Minutes of the Meeting of the Islington Schools Forum, held at Laycock PDC, Laycock Street, Islington N1 1TH on Thursday 19 October 2017 at 2.00 pm.


Forum Members

Barrie O’Shea Chair, Headteacher, Duncombe Primary School

Rob Hull Chair, Holloway School

Penny Barratt Headteacher, The Bridge School

Tina Oliva Headteacher, St John Evangelist Primary School

Abi Misselbrook-Lovejoy Headteacher, Newington Green

Lisa Horton Headteacher, Hargrave Park Primary School

Gilles Shewell Head of Centre, Bemerton Children’s Centre

Jo Dibb Headteacher Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School

Maggie Elliott Governor, Montem School

Other Attendees

Tim Partington Head of Children’s Services, Finance Debbie Stevenson Schools Funding Manager

Stephen Worth Finance Consultant

Candy Holder Head of Pupil Services

Dipesh Panchal Clerk to the Forum

Item / Action
Apologies were received and consent was given to absence from Peter Murray, Gladys Berry, Andrew Boyes, Fiona Godfrey, Shirley Gaynor-Ward, Anita Grant, Tanya Watson and Cllr Jo Caluori.
The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2017 were yet to be circulated. Members noted that these minutes would be circulated in time for the next Schools Forum meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2017 were circulated ahead of this meeting and members duly noted them for information.
Copies of a report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
DS apologised for the lateness for sending the papers but this was due to DfE revising their guidance. DS added that a further additional £1.3bn increase to budgets over the next two years had been announced compared to 2015 spending review. DS explained that £416m in 18-19 and £884m in 19-20. This report provided the headline facts of both the schools and High Needs Block National Funding Formulas.
DS added that the NFF provided cash increases of at least 0.5% per pupil in 18-19 and 1.0% in 19-20, compared to 17-18 baselines. For new and growing schools they have calculated the 1% cash increase compared to the baseline funding they would have received in 2017-18 if they were full.
DS told members that beyond 2020-21 would be announced in the next spending review. The DfE expectation was that LAs would continue their local formula for these two ‘soft-formula’ years but DfE had implemented tighter controls of factors.
Rob Hull reported that LBI would need to be able to provide actual funding facts relating to schools funding.
DS reported that the new NFF sees the introduction of the minimum per pupil level factor. This ensured that each school attracts a minimum level of funding per child across the two years. The NFF states the minimum per pupil level funding would attract:
18-19 – at least, Primary = £3,300 and Secondary = £4,600
19=20 – Primary = £3,500 and Secondary = £4,800
Members noted that 90% of funding would be directed through the Pupil led factors.
DS asked members to refer to item 2.8 that showed the factor value comparisons after the ACA had been applied to the NFF factors.
Mobility – DS reported that there was no real movement on the mobility factors therefore it would still be worth lobbing for the mobility factor. The Chair addressed that this indicated that single form entry schools would be hit the hardest but still not clear.
SW reported on the High Needs Block (HNB) and referred members to Appendix A. The HNB would have a funding floor to give an uplift of 0.5% and this would be linked to changes in the LA population. As Islington’s population was estimated to rise the DfE would provide 1.5% for growth in addition to the 0.5% uplift. LAs facing a falling population would be guaranteed funding no lower than the 17-18 baseline figures.
If a LA wanted to move money from the Schools Block to the HNB it would need approval from the Schools Forum after consulting with all its schools and academies.
Two of the funding allocations would change in line with census data; the Basic Entitlement Factor and the Import/Export Factor. Members noted that Islington were an export authority rather than an import.
After discussions,
RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Schools’ Forum noted the paper and the funding implications for Islington.
4. / Update on Islington Consultation and Modelling of Budget Changes
Copies of a report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
DS reported that the school funding consultation had been delayed following the NFF announcement in September to provide time for Schools Forum to consider the implications on schools in the borough and decide on the best way forward.
Members noted that the thinking of Schools Forum up until now had been to delay implementation of a NFF to minimise the impact on schools that were set to lose funding. However now all schools are guaranteed a minimum cash increase of 0.5% per pupil on pupil led factors, by the DfE, it may be better to consult on the basis of moving as close as possible to the NFF in 2018/19 as all schools’ are set to receive at least the same level of funding compared to their 2017-18 funding, subject to significant data changes and/ or roll reductions.
DS reported that LBI intended to launch the consultation in the week of 23rd October that would run for a minimum of 2 weeks of term-time. DS added that modelling of the funding we would receive in the Schools Block based on current data at local authority level, against the funding we would pay out to schools using NFF formula factors in 2018-19 indicates that LBI would have some level headroom which could be re-directed through the funding formula.
RECOMMENDATION: Members agreed to the funding proposals as set out in the report to be used as the basis for the Islington Schools consultation. Members also agreed to include the mobility factor and a written summary of explanation would be circulated to all schools.
