Unadopted Minutes for Wokefield Parish Council Quarterly Meeting

Monday 19th January 2015 held at

The Courtyard, James Farm, Grazeley Green commencing at 19.30hrs

A / Open Forum
No members of the public attended the meeting.
B / Present:
Cllr. Richard Thorne (RT)
Cllr. Chris Faulkner (CF)
Cllr. Debbie Fisher (DF)
Cllr. Vic Jerrom (VJ) – arrived 2002 hrs
Cllr. Jim Thompson (JT)
In attendance:
Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman (Clerk)
District Cllr. Geoff Mayes (GF)
District Cllr. Mollie Lock (ML)
Meeting opened at: 1933 hrs
1 / Apologies, Absences and Quorum
a)  Apologies for absence were received, and accepted, from:
b)  Absences:
c)  Quorum: The Clerk declared the Meeting to be quorate
2 / Declarations of Interest by Councillors
None declared
3 / Minutes of the quarterly Parish Council Meeting held on 20th October 2014
The Minutes of the Meeting on1st October 2014 were circulated by email and posted on the notice boards.
Proposed by: Cllr. D Fisher
Seconded by: Cllr. J Thompson
In Agreement: All
4 / Matters arising from the Minutes (and not covered in this agenda)
Item 4.2: Heavy goods traffic traffic in Goodboys Lane. Situation to be monitored and report to next Council meeting.
Item 5.1: Cllr D Fisher has reduced the report from WBC from 120pp to 7pp. She will email a report to the Clerk for transmission to councilors.
Item 6.2: Questionnaire on WBC communication with Parish Councils / DF
5 / District Councillors’ Reports since 1st October 2014
5.1  Cllr Mollie Lock – see Addendum A
5.2  Cllr Geoff Mayes – see Addendum B
6 / Financial Matters:
6.1  Bank reconciliation - all payments and receipts to 20th October 2014 are shown
6.2  Payments due:
6.2.1  Clerk’s invoice and expenses - approved
6.2.2  SLCC Non Consolidated one-off payment – on hold subject to councillors reviewing SLCC email which Clerk will distribute
6.2.3  Bank Reconciliation approved
6.2.4  CPRE payment £36.00 - approved
6.2.5  Currys/PCWorld memory sticks £19.98 - approved
6.2.6  Bank FD Online access form for Clerk to be signed - agreed / Clerk
7 / Budget Update and precept for 2015/16
Information was sent out by email on 13/1/15. After discussion the Precept was set at £2750 for 2015/16. Additionally a further £500 might be added in 2016/17, if a contested election occurs, to cover the additional cost of that work. Addendum C
8 / Parish Council Elections update
Information was sent out by email on 14/1/15 – WBC will send out Election material and instructions in due course to Clerk.
9 / Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
Emailed letter received from Fiona Walker of Berkshire Walkers dated 11/11/14. Berkshire Walkers are seeking to finalise and publish historic Rights of Way. DF to speak to Howard Parker was enthusiastic walker so DF to make contact. / DF
10 / Goodboys Lane signage
DF reported issues with problems with HGVs driving along the length of Goodboys Lane and signage needs to be reviewed as well as speed limit. DF to speak to WBC Highways and report to next Meeting. / DF
11 / Website Update
11.1  Alan Sumner has commented that the WPC website does not gives sufficient information on Planning Applications. DF to respond to AS that the website is a template and further information is available at WBC website on http://publicaccess.westberks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NEKHRNRD0EA00
11.2  Councillors discussed and agreed that we would place information on the notice boards and website for “local” events provided it is supplied in a suitable printed and laminated format only. Also WPC will not advertise “commercial” events.
12 / Wokefield Parish Council Community Action Plan - DF
Should WPC have a Community Emergency Plan i.e. to cover flooding, snow, felled trees etc? A plan should be in place and reviewed every year. This information should be published on the website – there is space on the LHS of the website front page for a list of contact details. DF to report to next Meeting. / DF
13 / Correspondence
13.1  Anesco response to donation request – no money available
13.2  BALC – do the Councillors wish to become more involved? – DF will contact.
13.3  District Parish Conference Tuesday 10th March 2015 @ 1800 hrs
13.4  Code of Conduct Training 17th June 2015 @ 1830 hrs
13.5  Parish Online free trial
13.6  BBOWT Internal Access Audit of Wokefield Common
13.7  C&D Grounds Maintenance Ltd
13.8  Wokingham District Council energy rate
13.9  Burghfield Village Agent
13.10  Email (18/12/14) from Geoff Mayes re Solar Farm, Goring Lane. – Matter raised by RT regarding lack of contract with AWE and road surface of James Ln.
13.11  Citizens Advice Bureau donation request
13.12  CCB Housing data email (19/1/15) – free of charge housing needs survey. JT to follow up. / Closed
14 / Planning Applications update (other than those listed in Geoff Mayes’ report)
14.1  14/02576/IOOD Wokingham Borough Cncl – Hogwood Fm, Finchampstead.
Hybrid Planning Application for 1500 new homes Approved
14.2  14/02740/FUL Civil Service Club, James Lane. Timber building for changing
room and clubhouse Pending
14.3  14/02791/MINMAJ Earthline Ltd, Moores Farm, Pingewood. Variation of
Conditions pertaining to timeline of development. Pending
14.4  14/03001/OUTMAJ Gladman Developments Ltd, Mans Hill, Burghfield
Common. APP/W0340/A/14/222634.
Appeal going before Inspectorate (17-20, 24 & 25 February)
14.5  14/03050/MDOPO Richard Thorne, James Farm, Grazeley. Modification to
obligations under approved application 147290 of 1997. Awaiting decision
14.6  14/03070/FUL Guy Drummond, compound rear of James Farm, Grazeley.
Change of use and siting 20 storage containers. Awaiting decision
14.7  14/03295/MINMAJ Caversham Project Mngmnt, Moores Farm, Pingewood.
Variation of timeline for gravel extraction. Awaiting decision
15 / Website update
This item is a duplication of item 11 therefore deleted
16 / Any Other Business
16.1  NAG Minutes – DF was unable to attend last meeting but will continue to be WPC Representative.
16.2  John Steele (AWE). Clerk to request a brief outline email of the scheme and Mr Steele was unable to attend this meeting.
16.3  Fly Tipping (VJ) within Parish boundaries. Any chance of CCTV cameras near The Old Bell, Goring Lane? Clerk to contact WBC. / Clerk
17 / Dates of planned Meetings for 2015/16
17.1  Tuesday 19th May 2015 @ 19.00 hrs (APA, AGM, Qtly Meetings)
Note: This is the first main Meeting of West Berkshire Council following the elections and it is not known who will be Wokefield’s District Councillors and there will be no representation from West Berkshire Council at this WPC Meeting.
17.2  Monday 20th July 2015 @ 19.30 hrs (Qtly Council Meeting)
17.3  Monday 19th October 2015 @ 19.30 hrs (Qtly Council Meeting)
17.4  Monday 18th January 2016 @ 19.30 hrs (Qtly Council Meeting)
17.5  Monday 19th May 2016 @ 19.00 hrs (APA, AGM & Qtly Meetings)
18 / Date of next Council Meeting
Tuesday 19th May 2015 @ 19.00 hrs (APA, AGM, Qtly Meetings)
Meeting Declared Closed
Time: 2209 hrs

Addendum A



There is to be a new round of Member Bids, the deadline for their submission is the 13th February. I have application forms and am happy to work with the parish to submit an application.


At the end of last week we were told that work on the bridge is expected to be completed by the end of March and the road to the Waste Site and the A4 would be reopened.


The administration has already cut £253k from services to vulnerable children and adolescents and are proposing to cut a further £168k. There is an online petition asking them to reconsider these additional cuts.


A new office was opened in Aldermaston on Monday by the company previously only located in Exeter. The company say that they will be able to respond more quickly to local residents should they be flooded in any way. They will be able to help salvage their belongings and most importantly start the drying out process thus enabling the residents to get back in their homes.


Previously six form students were not entitled use the free school bus from Mortimer to The Willink School. From this academic year the school leaving age was raised to 17 and next year it will be 18 so West Berkshire introduced a season ticket which costs £220 (£1.15 a day) and guarantees a seat on the on the school bus. In cases of hardship parents should contact the school for help to pay.


It was announced on Friday that a bridge would not be started until next year. Parishes have been requesting that a full barrier should be installed for the last ten years but this has been ignored by Network Rail. Geoff and I are due to attend a meeting with Network Rail on 23rd January and would like to have the Parish’s comments on this item.

Mollie Lock 16/1/15

Addendum B

District Councillor’s Report for 19th January 2015.

Molly and I wish all residents in the Ward a happy and prosperous New Year in 2015. We have continued to actively represent your interests at the Council Offices and throughout the Ward since the last PC meeting on 20th October 2014. Mollie will present her report separately and my report on infrastructural and planning matters follows.

DPD Consultation

I am expecting an update on the review the DPD responses at a meeting scheduled for 30th January. The c4500 responses and over 8,000 comments are now being analysed by the Planning Officers and will be reported to the Planning Policy Task Group. The Task Group meets in private without the Press or Public having access to the Minutes following the decision made at the full Special District Council meeting on Thursday 30th October 2014. The Lib Dem motion to review the DPD responses in public was rejected by the Conservative administration.

The Gypsy Traveller and Travelling Show people site selection review will also be delayed. Beech Hill PC are asking for a review of all such sites in the area including those Out of District.


Addendum B (continued)

The following planning applications are understood to have been determined or under review to 19th January 2015 :-

Application 15/00086/COMIND is for a Section 73 amendment to 13/03187/ COMIND the Solar farm north of Goring Lane. The change will mean that the new entrance in Palmer Lane could remain usable for agricultural access in 25 years when the solar panel works are removed. There has been no application to revise the destination of the electrical power from the Array.

Application 15/00095/COMIND, covers the flood alleviation works on Burghfield Brook near the AWE. This extends from James Lane to the North East through the AWE land east to the outfall. The Officers will check the extent of the Flood Storage Area in the application and the effects on Wokefield .

Application 14/01034/FUL. This site is on agricultural land in Burghfield Parish, west of James Farm, James Lane for GFEG 20 MW gas fired peak time electricity generation plant. The application was deferred by the WBC Eastern Area Planning Committee and has not yet been resubmitted.

Application 14/01966/PACOM for Chandlers farm Goring Lane was Refused and went to Appeal. The Inspectors Report is expected by late February 2015.

For Application 14/01611/HOUSE at West View, Mortimer Lane single storey rear extension was Approved in September 2014.

Application 14/02549/House at Wokefield Lodge for demolition of the conservatory and a two storey rear extension was Approved.

Application 14/03072/ FUL for Container Storage to the west of James Lane and Application 14/03072/ FUL for a change of use from B1 to Sui Generis at James Farm are both being considered by Officers.

Application 14/03048/House for fencing at 54 Reading Road was Approved by Officers.

District / Parish Conference

The Next Conference will be on 10th March at 6pm in the Council Chamber at the District Offices in Market Street Newbury .

Flooding and Emergency Planning

A Flood Wardens meeting took place on 10th December in the WBC Council Chamber. I could not attend due a planning meeting at the same time in Calcot but have had no feed back regarding Wokefield Parish.

Addendum B (continued)

On Thursday 15th January 2015, I reviewed the historical flooding events in Mortimer since Year 2000, with WBC officers preparing the Terms of Reference of the “Monktons Brook Catchment Area Study.” This

catchment drains surface water from lands from the Fairground / Mortimer Hill development eastwards to Mortimer Lane, Foudry House and down The Street to the Foudry Brook at Tun Bridge. The study is funded partly by the Environment Agency and follows the flooding and damage experienced in July 2007.

I am still in contact with Thames Water regarding their Foul Sewer rehabilitation plans for Mortimer and solutions for the pollution problem in the lower Street/Mortimer Lane junction area to the Treatment Works in Grazeley Road. Progress is slow but only marginally affects Wokefield residents.

Elsewhere in the Ward, Thames Water are citing Network Rail for delays to the CCTV inspection of the foul sewer system along the railway tracks.

The One Way System Rectory Road and Silver Lane Padworth

The One way system is still in place while the Padworth railway bridge is being raised by Network Rail. There have been minor changes in the signage to increase the awareness of drivers unfamiliar one way system in the area. Near misses have been reported to the Police and WBC involving cars and commercial vehicles.

Ufton Nervet Level Crossing

We have a meeting planned with Network Rail for the 23rd January 2015. I will report back as soon as possible on the Network Rail Bridge solution (c£3-9 million) versus the Level Crossing / CCTV upgrade preferred by the local Parish Councils.

Closure of The Canal Bridge A340 Padworth/Aldermaston

The lift bridge will be closed to road users over the weekends of 17/18th and 24/25th January 2015, for the service of the Lift Bridge mechanism. The 6 monthly service has been brought forward to coincide with adjacent lock repair works and prior to the summer boating season on the Kennet and Avon Canal