Paris 2008-2009

Accommodations and Justifications

·  Justify your accommodations with at least one peer reviewed/published resource and a thoughtful discussion of your choice of accommodation (no more than one page).

·  Accommodations, where possible, should allow for increased opportunities for age-appropriate social interaction between peers, communication, and insure safety of the child.

·  Accommodations should also be the “least intrusive” methods possible

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Paris 2008-2009

Curriculum Accommodation/Modification Matrix

Adapted from Heather Young, Ph.D., and Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education

For Each student Accommodated: Put student’s initials beside the accommodation.

Remember that all adults in the room are responsible for each student’s success!

·  Opportunity to learn: List the opportunities to learn that might need to be accommodated.

·  Prerequisite skills and skills needed to show mastery: List skills needed to complete the activity that must be taken into consideration (e.g., for cutting out flowers, students must be able to hold scissors and remember not to point them away from people)

·  Social, Emotional, Communication, and Safety Considerations: What are some ways that the child’s social and emotional development can be worked on in the context of the activity (e.g., a student who is blind might be more likely to sit out of a cooperative activity because s/he might not know who is talking to him or her)

·  Accommodations and modifications: How will you adapt the activity or materials, augment, or alter the activity so that children can participate and meet the goals of the activity (that is, assessed on the same rubric as his/her peers wherever possible).

Justify your choice of accommodation/modification using at least one peer-reviewed reference, your personal observations, and information provided by your co-op and/or the child’s family.

o  Accommodations should be the least intrusive possible, and should involve peers as much as possible

·  IEP goal addressed: List the IEP goal addressed

·  List who is responsible for insuring that the accommodations/modifications are implemented

Opportunity to learn / Prerequisite skills and skills needed to show mastery / Social, Emotional, Communication, and Safety Considerations / Accommodations or modifications for Each Student / IEP Goal Addressed / Who is responsible?

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