is an organization dedicated to improving instrumental music in Michigan. This professional association incorporates over 1600 instrumental music teachers in Michigan Schools. Founded on a single-district basis in 1934, it has grown to a 16 regional-district association in both peninsulas, serving over 1200 public, parochial and private schools. Our mission is to provide each student intellectual and creative experiences expressed through emotional and artistic communication.


The Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior who is a member of an MSBOA member high school. This scholarship is in the amount of $1,000.00 and will be awarded at the conclusion of the recipient’s senior year.


Applicants for the scholarship must meet the following conditions:

1. Be or will be a graduate of a high school that is a member of MSBOA District Six.

2. Is a member of band or orchestra in that high school.

3. Will attend a College or University and major in music or a music related course of study.


The general criteria for awarding the scholarship include: academic and musical advancement, financial needs, extra-curricular and music related activities.

Scholarship determination will be made strictly on the merit of the applicant’s performance against the above criteria. The selection and award of scholarships is a nondiscriminatory process.

MSBOA District Six scholarships will be awarded by a committee of MSBOA members.


Eligible students seeking the scholarship shall complete a written application form provided. Finalists will be interviewed and should be prepared to audition. (No accompaniment necessary.)


To be awarded to a high school senior who is a member of a MSBOA District Six high school. The applicant must indicate that he/she is planning to enter a college or university and major in music or a music related course of study. This scholarship is in the amount of $1,000.00 and will be awarded at the conclusion of the recipient’s senior year.



Last Name First Name Middle Initial Year of Graduation


SexBirth DateHome Phone #


Street Address City Zip


Band or Orchestra Director High School Band or Orchestra


Private Teacher # of Years of Private Study

Have you filed an application?

Choice of College of University YESNO

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

High School Grade Point Average (GPA) at Present Time ______

Planned Major ______

Planned Minor ______

Instrument(s) you can play (include years of private instruction)

Principal instrument: ______

Secondary instrument: ______

Solo and Ensemble Experience

YearMusic Performed Rating (or proficiency score)





High School extra-curricular activities: ______


Non-school activities or hobbies: ______



List any offices or leadership positions held: ______



Work Experience:

EmployerType of work



Please include the following:

  1. Submit a separate page to be written by candidate (1/2-1 page typed). Please

Explain briefly what music means to you and why you would be a worthy recipient of an MSBOA District Six Scholarship.

  1. Please attach a resume or list of musical activities, awards or honors.
  2. Letter of recommendation to be written by Band or Orchestra Director:

Please write a brief recommendation fro your student. Duplicate this form as needed. All applications must be received by March 1 to be considered by the scholarship committee. Please FAX or mail completed forms to:

Cindy Huff

Lakeshore Middle School

1459 W. John Beers Rd.

Stevensville, MI 49127

Phone (269) 28-1408 x 3050 Fax (269) 428-1571