Members noted that the final Schools Block allocation would not be available until mid-December and would be based on the October 2017 pupil count multiplied by Primary and Secondary units of funding. DS said that once data was available she would be able to verify the amount of headroom available. If we do indeed have headroom we would have a number of options on how to use it.
DS explained that she would like to consult on the following with schools:
A: The principle of implementing a NFF as closely as possible in 2018-19
B: If we have headroom in the Schools Block to invite comments on whether we should increase one or more formula factors such as the lump sum and / or basic per pupil unit of funding or all proportionately increase all NFF factors.
DS and SW reported that LBI would also revisit the basis for appointing the delegated funding for BSF to BSF schools to maximise the amount attributable to the PFI schools to maximise the indexation received. An options paper would be brought to the Schools Forum meeting in November for further consideration.
DS explained that under the operational guidance for 2018-19 Schools Forum can agree to a one off transfer of up to 0.5% from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block. Members noted that during the DSG review a saving of £190k had been identified against the DSG contribution to BSF following the closure of Mount Carmel and the school’s withdrawal from BSF.
De-delegated Funding
Members noted that it may be a possibility to increase the level of de-delegation with trade unions however DS said that she would have to go out to consultation if that was the case. The Chair suggested that academies should be paying for the use of trade union costs.
After discussions,
RECOMMENDATIONS That members recommended that the following principles were agreed by the Forum to proceed in consulting with the schools:
a.  The principle of implementing a NFF as closely as possible in 2018-19
b.  In the event of having headroom within the Schools Block, pose the question on whether we should increase one or more formula factors such as the lump sum and / or basic per pupil unit of funding or all proportionately increase all NFF factors
c.  To include the mobility factor within the formula
d.  To move all PFI / BSF schools on to the PFI factor, subject to agreement with the ESFA
e.  To transfer the £190k relating to the DSG BSF contribution to Mount Carmel to the High Needs Block. This would be a one off decision for 18-19.
f.  To continue to retain £700k to support both growing schools and schools with falling rolls. / SW
5. / DSG Review
Copies of a report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
TP reported that the purpose of this report was to provide an update on the DSG budget gap; an update on progress made so far in identifying options to close the gap and provisional proposals to close the budget gap.
Members noted the information provided TP’s report and asked Q: How does Islington’s £500m work with other local authorities. A: All local authorities had been given £500m
Members noted that the capital funding had now been granted.
Members noted the schools and central school’s services block. No informed decisions had to take place but this was just for noting.
Item 5.4
TP reported that we could explore the better targeting of £1.05m of devolved funding for mainstream schools for tier 2 and 3 children with additional needs through the High Needs Sub Group and any proposals would come back to School Forum.
Item 5.6
TP explained that a review was being undertaken of the costs of provision of SEN transport which were shared between DSG and the Council’s core budget. This provision was currently over budget (being met from the Council’s core budget).
RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Schools Forum comment on the draft proposals for closing the DSG budget gap in 2018/19.
6. / SEND Strategy
Copies of a report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
CH reported that Capital money was available and members noted the progress on the development of the strategic plan. LBI had 40% increased requests for EHCP assessments. CH provided an update relating to the SEND support offer and noted that the offer breakdown was available.
7. / Exceptional Need – Primary Schools with specialist Early Years Provision
CH reported that Ambler and Prior Weston Schools offer 30% of their Children’s Centre for under-fives with severe and complex needs. This involved UFAG places at Ambler and six places at Golden Lane (Prior Weston) as part of the 36 place in total local offer for children with complex needs in the early years, resourced as ‘UFAG places’. Through the High Needs Block, and the remainder as Early Years Priority Referrals.
Members noted that the recommendation was to agree a one off payment and Penny suggested that a policy was needed so this would not occur again. Members noted that the plan had been discussed previously however the Forum were still waiting for those minutes to be completed.
a.  Agreed an exceptional need payment of £20,154 to Ambler school and £32,246 to Prior Weston school for 2017/18 to enable them the adequately meet the needs of those children with EHC plans currently in placed at the respective schools without this prejudicing the efficient education of others.
b.  Agreed that further discussion would take place with both schools in the context of the current strategic review and the possibility of establishing both schools as fixed bases.
8. / AOB
Date of next meeting
Members noted that there was an additional meeting scheduled for the 30 November 2017 at 2pm.
Schools Forum operational and good practice guide
DS reported that in time for the January Schools Forum meeting the vacant gaps would be reviewed and members would be filled. The Clerk agreed that he would ensure that the operational guide would be adhered to in time for the January meeting.
Waste collection
DS explained that an email was sent out about rubbish collection to about 40 schools in the authority

The meeting ended at 3.50pm.

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