pakistan / 54 / 70% / 54 / 72%
Sri Lanka / 9 / 92% / 9 / 96%
Thailand / 41 / 100% / 87 / 99%
Total / 252 / 83% / 298 / 88%

5.1.2The availability of expected TEMP reports on the MTN from a total of 53 upper-air stations in the RBSN operated by Members of the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones according to the results of SMM exercise carried out on a quarterly basis in 2008 and 2009 is given in Table B. The average availability of TEMP reports ranges from zero to 54 per cent. The availability is less than 25 per cent for Pakistan and the Maldives with Myanmar not reporting as in the previous year. Overall, there is an increase in the number of reports received from a majority of Panel Members in 2009 compared to 2008, with only Maldives showing a decrease during the same period. The total availability of reports and the number of stations remained unchanged.

Table B

Average availability of TEMP reports from RBSN stations (SMM exercise)

Country / Number of stations / Reports received (%)
2008 / 2009
Bangladesh / 2 / 28% / 2 / 30%
India / 35 / 55% / 35 / 54%
Maldives / 1 / 26% / 1 / 15%
Myanmar / 5 / 0% / 5 / 0%
Oman / 2 / 44% / 2 / 44%
Pakistan / 3 / 8% / 3 / 11%
Sri Lanka / 0 / - / 0 / -
Thailand / 5 / 34% / 5 / 39%
Total / 53 / 43% / 53 / 43%

5.1.3Deficiencies in surface and especially upper-air data coverage over certain areas in the region continued to be caused mainly due to financial difficulties encountered by countries concerned to rehabilitate and operate both observational and telecommunication equipment. Inadequate funds also resulted in the lack of trained staff, essential instruments and consumables.

Aircraft Observations

5.1.4The AMDAR Panel recently established two new AMDAR Pilot Projects, one covering the South-West Pacific region and the other covering the North African and Western Asian region. These two areas were selected because of their relative sparsity of upper-air meteorological observations resulting in forecasting difficulties within the region. These two areas were selected because it was considered that they could both be developed over a relatively short period of time. A major component of the regional projects would be to encourage other countries in the region to participate and establish a Regional AMDAR Programme. There are a number of airlines in both Pilot Project areas that have aircraft capable of being equipped with AMDAR software. In order for these projects to be successful a strong commitment from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and airlines in the region would be required. NMHSs would also need to work closely with their national and regional airlines to address the logistic and funding issues associated with implementing an AMDAR Programme in their region. The WMO/ESCAP Panel could be used to raise the awareness of this problem in the region.

5.1.5The AMDAR Panel Water Vapour project (WVSS-IIv3 sensor) is currently being trialled on a number of USA based UPS and South West Airlines aircraft. The European AMDAR Programme (E-AMDAR) has complete initial testing of the WVSS-IIv3 sensor in its Climate Chamber with promising results, the Programme intends on undertaking trials of the new water vapour sensor on three Lufthansa Airbus 319 short-medium haul cargo aircraft in Europe early 2010. It is expected the results from these two trials will be made available in the first half of 2010. A number of operational AMDAR Programmes have expressed an interest in purchasing and implementing the WVSS-IIv3 sensor following these trials in the USA and Europe. The USA AMDAR Programme has agreed to provide assistance to those NMHSs considering implementing the WVSS-II water vapour sensor into their AMDAR Programme by providing guidelines based on their experience with implementing the WVSS-II water vapour senor on USA based aircraft.

5.1.6Currently, there are over 3000 aircraft worldwide contributing approximately 220,000 to 230,000 AMDAR observations per day. The numbers of observations are not expected to increase significantly over the next few years, this mainly due to the effects of the current global financial crisis on the airline industry and the implementation of AMDAR optimization systems for operational AMDAR Programmes. AMDAR Optimization gives the NMHSs the ability to actively control the downlink of AMDAR data being received depending on existing data density, thus reducing redundant information in favour of data in sparsely covered areas.

