Ms. Turner

The NEW ENGLAND Settlement

I.  Separatists vs. Puritans – explain the difference between each & the similarities

-  Puritans – wanted to totally reform (purify the Church). Grew impatient with the slow process of the Protestant Reformation back in England

-  Separatists wanted to break completely away from the Church of England.

n  who funded these religious dissenters and what did the eventually become & why?

-  Virginia Company on the Mayflower.

-  Plymouth Bay way outside of the domain of the Virginia Company. Became squatters without legal right to land and specific authority to establish a government.

-  what type of government was set up by the Mayflower Compact? Limitations on this government?

Majority rule.

Limitations – not a constitution but an agreement to form a crude government and submit to majority rule.

-  what is the “ Covenant of Grace” Theology? – meaning beliefs

Between Puritan Communties and God.

-  Describe early life in Plymouth – (leadership?)

o  44 out of 102 survived.

o  Merged with MA Colony

II.  Massachusetts Bay Colony

-  reasons for beginning of colony – who funded and type of leadership

o  Non-Separatists got a royal charter to form the MA Bay Co. à wanted to escape attacks by conservatives in the Church of England. Wanted to escape the impurities of the Church.

o  John Wintrop – 1st governor of MA

III.  Characteristics of New England Settlements –

  1. Low mortality
  2. Many extended families
  3. Average 6 children per family
  4. Average age of marriage
  5. Women 22
  6. Men 27

IV.  Who were the “PURITAN REBELS” – explain the beliefs of each – and fate of each

Roger Williams à argued full break with Anglican Church. Denied authority of Civil government to regulate religious behavior. In 1635 à found guilty of preacing new and dangerous opinions he was exiled. Created RI

Anne Hutchinson à went against the church. Believed that the truly saved didn’t need to obey the law of either God or man. Ended up in RI and later NY

V.  Other New England Colonies – by 1650

RI à universal manhood suffrage à later restricted by a property qualification. Opposed to special privilege of any kind

VI.  Discuss the Treatment of Native Americans by the New England Colonies?

Indians were especially weak in New England à epidemics wiped out ¾ of the native population.

Wampanoags befriended settlers – Squanto – 1st Thanksgiving.

1621 Chief Massasoit signed treaty with settlers.

Pequot Wars à Whites attack Pequot village set fire to homes and virtually annihilated the tribe.

King Phillips War à Indians staged an attack on white settlements. Frontier settlements forced to retreat to Boston. Indians lost