4th Grade Social Studies: Articles of Confederation and Constitutional Convention


1. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?

A. there was not a strong national government – the states had a lot of power and they couldn’t agree on anything

B.No leader controlled the government – somebody needs to be in charge!

C. Congress could not set up a national army without permission from the states – states were afraid that an army would boss them around, but we needed to be protected

D. Congress could not collect taxes – it takes money to run a government

E. Congress could make laws but could not make states to obey them – laws aren’t worth it if they are not enforced

F. Each state had one vote – this was not fair to the people because some states had many more people then other states

G. Congress could not make laws about trade – countries need laws to make sure that trade with other countries is fair

2. What was the Constitutional Convention?

A. Included representatives from the 13 states. Only Rhode Island didn’t attend.

  • James Madison
  • Kept notes – considered the Father of the Constitution
  • Great Compromise
  • George Washington – leader of the convention
  • Men who attended are considered our Founding Fathers

B.Met at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA.

C. Met for four months in 1787

D. Issues Debated

  • States Rights
  • Fair representation
  • Slavery

E. The Virginia Plan

  • New National Government
  • 3 separate branches of government
  • Legislative
  • Executive
  • Judicial

F. New Jersey Plan

  • Legislature has one house
  • Each state gets one vote

G. The Greate Compromise

  • James Madison came up with the solution
  • Congress would split into two houses
  • House of Representatives – number of representatives based on population of the state
  • Senate – each state has 2 representatives

H. Slavery

  • Southern States wanted slaves to be counted as part of the population
  • Three-fifths compromise
  • 3/5 of the slaves population would be counted
  • This argument nearly broke up the convention

I. Constitution signed

  • September 17, 1787
  • 39 delegates signed the Constitution
  • It was signed in secret