Model Land Sail craft Project (due 12/15)


Design and build a functioning land sailcart.

To understand the Bernoulli Effect and how a sail craft can sail up wind utilizing the concept of force vectors.


Common household materials are acceptable for this project. Including straws, lumber, paper, cardboard, cloth, bottle caps, clothespins, CD’s, paper clips, glue, rubber bands, string and most other materials your imagination can conjure.

You may not use prefabricated materials like wheels(wood, plastic, or metal) or toys including cars etc. In essence anything that is designed to act as a cart already.


  1. Create a drawing to scale that illustrates your cart. Drawing should be done on graph paper so measurements are included as well. 10 pts
  2. Build a cart that functions. It must sail 2.0 m upwind at a 45 degree angle. TEST IT!!! 25 pts
  3. 75 pts write a paper of appropriate length 3-4 pages, MLA format withno cover page.
  4. The paper must include the following.
  5. Introduction that includes the purpose and the topic which discusses the specifics of that purpose.
  6. Materials section- list of all materials used in the creation of the cart.
  7. Procedure
  8. a step by step account of construction and redesign.
  9. A procedure for determining what angle will create the greatest velocity.
  10. Data and Analysis- You must perform an experiment with your cart.
  11. This might include varying the angle of wind and measuring the speed or changing some parameter of the cart to illicit a change in speed or direction.
  12. Conclusion- This is an explanation of the results which should include references and address the following.
  13. How a sail works based the Bernoulli Effect. It is the same way an airplane wing works.
  14. How it is possible for a sailing vessel to sail at greater velocity than the wind propelling it.
  15. It is also important to use the data you collected as evidence for this. That means use the actual numbers from your data table.
  16. References and Reference cited page. Two references must be included. Your book may be one. References may not be forums, Wikipedia, or any site that is conjecture based information. They must be valid and scientifically confident. If you are unsure regarding MLA format, go to
  17. Follow the in text reference general guidelines as well.

Plagiarism will result in a 0 on the project. This includes any material cut and paste from any source that is not referenced and copying of other students work.