Name: ______

Act V Summary

Directions: Use the words in the Word Bank to complete the summary.

scene i

The ______is night in Macbeth’s castle at Dunsinane. A doctor

and gentlewoman are discussing Lady Macbeth’s strange habit of ______.

Just then, Lady Macbeth, in a ______, enters the hall holding a candle. She

is crying and upset overthe ______of Lady Macduff and Banquo. Lady

Macbeth appears to see ______on her hands andclaims that nothing will

wash the blood away. They are concerned about her descentinto ______.

scene ii

Outside Macbeth’s castle, a group of Scottish lords discuss the impending

______. Malcolm is leading the English ______and is set to

rendezvous with Macduff’s, Scottish army at Birnam Wood. The ‘ ______’

Macbeth has fortified Dunsinane Castle and will fight from there. (Remember the witches’


scene iii

Macbeth, his attendants and the ______enter the Great Hall. As

they prepare for war, Macbeth is confident that he is safe from Malcolm and his army

since “none of woman ______” (Act IV, scene i)can harm Macbeth. He is

also confident that he will continue to be ______since there is no way for

“Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill … come”(Act IV, scene i). Despite the fact that

the battle is some time off, Macbeth orders his servant to help him into his


The doctor speaks to Macbeth about his ______. He tells Macbeth

that the Lady is not able to sleep because she is troubled by ______. The

doctor is ordered to ______her.

scene iv

The time for ______has arrived and Malcolm and Siward plan to attack

the castle. In order to ______the size of their army, Malcolm and Siward decide

that each soldier should cut a limb from the trees in Birnam Wood. Then, the soldiers will

______the limb in front of them as they march to the castle. Again, remember the

______: “Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill … come”(Act IV, scene i).

scene v

In the castle, Macbeth is busy ______the castle with banners

and bragging that his castle is so strong that it will repel the enemy and they will give

up. He comments that if Scottish soldiers had not joined Malcolm, his Scottish army

would ______the English army.

Suddenly, a woman ______. He says that at one time, the scream

would have unnerved him, but now, he has done too many ______

things to care. A servant enters and tells Macbeth that the queen is ______.

He is ______but recovers quickly.

A messenger enters and tells Macbeth that the ______of

Birnam Wood are advancing towards the castle Dunsinane. Macbeth recalls the

witches’ ______about his death. Accepting his fate, Macbeth declares that he will

die ______rather than hiding behind his walls.

scene vi

Outside the castle the ______begins. Malcolm orders the soldiers to throw

down their tree limbs and draw their ______.

scene vii

On the battlefield, Macbeth engages in the fighting because he does not

______any man. During the battle, he ______Siward’s son

and boasts about being invincible.Elsewhere on the battlefield, Macduff searches for his

______– Macbeth. He wants______for the murder of his

family.The English army has gained the advantage and Malcolm and Siward prepare

to enter the ______Dunsinane.

scene vii

Macduff and Macbeth meet on the ______. Feeling confident that he

cannotbe killed, Macbeth ______about the witches’ prophecy and being

invincible. Macduffreplies with the statement: “Macduff was from his mother’s womb

______ripp’d.” (ActV, scene viii). Suddenly, Macbeth is ______

and wants to stop the fight but Macduff refuses. He wants to ______his family.

The battle ______. Malcolm and Siward walk the halls of

Dunsinane anddiscuss the ______. A messenger delivers the news

that Siward’s son ______a soldier’s death in the battle. Macduff,

carrying the ______of Macbeth, soon joins them and declares Malcolm

as the ______of Scotland. Malcolm ______his loyal

followers andinvites them to his coronation.