The Twenty Five Causes of Poverty

By Apostle Thurston Edison Hamby iii

As I was writing a word of The Lord, The Lord increased my understanding saying to me that “Disobedience is the First cause of poverty (Genesis 2:17 & 3:9-19).” Not long after I considered this powerful eye opening statement and grew curious and asked “My Lord, what is the Second cause of poverty”? And He said “Disaster (Luke 13:1-5).” The Lord continued giving me consecutive causes of poverty. The Third cause of poverty is Death (III John 2). When a wise and wealthy Father dies prematurely, though his family is rich they can become poor if they do not understand good stewardship. People must be alive spiritually in order to prosper perfectly for covetousness can become a cause of premature death. The Forth cause of poverty is Crisis. Crisis mostly takes men by surprise. The best remedy is to obey The Lord in all things by Living according to His Love and His Word with Trust. Doing these things allows the law of sowing and reaping to defend and prosper you. To those who follow God, even in a crisis, The Lord is the God of Recovery (Luke 7:11-17)! The Fifth cause of poverty is Judgement! When the Judgement of God falls upon men, the disobedient survivors like the citizens of Egypt, in Moses’ day were very poor and those who died lost everything including their soul which is the worst form of poverty saith The Lord (Exodus (Chapters 1-15). The Sixth cause of poverty is Division (Mark 11:20-26). When men are in strife with each other, even their desperate prayers are not heard by The Lord unless they repent and ask forgiveness. There are many who daily disqualify their prayers and many Pastors are in strife with My people who do not pay tithes saith the Lord and they must repent and walk in Love with all of My people. They become ineffective because of their strife against My blood and no man should allow Tithes and Offerings to become idol gods. The Seventh cause of poverty is Attack. Attack is multiplied strife and any attack whether verbal or physical will cause My people to inherit My Judgement against their lives. Let My people Live and be Holy and never unclean before Heaven (Matthew 15:1-20). The Eighth cause of poverty is Idolatry. Idolatry always causes poverty in every form there is. Idolatry makes men ignorant against knowledge and the Living way of Life itself. Idolatry is a spirit which creeps in through evil desire such as fear, pride and lust and seeks to replace The Lord in the hearts of mankind with a lower form of creation in order to seduce My Life out of My people. My people never need props in order to Live. Luxuries and riches are not Life and will never become Life. Life is My Love in action. Life is My Great Love towards all mankind. Idolatry always stops prosperity because the influence of idolatry causes men to worship what they desire or fear. The spirit of lust tempts man to worship a woman’s body. The spirit of poverty tempts men to seek security in money and prosperity and they are driven to cater to the rich. There are many in leadership of My people who cater to the rich or anyone they believe is rich. There are many in leadership of My people who cater to the rich and have respect of person (James Chapter 2 & Colossians Chapter 2). Be warned, idolatry will fail you . Repent and choose Life and walk honorably and faithfully with all men introducing them to My Love and I will receive you with open arms saith The Lord. Idolatry blocks the entrance to Heaven against those who willfully follow it. The Ninth cause of poverty is Oppression. Oppression is always motivated by a form of idolatry. Oppression seeks to prosper by the expense of others. Oppression is a deception which is motivated by greed. Oppression seems logical to those who love the way of the world. All Oppressors will become poor saith The Lord (Jeremiah 17:11 & Job Chapters 15 & 20). Prospering by stolen wages will cause the judgement of God to come and then the oppressors will suffer lack and be forgotten like the poor (James Chapter 5). The Tenth cause of poverty is Suppression (I Samuel 18:12-21). Many jealous hearted people exist and they hate to see others advance and prosper. Every one God ever made and will make has a Living right to prosper in Life for even Salvation was offered to all just as Life was given to all. Our God is consistent in His Great Love for humanity. Every Race is Greatly Loved by Heaven and Heaven rejoices heavily over each one who Trust Jesus Christ as Savior Lord and King. Suppression happens over racism, family jealousy and competition such as Cain who suppressed