Leadership Team Development/Growth Ideas

1. Plan a leadership retreat even if only for a day.

2. Have a leadership recognition dinner.

3. Subscribe The Singles Network Ministries ENEWS, Crosswalk.com, SingleMatters.com

4. Encourage reading of leadership materials

5. Provide copies of articles or forward emails of leadership articles.

6. Provide fellowship opportunities specific to leaders.

7. Meet with your leaders for lunch or coffee, at their workplace, etc.

8. Provide dinner at your home for your leaders.

9. Assign every leader a prayer and accountability partner.

10. Involve married and singles from outside your ministry to help teach, direct, provide dinners, training, etc. and then reverse it.

11. Pray for and with your leaders, leading by example. Also, remember praises.

12. Encourage your leaders to duplicate themselves; work themself out of a job.

13. Conduct a quarterly information survey of leadership/singles needs.

14. Publish and affirm leadership achievements in church publications/website.

15. Encourage weekly testimonials.

16. Provide an accomplishment/concerns at regular leadership meetings; keep track of them both.

17.Have regular leadership meetings with goals to be accomplished weekly/month or quarterly.

18. Encourage leadership to set short term goals so they are achievable. Celebrate when you reach them.

19. Develop a mission statement; check back to see if you are achieving it

20. Take your leaders to other churches to see how other ministries are doing; take time to get to know them, even doing some events/training together

21. Take your team to a national or regional training event

22. Write notes/email/text to your leaders to encourage them.

23. Invite the pastor to say a word of appreciation about the single adult ministry from the pulpit and/or church publications/website.

24. Bring in a consultant/teacher/trainerto help you in areas where you are not growing, having difficulty or transition periods.

25. Put pictures of leadership on the bulletin boards/website/facebook so that the singles and church know who they are; include phone numbers/email.

26. Have a single Sunday.

27. Sponsor a single adult leader award.

28. Create awareness in your church of your singles ministry by constant communication of what you are doing well vs. what is wrong.

29. Wear nametags so that the church knows who you are.

30. Serve in other areas of the church, especially areas of visibility.

31. Focus more on relationship growth, foundation of the word versus just social.

32. Have a plan for dealing with problems, issues, including people.

33. Take time to rest; even saying no to some things. Do less, but better.

34. Delegate, delegate, delegate and then trust.

35. Meet with your pastor(s) regularly to share what God is doing in your ministry; keep track of where your singles go.

36. Ask for help when you need help; be willing to admit your faults.

37. If it doesn’t work, try something else. Do not compare yourself to others or past ministries under other leaders/pastors.

38. Nip gossip, protect what God has given you, really care, build leaders and your ministry will grow by leaps and bounds as the Lord wills it.


For more information on how to start, grow and develop your single adult ministry, go to Ministries, or call Kris at 919.434.3611,