Marine and Ocean Meteorological Observations

5.1.7Regional members continue to provide extensive support for ocean observation programmes such as the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS), the Ship Of Opportunity Programme (SOOP), the Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP), the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), and the Argo profiling floats. They also provide support to climatic projects like the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS), the Global Temperature Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP), and the VOS Climate Project (VOSClim).

5.1.8Dramatic progress has been made in the implementation of the ocean observing networks in the last decade. The plan was based on the system targets identified in the ocean chapter of the GCOS Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in support of the UNFCCC (GCOS92). The JCOMM implementation goals will be updated according to the latest developments with regard to: (i.) the Progress Report on the Implementation of the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC 2004-2008; (ii.) the outcome and recommendations from the OceanObs’09 Conference; (iii.) the outcome of the Third World Climate Conference (WCC-3); (iv.) non-climate requirements arising from the CBS Rolling Review of Requirements, including Statements of Guidance and gap analysis; and, (v.) the forthcoming update to GCOS-92, the implementation strategy for the global climate observing system. Overall, the ocean in situ observing system is now 61% implemented, with the JCOMM plan driving to full implementation, in principle by 2012. All data are being made freely available to all Members in real-time. However, progress has been slowing down recently, and completion will require substantial additional yearly investment by the Members/Member States.

5.1.9The global surface buoy network (DBCP) is now essentially complete and being sustained (1512 units in October 2009). Efforts are being made to increase the number of surface drifters reporting sea level pressure (612 units in October 2009). Technology exists for cost-effective surface drifters equipped with thermistor strings and designed to be deployed in tropical cyclone conditions, but none have been deployed in the region of interest to the Panel.

5.1.10The Argo profiling float programme reached completion in November 2007 (3261 units in September 2009) and is now providing essential upper ocean thermal data for Tropical Cyclones research, monitoring and forecast activities. However, Argo presently falls short of its design requirements as some of the floats are in marginal seas or at high latitudes (which are outside the Argo array design), some regions are overpopulated and some floats are not providing quality profile data. Efforts are necessary to ensure adequate geographical coverage and ensure sustainability of the array (requiring around 800 new floats each year).

5.1.11The SOOP Programme also provides for valuable upper ocean thermal data through 41 high-resolution and frequently repeated XBT lines now fully occupied (target is 51 lines). Approximately 22,000 XBTs are deployed every year under the Ship Of Opportunity Programme (SOOP), of which 20,000 are distributed in real-time on GTS to end users. The tide gauge network is 62% complete (105 units); Voluntary Observing Ships delivering high-quality observational data for climate related applications (VOSClim) reached its target of 250 ships and is being integrated into the wider VOS as a new class of vessel. However, efforts remain to be made to provide for the required VOSClim additional information. Efforts are being made to increase the number of Automatic Weather Stations installed on ships to improve real-time reporting for weather forecasting and climate.

5.1.12Implementation of marine observing network in the region has continued to expand thanks to prominent role of Members in the region. The Tropical Moored Buoy network is being extended across the Indian Ocean (24 of 46 sites have been deployed in December 2009; and more are planned in 2010) to complete a coverage of the equatorial regions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans – an important heat engine of global climate and weather patterns.

Meteorological Satellites

5.1.13Operational satellites and R&D satellites are supporting the detection, characterization, monitoring, and evolution prediction of tropical cyclones. Observations particularly needed these activities are the permanent high resolution visible and infrared imagery from geostationary spacecraft, microwave sounding from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites to derive total precipitable water, microwave imagery associated with precipitation radars to derive precipitation rate, as well as scatterometry and altimetry to derive ocean surface wind fields, and sea state. Other
satellite-derived parameters such as upper ocean heat content and cloud track wind vectors over the Polar Regions are reported to have significant impact on hurricane track forecasting.
The status of satellite missions contributing to the Global Observing system is provided at the following URL:

5.1.14The tables below indicate the current constellation of geostationary satellites covering the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, as well as the satellites planned for launch in the coming two years for these areas.