Abel his own brother. He hated to see his younger brother please God more than himself. His suppression against his brother Abel caused him to be a vagabond and wonder the Earth because the Earth would not grow what was planted by him and all who suppress others do it to their hurt saith The Lord. The Eleventh cause of poverty is Disease. When disease strikes a man, his body becomes weaker and he loses strength to work and support himself and those who need his support and over time, he may come to the point that he can’t work anymore. Disease must never be feared but conquered only. Let the mind of Christ be inside you. What man or woman of Faith did Jesus fail to heal? We must look to Jesus for our example for He is our Pattern, the Light of men. If we do anything less than what He did we are living far below our provision which is given by God to us (ST John 14:11-14). Stress is the leading cause of disease. Unforgiveness and sharp words of slander and bitterness generate disease. Disease can always be conquered by believers in Jesus Christ. Even if they lack knowledge of healing they can call for faithful God fearing Elders to pray for them and they will recover. An Elder is anyone who lives according to God’s Word with integrity and is skilled in applying it throughout his or her life. They are those whom God approves of. Allowed disease can become extremely expensive and those who doubt against My Faith will hinder healing saith The Lord (I Corinthians 11:18-34). The Twelfth cause of poverty is Deception. The enemy uses deception against humanity like a skilled craftsman uses his best and favorite tool. Satan increases deception against those who are deceived. Satan can deceive a hard working man to waste what he earns. Poverty will always follow deception. God’s word is an open standard but the lies of satan is masked with darkness. All of his promises and temptation is deception. If a strong man is lured into sin, he will become weak and satan knows this (Isaiah Chapter 44). The Thirteenth cause of poverty is Lack. Lack becomes an expectation to those who have no vision (Proverbs 29:18). Once a man expects lack, he doubts against every vision of Life. He depends upon others and will not Trust The Lord. People in this condition will easily fall into strife saith the Lord (Genesis 12:1-5 & Chapter 13 Key Verse 14). They will not go forward because they continually observe the obstacles to their goals. They do not attain prosperity because they can’t see when good comes along. The Fourteenth cause of poverty is Selfishness. When men become selfish they ignore the privilege of Life. Life always build up and celebrates others and by doing so Life grows stronger and better. Selfish people become sad from the inside saith the Lord and the more they rely on selfishness, the more depressed they become (Matthew 19:16-26). The Fifteenth cause of poverty is Slavery. Slave owners are greedy and selfish. They seek to work others for their gains. They seek ways to make their personal load light without regard to the heavy load they impose on others. Slavery is not Life and cannot branch out and thrive like Life. Slavery is deception and is a worldly way that cannot produce Life. Slavery exist in many forms saith The Lord (James 5:1-9). The Sixteenth cause of poverty is Hatred. Hatred opposes True Love. Love is the vertebrae of Life. No Love, No Life. When a man is aggressive without Love, his motivation is pride and selfishness. He reacts to fear and doubt. When a man is hateful, he rejoices to see a standard bearer fall. True success always rejoices to see mankind prosper and will do works of Love in order to induce prosperity. Hatred works hard to stop the prosperity of others and by doing wrong, wrong will come upon the hateful (Genesis 4:1-15 & I Samuel 30:1-20). The Seventeenth cause of poverty is Slander. When man who is created in the image of God speaks out negative words against the character of another he is cursing him or her. Jesus said: and when you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against any: that your Father also which is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive your trespasses. Slander is an attempted mockery against Life. Slander is evil but cannot overcome The Life of My Word. Whatever a man sow that will he reap saith The Lord. There be many who petition Heaven in vain. So, slander greatly causes poverty among My people and many do not recognize their failure by slander (III John 9-12). The Eighteenth cause of poverty is Foolishness. Foolishness attacks prosperity before money is earned and or after