CSIS 126–Word ProcessingMicrosoft Word 2007

Course Introductory Statement

Course Title:CSIS 126–Word Processing(2 units) Online Class

Instructor:__Janet Conrey______

Office Hours:______

Course Hours:35

Advisory:CSIS 122 (Computer Keyboarding) or keyboard knowledge. Experience in Windows is helpful.

DESCRIPTION: This introductory course for word processing is designed for business and non-business majors. Students will develop word processing skills to create documents, select/edit text, move/copy text, use the spelling, grammar and thesaurus features, format text, and create headers, footers and footnotes.

OBJECTIVES: The student will demonstrate ability to: (1) Use the basic features of the word processing software. (2) Manage an application in the Windows environment. (3) Create and format documents; select and edit text. (4) Use the speller, grammar and thesaurus functions of the program. (5) Complete a paper with a header, footer, and footnotes.

REQUIREMENTS: (1) Satisfactory completion of all graded and non-graded assignments. (2) Regular attendance.

TEXTBOOK: Microsoft Word 2007 – Marquee Series (Rutkosky/Seguin), ISBN 978-0-76382-960-5

MATERIALS: You must have access to a computer with an internet connection and that has MS Word 2007 installed. You must also save your documents either on your computer or on a USB.

EVALUATION BASED ON:Completion of graded and credit/no credit (cr/ncr) exercises that are designed to measure the student’s ability to meet the stated course objectives; participation in the online Forum; and online quizzes. The student’s score will be the total points received for graded exercises, Forum participation, and quizzes minus points deducted (if any) for incompletes and ncr.Final points achieved for each section of graded assignments, Forum participation, and quizzes, divided by total points assigned for each section equals student’s percentage grade. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.If the pass/no pass option is desired, the student must apply for it in Admissions before the third week of class.

100-94=A / 93-90=A- / 89-87=B+ / 86-84=B / 83-80=B- / 79-75=C+ / 74-70=C / 69-60=D / 59 or less=F

(Note: GavilanCollege does not recognize C-, D+, or D-)

Attendance: Since this is an online class, attendance will be monitored by the Forum participation and assignment submissions. After two weeks of no Forum participation or non-submitting of assignments, the instructor will have the option to drop a student without possibility of credit.

Student Record Sheet: Your instructor will keep track of the points/credit you receive on each assignment. When your assignments are returned to you, record your points/credit on your copy of the Record Sheet.

How to Turn in Assignments:Assignments will have a due date associated with them. They are due before the next class session begins. LATE WORK RECEIVES HALF CREDIT! Turn in all files from one assignment together. There will be a place on the Moodle assignment page that has a place for you to attach your assignment files to be uploaded to me for evaluation. REMEMBER that file names should not have any spaces in them so that they upload properly. Type a footer with your name and the document filename on each document. Submit file assignments in order.

Grading: To receive credit, each assignment must be saved. (1) Graded Exercises:Lab Assignments–graded exercises are assigned an indicated point value. Points will be deducted for errors. Scoring–perfect papers will receive full points. Deductions will be taken for the following errors: incorrect use of program features; keyboarding, spacing or punctuation errors; missing text; poor horizontal or vertical placement. Late work receives half credit (unless authorized in advance by the instructor). (2)Non-graded Exercises (cr/ncr): Non-graded exercises that are completed satisfactorily will receive a credit (cr). Non-graded exercises with major errors and/or excessive typographical errors will receive no credit (ncr), and one point will be deducted from the total points earned on the assignment for that week. Weekly Forum participation will receive full points or no points for the week. You must participate to receive your points.

College and Course Policy Information:

This college conforms to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. You are invited to report any special needs to your instructor.

We subscribe to the college policy on academic honesty found in the school catalog.