Geostationary satellites in operation over the Indian Ocean or the Western Pacific Ocean (Nov 2009)

(sub-satellite point longitude) / Satellites
P =pre-operational
B =back-up / Operator / Location / Launch date / Payload and Status
Indian Ocean
(36°E-108°E) / Meteosat-7 (Op) / EUMETSAT / 57.5°E / 02/97 / Indian Ocean Data Coverage (IODC), currently planned until end 2013
3-channel imager
Dissemination via EUMETCast
Meteosat-6 (B) / EUMETSAT / 67.5°E / 11/93 / IODC back-up and DCS support,
Kalpana-1 (Op) / INDIA / 74°E / 12/09/02 / 3-channel VHRR imager, DCS
FY-2D (Op) / CHINA / 86.5°E / 8/12/06 / 5 channel improved S-VISSR, Space Environment Monitor (SEM), DCS.
INSAT-3A (Op) / INDIA / 93.5°E / 10/04/03 / 3-channel VHRR imager, DCS
CCD camera
FY-2E (Op) / CHINA / 105°E / 23/12/08 / 5-channel improved S-VISSR, DCS
Space Environment Monitor (SEM)
West Pacific
(108°E-180°E) / MTSAT-1R (Op) / JAPAN / 140°E / 26/02/05 / 5-channel VIS/IR imager, DCS
MTSAT-2 (B) / JAPAN / 145°E / 18/02/06 / Planned to take up imaging function from MTSAT-1R on 1 July 2010, dissemination remaining via MTSAT-1R

Geostationary satellites planned for launch in 2009/2010 over the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific

Sector / Future GEO satellites / Operator / Planned location / Planned launch / Payload and data dissemination
Indian Ocean
(36°E-108°E) / Electro-L N1 / Russian Fed. / 76°E / 2010 / MSU-GS, HMS, DCS, GeoSAR.
Direct broadcast HRIT, LRIT
INSAT-3D / India / 82°E / 2010 / Improved 6-channel Imager
and 19-channel sounder
West Pacific
(108°E-180°E) / COMS-1 / Rep. Korea / 128.2°E / 2009/2010 / 5-channel Meteorological Imager (MI), Geo. Ocean Colour Imager (GOCI). Direct Broadcast HRIT/LRIT

5.1.15EUMETSAT has extended its plan to operate Meteosat-7 for Indian Ocean Data overage (IODC) until the end of 2013. Meteosat-6 is planned to be deorbited by the end of 2010. Since Meteosat-6 is used to support DCS operations during eclipses, investigations will be conducted by EUMETSAT in order to minimize the impact of eclipses on DCS operations when Meteosat-6 will no longer be available.

5.1.16Two operational polar-orbiting satellites were launched since the beginning of 2009: NOAA-19, the last polar-orbiting satellite of the NOAA POES series, launched in February by the USA and Meteor-M N1, the first spacecraft of a new series, launched in September by the Russian Federation. The operational constellation in sun-synchronous polar orbit includes Metop-A (Eumetsat) and FY-3A (China) on a morning orbit, FY-1D (China) on an early-morning orbit, and NOAA-19 (USA) on an afternoon orbit. In addition, Jason-2 (Eumetsat-France-USA) provides ocean altimetry measurements from an inclined orbit.

5.1.17The table below lists environmental R&D satellites providing an important contribution to operational tropical cyclone related activities in addition to their research or demonstration purpose. The most recently launched satellite of direct relevance to tropical cyclone monitoring is Oeansat-2, launched by India in September 2009. In November 2009, the Quikscat satellite stopped operation following an antenna failure after ten years of valuable service.