money is earned. Many people are foolish in their choices. The cycle of Life is to continually strengthen throughout Life. To be Fruitful then to Multiply then to Replenish then to subdue then to Take Dominion, accomplishing My will in the Earth. When people are foolish they waste time which they do have. I said Occupy until I come back. My people fail Heaven with foolishness. They do not make choices of Life. They do not seek out their interest and many who prosper waste their prosperity. And trusting in prosperity more than in God is foolish idolatry saith The Lord. Tell My people not to be foolish (Matthew 25:1-13 & Proverbs 18:9)! The Nineteenth cause of poverty is Sleep (Ecclesiastes 4:7-8 & 5:9-20). When sleep is out of balance, too much or too little, poverty will creep in. No man can work wisdom when his sleep is out of balance. Not enough sleep causes men to be weary and tired when they should be making choices in an alert and refreshed state of living. Too much sleep also makes My people weary and causes them to operate with a loss of motivation. Tell My people to actually do their interest while motivated by the Living Love of God and sleep appropriately. Tell them to take time to rest and Live their Lives refreshed. Wisdom is Life. Tell them to do all things by the guidance of My wisdom. My wisdom is throughout My Word saith The Lord. Those who Fear God are wise. Those who fear the world’s system are not wise. The Twentieth cause of poverty is Depression. Depression is multiplied sorrow. It causes men to abandon Life. Prosperity is always put on hold by those who allow depression. Depression must be stopped (Philippians 4:4-9 & I Samuel 30:1-20 & Proverbs 24:30-34) . Before it kills its victim. Depression is always against Spiritual prosperity and then natural prosperity. The Twenty-first cause of poverty is Greed. Greed seeks self gratification and causes men to fear loss. Greed causes men to err from Life and replaces prosperity with poverty. Greed turns prosperity into an idol god. The purpose of prosperity is to supply and edify mankind as a gift from The Lord. Prosperity is a Gift from God but it cannot be trusted in His place. The way to defeat Greed is to give wisely and learn the Joy of Giving (I John 2:17-19). The Twenty-second cause of poverty is Habits. The world is always influencing mankind to live on the outside of God’s Will. Mankind is still running away from the core of what Life is, The Love of God. We all learn habits some good some bad. Habits, good or bad is what we learned and accepted into our routine. A habit can be unrecognized. Bad habits and practices must be overcome. Renewing your mind with God’s Word will expose all habits, good or bad and give you power over them to master them in your Life. When bad habits are overcome and replaced with good habits, Life is made stronger in My people and prosperity becomes established (Ephesians 4:20-32). The Twenty-third cause of poverty is Poor Integrity (Psalms 15). When My people fail to Live a Life of integrity they grow weaker and cause offences. Living a Holy Life will establish Life and cause My people to advance in Life in every way. When My people do not keep their word, they offend and work against Life. Most people are too loose with their promises (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 & Proverbs 6:1-5). It is better not to promise than to promise and not follow through. The Twenty –forth cause of poverty is Weakness. If a man is too weak Spiritually to do the works of Life, he can forget prosperity. It won’t happen. Millions pray in Faith but deny their Faith by lack of works saith The Lord. Weakness is caused by lack of discipline, lack of order, lack of diligence, and attraction to the world. Tell My people to Love My ways of Life. Tell them to love My people. Tell them to be strong and forsake all weakness saith The Lord (James 2:14-26 & I Corinthians 15:57-58 & Revelations 3:1-6). The Twenty-fifth cause of poverty is Fear (Psalms 23:4 & Job 3: 25-26 & I John 4:16-21). Fear always runs from Life. Fear is a coward and hides from Truth and Love itself. Fear is afraid of Love. Fear wears a mask and attempts to hide. Fear is a driver and will cause the man of fear to cause his fears to come to pass in his life. Fear will tempt him to react to every fear until he creates it from the words he continually speaks out, to his inability to rest, to his unword like reactions, which causes poverty throughout his life. Poverty towards mankind is a satanic weapon of warfare saith The Lord God Almighty!

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