November 20, 2013
Village of South River Municipal Office

Present:Sundridge – Elgin Schneider, Bill deVries
Strong – Merlyn Snow
South River – Jim Coleman, Jeff Dickerson
Machar – Doug Maeck, Ron Bennison

Absent:Les Mahon, John Newstead

Guests:Carole Mantha – MNDM
Gerry Spooner – FedNor
Al Bottomley – Near North School Board Rep/Access 2011 Rep
Mike Anthony – Sofa Communications
Jason Sanderson – Sofa Communications
Serge Gingras – Sofa Communications
Gary McLaren – Near North Industrial Solutions
Martha Jacobs – Corner Wines/Groovy Glass Beads
Mel Trivedi – Algonquin Motel
Sharmi Trivedi – Algonquin Motel

Staff Present:Caitlin Haggart – Recording Secretary
Laura McNeice – Economic Development Intern

The meeting was called to order at 8:32 am by Chair Ron Bennison and the guests were welcomed.

General Discussion:

Al Bottomley took the floor to discuss the new trail system located on Almaguin Highlands Secondary School property in Strong Township. The high school assets include a 3000 seat theatre, green house and gardening program beginning in 2014 and the trail system. The trail system was not anticipated to begin this early, however a contact with Service Canada connections expedited the program and it began this past June. This included partnering with Employment North to provide applicable training to area youth who are out of school and/or work. These youth worked to clear 4km of trail systems on the property, and there are plans to add an additional 3-4km extending into the surrounding property. They are striving to become the centre for Senior Boys Skiing in Ontario, but would require areas with 11 meters of height. The area is preferential because Southern Ontario cannot be trusted to still have snow as early or as late in the year as this area. Mr. Bottomley also advised that the trail program also partnered with the Forgotten Trails and the Ski Club. Mr. Bottomley was thanked and left the meeting at 8:50a.m.

Sofa Communications shared progress on the new website. Some features of the new website include:

  • Site highlights attracting people to Central Almaguin, but still links to CAEDA for a committee based page;
  • Social Media Links – Facebook and YouTube;
  • Mobile friendly – website has a responsive design which readjusts for different screen sizes;
  • Content Management System – with training Laura McNeice, and an alternate, can add content to the site. Major design changes and updates are completed by Sofa either on a contract basis or an hourly fee when required;
  • Once launched, the site will replace the old one.

Sofa Communications plans to email the committee the website before the launch for any final comments or changes. The committee made some suggestions: including a calendar of events and weather information. Mike Anthony revealed the 2 marketing videos, one which focused on attractions in the area and the other which focused on working and living in the area. A press release will be provided to Laura for the website and videos once completed. Sofa Communications were thanked and left the meeting at 9:45a.m.

Carole Mantha presented on all of the new Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation programs and provided an overview of the key criteria, guidelines, funding and application process, reminding the group that the programs are aligned with key sectors identified in the Northern Ontario Growth Plan with an emphasis on economic development and job creation. A booklet outlining all of the programs was provided to the committee and businesses.

Intern Report :

  • Billboard Update: Laura advised that gardens are not permitted below the Central Almaguin billboards as they are an encroachment. An encroachment permit would be required;
  • Regional Business Meeting was held November 18th to discuss the Humaniqa service, there was poor attendance due to weather conditions but those attending were interested. Laura recommended partnering with Burk’s Falls/Armour/Ryerson to increase availability of the service in area libraries and share the cost of the second year. The committee would like to see more interest from the businesses prior to a decision being made. Laura is attending their ABC meeting next week and will discuss it then.
  • NCIR Update: McSweeney and Assoc. toured the area on November 7th and hope to have their final report prepared for early December.
  • North Bay Multicultural Centre Project: the centre is requesting $500.00 in 2014 and 2015 to fund a program to encourage immigrants to come to the outlying area and to match them with employment. The committee asked Laura to look into whether there is a duplicate of services with Employment North and to get more information on HR North prior to a decision being made.
  • EDCO Annual Conference: the secretary is to advise the committee on the status of the training budget.
  • Tradeshow: Laura is going to form a committee with municipal members and the community to brainstorm and disperse the workload.

Mr. McLaren, Ms. Jacobs and Mr. & Mrs. Trivedi left the meeting at 11:05a.m.

Correspondence: None

Adoption of Minutes:

Resolution 58-13
Moved by:Elgin SchneiderSeconded by:Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adopt the minutes of October 16, 2013 as circulated. Carried

Approve CAEDA Expenses:

Laura McNeice advised that the Signcraft invoice did not include the gardens.

Resolution 59-13
Moved by:Merlyn SnowSeconded by:Doug Maeck
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby approve expenses between October 17, 2013 and November 20, 2013in the amount of $11,862.46, and authorize the administrator to issue cheques for the same. Carried

New Business:

The organization of the agenda was discussed, the committee would like to see a designated slot in general discussion for the business representatives to share any updates they may have. Delegates should register with the secretary a week prior to the meeting. Explorers’ Edge presentations at Ha’s Restaurant and Caswell Resorts in the last month were discussed. Laura McNeice will remain the point person in this area for connecting with Explorer’s Edge and will be attending their upcoming Community Relations Committee meeting.


Resolution 60-13
Moved by: J.A.K. DickersonSeconded by: Doug Maeck
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adjourn at 11:45 p.m. until the next regular meeting on December 18, 2013 at 8:30am at the Village of SundridgeMunicipal Office, or at the call of the chair.

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Chair, Ron Bennison Recording Secretary, Caitlin Haggart