Current R&D satellites of main relevance to tropical cyclone monitoring (Nov 2009)

Satellites / Space Agency / Equator Crossing Time
Altitude / Launch date / Instruments / Status, applications
and other information
ENVISAT / ESA / 10:00 (D)
800 km / 03/2002 / - ASAR, RA-2
- SCHIAMACHY / MIPAS is operated at 80% of its duty cycle.
RA-2: loss of secondary frequency (in S-band) in Jan 2008, compensated with on-ground ionospheric corrections.
Operations extended until 2013.
Oceansat-2 / ISRO / 12:00am (D)
720 km / 23/09/2009 / OCM, ROSA , Scatterometer / Ocean colour, Radio-occultation, ocean surface winds.
Jason-1 / NASA/
CNES / non-sun-synchronous
(66° incl.)
1336 km / 07/12/01 / - LRA (Laser retroreflector array)
- Poseidon2 (solid state radar altimeter)
- DORIS receiver
- Jason Microwave Radiometer
- BlackJack GPS Receiver / Ocean surface topography follow-on mission to TOPEX/Poseidon.
Monitors global ocean circulation for global climate prediction
JAXA / non-sun-synchronous
(35° incl)
402 km / 28/11/97 / - PR (Precipitation Radar)
- TMI (MW Imager)
- LIS (Lightning Imaging) / Measures tropical rainfall/precipitation and radiation energy
CERES no longer functional
Terra / NASA / 10:30 (D)
705 km / 18/12/99 / - CERES
- ASTER / Measurement of Earth' climate system, atmosphere, land, oceans and interactions with solar radiation
Aqua / NASA / 13:30 (A)
705 km / 04/05/02 / - AMSR-E
- MODIS / Collects data on Earth's water cycle, precise atmospheric, land and oceanic measurements, and interaction with solar radiation
HSB no longer functional

5.1.18The table below indicates ocean monitoring satellites planned for launch in the coming two years. Space agencies are developing plans to ensure follow-on to ocean surface wind measurements missions by scatterometry, and to ocean surface altimetry missions. For the short term, this is pursued in the framework of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Virtual Constellations on Ocean Surface Wind and on Ocean Surface Topography respectively. However, for some of these missions, it is not yet confirmed that the data would be available in real time to WMO Members. For the long term, the vision of the Global Observing System (GOS) for 2025,endorsed by CBS-XIV (March-April 2009), proposed that such missions be implemented with an operational status.

R&D satellites of relevance for tropical cyclone monitoring planned for launch in 2009/2010

Satellites / Space
Agency / Equator Crossing Time,
Altitude / Planned
Launch Date / Status, applications
and other information
CRYOSAT-2 / ESA / 717 km
(92° incl.) / 12/2009 / Polar ice monitoring (replacing CRYOSAT-1 lost on launch failure in October 2005)
SARAL / ISRO + CNES / 06:00
800 km / 2010 / Altika altimeter
Argos Data Collection System
Megha-Tropiques / ISRO + CNES / Non sun-synchronous
(20° incl.) 870 km / 2010 / Monitoring convective systems, water cycle and energy budget in tropical atmosphere MADRAS (microwave imager), SAPHIR (humidity microwave sounder) 183 GHz, SCARB (outgoing radiative flux at TOA)
(SAC-D) / NASA / CONAE / 06:00
657 km / 05/2010 / Global sea surface salinity (SSS): L-band Radiometer (LBR) and Scatterometer (LBS)
HY-2A / CNSA, NSOAS / 06:00 (D)
964 km / 2010 / Ocean monitoring (altimeter, MW radiometer, scatterometer)

5.1.19The Integrated Global Dissemination Service (IGDDS) Project is continuing.
One objective of this project is to implement a quasi-global coverage of WMO Regions by multipurpose telecommunications satellite-based broadcasting services using the Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) standard. This international standard, which is not specific to meteorological applications, is widely used by digital television networks and requires very limited investments on the user side. Data exchange arrangements have been implemented among EUMETSAT, CMA and NOAA, which allow them to broadcast a wide range of data from multiple sources.
The Product Navigator developed by EUMETSAT to facilitate Eumetcast catalogue searching has been adopted by CMA for FengYungCast and by NOAA for GeonetCast-Americas. It is foreseen to build on this tool to generate metadata in accordance with WIS metadata standards. Operational and R&D agencies are encouraged to share their data through this DVB-S infrastructure and/or the GTS.