Untold Story: how simple churches are multiplying explosively ─ the greatest Kingdom growth in history ─ where the ‘elephants’ don’t trample the ‘rabbits.’ / Being a SIMPLE CHURCH
doing what Jesus said to do, like apo-
stolic churches did for three centuries / Numbered items = Jesus’ seven foundational commands, which include all that He said to do, as practiced by the 1st church, Acts 2.

To download this outline by George Patterson: open www.MentorAndMultiply.com, and click on the rabbit!

Form the Group

1) Repent, believe and receive the Holy Spirit (rebirth, ongoing transformation).

2) Be baptized and live the new, transformed life that baptism initiates.

3) Make disciples by telling folks about Jesus and gathering them together.

·  Keep groups small enough to obey God’s interactive one another commands.

·  To spread the Good News, avoid abstract theology, letting folks meet the living Christ:

o  Testify to what Jesus has done in your life

o  Recount the concrete historical things that he did to forgive and give eternal life (sacrificial death, resurrection, giving the Holy Spirit, Luke 24:46-48)

o  Pray in Jesus’ name for the sick, sad and needy.

o  Show vibrant love and joy, the fruit of the Spirit.

·  Small groups can be tiny rabbit churches that cooperate closely with other simple churches, or cells that are tiny churches within a larger church body.

·  Avoid institutionalization: require only what God requires in the New Testament.

·  Covenant together to obey Jesus’ commands in love above all else. (“If you love me…”)

·  Avoid the word ‘church’ where it’s connotations hinder God’s harvest.

Meet & Experience the Living Christ (“Where two or three…”)

4) Pray & praise God

5) Break bread (First: self-examining & confessing to God, then enjoy the divine mystery.)

6) Love by serving one another as an interactive body.

Make disciples by learning and applying God’s Word. See also # 4 above.

·  Prophesy the New Testament way edify, exhort & console one another, 1Cor. 14:3.

·  Discuss Bible texts. For lively group participation: let a narrator tell a Bible story, as the rest act it out (ad lib), then discuss what God wants us to do about it. Include children.1
For help: www.Paul-Timothy.net also www.MentorAndMultiply.com

·  Provide ample time to make concrete plans to do God’s work during the week.

7) Give (avoid budgets at first; meet urgent needs, support church planting locally & foreign).

Serve as Light of the World (do what you planned while meeting)

Love family, needy neighbor in a practical way and enemies (forgive) See also # 6 above.

Mentor leaders like Jesus & Paul did to multiply churches (2Tim. 2:2). See also # 3 above.1

Pray (daily personal & family devotions, spiritual warfare, pray for healing). See also # 4 above.


1Useful materials: www.Paul-Timothy.net. Guidelines & action points: www.MentorAndMultiply.com.

Questions answered, mentoring without fees: George Patterson:

Keep on the cutting edge of simple church planting movements: view MentorNet: www.MentorNet.ws