Sifu Matt Numrich, M.A., Elite Defense Systems

Fitness Program

Elite Defense Systems
Fitness Program
for Martial Arts
A Guide to a Total Body Workout
by Sifu Matt Numrich, M.A.


I get so many questions about what kind of workouts to do outside of our martial arts schools. Therefore, I wanted to give you something which not only will help you develop your muscles, but several other physical components, such as: balance, core strength, coordination and cardio health.

This workout program is great for our adult students, as well as our youth students ages 10 and up. Parents of our youth students and family members of any of our students will also love it! Don't forget to read and watch the "Conclusion" at the bottom, which helps describe possible workout structures, to meet your needs.

As you’ll see, this manual is set up, consisting of written text descriptions of the exercises, video links to the individual exercises and screen shots of the exercises. I wanted to make sure I gave you enough opportunities to really understand each of them.

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These are a great place to post questions and get feedback from me, my staff and our students if you have additional questions.

Sifu Matt Numrich

Table of Contents

Workout Introduction 4

Warning 4

Workout A 5

Heavy dumbbell front squat to press 5

One-arm, one-leg dumbbell row 6

Walking lunges with sprinters knee raise 7

Wide grip push-ups 8

Two-arm kettlebell swings 9

Workout B 10

One-leg Romanian deadlifts 10

Negative chin ups 11

Hamstring curls on a swiss ball 12

Plank for abs 13

Reverse hyperextensions 14

Conclusion: Workout Schedule 15

Workout Introduction

In the following video series, I will teach you some of the basic workout exercises to do in between attending martial arts school classes. These workout exercises will help those active in the martial arts build strength, condition their cardiovascular system, attain balance and flexibility. Even if you are not into martial arts, these videos will also help you lose weight or attain whatever fitness goals you have.

You are encouraged to review the exercises first, and then read and review the Conclusion portion to make the right workout program for you and your needs. It will be said more than once, take it slow.


Prior to the start of any workout routine, you would need to seek the advice of a medical practitioner. If he or she gives the go signal, then go slow and work up in weight. The following series of videos will be beneficial to all muscle groups as they will help develop key attributes that you will need in self protection including strength, balance, coordination and power. So take it slow and keep yourself safe from injuries.

Workout A

Heavy dumbbell front squat to press:

The first exercise involves the use of dumbbells. You may use whatever weight you’re comfortable with. When doing this workout routine, you are enhancing the muscles on your thigh, shoulders and triceps. There are two separate movements involved; squat and press. Hold the dumbbells above your shoulders as the starting position, then squat. Make sure that you squat as low as you can and with your thighs paralleled to the ground. Then go back to your starting position first before pressing your dumbbells up. Do not use the momentum of going back to the original position in order to press your weights up. Repeat these steps for about 10 to 12 times. Muscles groups mainly worked: Shoulders, chest and triceps.

To view this exercise video, go to:

One Arm, One Leg Dumbbell Row:

This training exercise is intended to help you build strength and balance. The start-up position is to have one arm fully extended while holding on to something and with the opposite leg extended in mid-air. So for instance, if you will have you right arm holding on to a bar have your left leg extended; and vice versa. Using your other free arm, pick up your weight and pull it up. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. (Note: Even though it may look like it in the pictures, one leg is not resting on anything.) Muscles groups mainly worked: Back and biceps.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Walking Lunges with Sprinters Leg:

In this next video, Stephanie shows you what is called the walking lunges with sprinters leg and knee raised. To do this exercise, carry a weighted bar on your shoulders and hold it with both your hands to keep them in place. Then do a conventional walking lunge exercise but with the knee completely raised before stretching out your leg. This exercise works the hamstring and all the other muscles in your legs. Work up to about 20 repetitions. Muscles groups mainly worked: Legs.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Wide Grip Push Ups:

I will show you four ways to do a standard push up in this next video. The first is the basic form wherein you will have your body on the ground with a wide structure. With your arms working, strive to have your chin to the floor every time you go down. The second means is to have your arms resting on a bench, or any raised surface with your legs extended on the floor. Third is to the opposite position of the second. Instead of having your arms on the raised surface, place your legs there instead and do the pushups. The last position is to go back to the basic but with an added plate on your back for increased strength. (Note: Only the shown in the below pictures is the first “flat” form.) Muscles groups mainly worked: Chest, shoulders and triceps.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Two Arm Kettlebell Swings:

In this exercise, Stephanie will show you how to do a double armed kettlebell swing. It’s basically the act of swinging a kettlebell from between your legs to a raised position. You drop rear end all the way down, and then swing up until your arms are at the same level as your shoulders. Don’t forget to use both your arms as a kettlebell is heavy. This is a challenging exercise so shoot for about 20-25 reps. Muscles groups mainly worked: Legs, lower back, shoulders and abs.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Workout B

One Leg Romanian Deadlifts:

In this video, you will be taught how to do the one leg Romanian deadlifts. You basically have to raise one leg at a time in order to create a parallel plane with floor; and as you do that, you drop your upper torso to support your straight arms that are holding the weights. Your back should be straight all throughout this workout exercise. Do this exercise for 20-24 repetitions (10-12 with each leg). Muscles groups mainly worked: Legs and lower back.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Negative Chin Ups:

In this video, I will show you how to do the negative chin ups. Be aware, however, that if you have a fully body strength then you can go ahead and do a full chin up. Start from a raised position where your chin is above the bar (you may need a bench or box to help you get up on the bar). Next, using a wide grip, stretch your arms dropping for 4 full seconds before pulling yourself back up. Target 10-12 repetitions. For a full chin up: raise your body up with the chin completely above the bar and then extend your arms downwards. Repeat the process without letting your feet touch the floor. Muscles groups mainly worked: Back and biceps.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Hamstring Curls Using a Swiss Ball:

In this video, I will show you how to do a one-legged and two-legged hamstring curls using a swiss ball. This exercise targets balance, coordination and strength in the back of your legs. The initial position involves raising your rear and alternatively having one leg up while using the other leg to push and pull the swiss ball. Shoot for 10-12 repetitions. But if you find the one-legged too difficult, you can start with both your legs pulling and pushing on the swiss ball. Muscles groups mainly worked: Legs.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Plank for Abs:

In this video, Stephanie and I will show you an exercise for your abs. Start in the middle position by getting on your elbows, with your toes pointed downwards and creating a straight line with the rest of your body. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then switch to a side position with one elbow supporting the rest of the body. Remember that the upper half of the body shouldn’t touch the floor. Switch to the other side and retain the position again for 30 seconds. Muscles groups mainly worked: Abs.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Reverse Hyperextensions:

I will show you the reverse hyper extensions in this video, a great exercise for the lower back strength. To do this exercise, you will need a flat bench and a swiss ball. Balance yourself over the swiss ball that is on top of the bench, and hold the flat bench to keep you and the ball in place. Then holding this position, raise your legs up until they are almost parallel with the rest of your body before putting them down. Go for 10-12 repetitions first then increase to 20-24 reps if you need the challenge. Muscles groups mainly worked: Lower back and legs.

To view this exercise video, go to:

Conclusion Workout Schedule:

This is how I would suggest you schedule workouts A and B. On Day 1, go through all the exercises in workout A and then on Day 2, complete workout B. For example:

Monday: A

Tuesday: B

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: A

Friday: B

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Off

Thereafter, do all workouts A and B within a day. Then get a day off from working out. And afterwards, do all workouts A and B again. For example:

Monday: A/B

Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: A/B

Thursday: Off

Friday: A/B

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Off

Take note that as you get better with these exercises, you can increase your weight. You can also challenge yourself by decreasing the amount of rest in between every exercise, or you can cycle through the workouts a second (as shown above) or a third time. Another option is to do multiple sets with every exercise in each workout.

To view this video, go to: