Lesson Plan

Class:3 year olds

Segment 5 – Jesus Finishes God’s Work

Overall Class Objectives

By the end of this segment the children will be able to:

  • Recall the facts of each of the lessons studied during this segment
  • Recite 5 memory verses
  • Sing/Recite the books of the New Testament

Lesson 1 – The Lost Sheep


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Begin reciting the 1stmemory verse

Memory verse #1 – “…Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!” Luke 15:6

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of the Lost Sheep
  2. Memory verse
  3. Color a hidden pictures sheet
  4. Activity – Glue shepherd and sheep with cotton balls on paper
  5. Sing – “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry”, and other songs
  6. Review story using ABeka cards
  7. Review memory verse
  8. Prayer

Lesson 2 – The Lost Sheep


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 1st memory verse

Lesson Plan

  1. Review the story of the Lost Sheep
  2. Recite the 1st memory verse
  3. Activity – Make a Lost Sheep story booklet
  4. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  5. Review story using ABeka cards
  6. Recite 1st memory verse
  7. Prayer

Lesson 3 – The Lost Coin


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 1st memory verse

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of the Lost Coin
  2. Activity – Make a Lost Coin purse
  3. Review the lesson using ABeka cards
  4. Review the previous lesson using ABeka cards
  5. Recite the 1st memory verse
  6. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  7. Prayer

Lesson 4 – The Lost Son


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 1st memory verse

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of the Lost Son
  2. Activity – Make a paper with the lost son feeding the pigs
  3. Review the lesson using ABeka cards
  4. Review the previous lessons using ABeka cards
  5. Recite the 1st memory verse
  6. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  7. Prayer

Lesson 5 – The Forgiving Father (The Lost Son)


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 1st memory verse

Lesson Plan

  1. Review the Lost Son story, emphasizing the Forgiving Father aspect
  2. Activity – Make Forgiving Father stick puppets
  3. Review the lesson using ABeka cards
  4. Review the previous lessons using ABeka cards
  5. Recite the 1st memory verse
  6. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  7. Prayer

Lesson 6 – Jesus Loves the Little Children


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Begin reciting the 2nd memory verse

Memory verse #2 – “…for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell about how Jesus Loves the Little Children
  2. Activity – Make a Jesus Loves the Little Children story booklet
  3. Review the lesson using felt characters on the felt board
  4. Begin reciting the 2nd memory verse
  5. Sing – “Jesus Loves Me”, “Jesus Loves the Little Children”, “Books of NT” and other songs
  6. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards
  7. Prayer

Lesson 7 – Jesus Loves the Little Children


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 2nd memory verse

Lesson Plan

  1. Review the story of how Jesus Loves the Little Children
  2. Activity – Make a Jesus Loves Me badge
  3. Review the lesson using felt characters on the felt board
  4. Recite the 2nd memory verse
  5. Sing – “Jesus Loves Me”, “Jesus Loves the Little Children”, “Books of NT” and other songs
  6. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards
  7. Prayer

Lesson 8 – Zacchaeus


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Begin reciting the 3rd memory verse

Memory verse #3 – “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of Zacchaeus
  2. Activity – Make a clothespin puppet of Zacchaeus in the tree
  3. Review the story using felt characters on the felt board
  4. Begin reciting the 3rd memory verse
  5. Sing – “Zacchaeus was a wee little man”, “Books of NT” and other songs
  6. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards and felt board
  7. Prayer

Lesson 9 – Zacchaeus


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 3rd memory verse

Lesson Plan

  1. Review the story of Zacchaeus, emphasizing how Jesus was a friend to Zacchaeus
  2. Activity – Make a Jesus is my Friend necklace
  3. Review the story using felt characters on the felt board
  4. Recite the 3rd memory verse
  5. Sing – “Zacchaeus was a wee little man”, “Books of NT” and other songs
  6. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards and felt board
  7. Prayer

Lesson 10 – The Triumphal Entry


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
  2. Activity – Make a Triumphal Entry story booklet
  3. Review the story using ABeka cards
  4. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  5. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards and felt board
  6. Prayer

Lesson 11 – The Triumphal Entry


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story

Lesson Plan

  1. Review the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
  2. Activity – Make a Hosanna pop-up
  3. Review the story using ABeka cards
  4. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  5. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards and felt board
  6. Prayer

Lesson 12 – The Last Supper


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Begin reciting the 4th memory verse

Memory verse #4 – “…do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of The Last Supper with Jesus and his Disciples
  2. Activity – Make the Last Supper craft
  3. Review the story using felt characters on the felt board
  4. Begin reciting the 4th memory verse
  5. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  6. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards and felt board
  7. Prayer

Lesson 13 – Jesus Prays in the Garden


  • By the end of the class, students will be able to recall the facts of the story
  • Recite the 4th memory verse
  • Begin reciting the 5th memory verse

Memory verse #5 – …and Jesus said to His disciples, “Sit here until I have prayed.” Mark 14:32

Lesson Plan

  1. Read and tell the story of Jesus praying in the Garden
  2. Activity – Make a prayer wheel (I pray when…)
  3. Review the story using ABeka cards
  4. Recite the 4th memory verse
  5. Begin reciting the 5th memory verse
  6. Sing - “Books of NT”, “I May Never March in the Infantry” and other songs
  7. As time permits, review the previous lessons using ABeka cards and felt board
  8. Prayer

Lesson 14 – Review

Lesson Plan

  1. Review the stories using both ABeka cards and the felt board
  2. Review the 5 memory verses
  3. Sing various songs
  4. Prayer